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01  avril     18h46
What is Javascript?
admin    JavaScript is a high level, interpreted programming language that is widely used in web development. It was created by Brendan Eich at Netscape in and has since become one of the most popular programming languages in the world. What is JavaScript used in conjunction with JavaScript is often...
What is Jupyter notebook?
admin    Jupyter Notebook is an open source web based interactive computing environment that allows users to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations, and narrative text. What languages does it support It supports many programming languages, including Python, R, and...
31  mars     21h01
What is Assembly Language?
admin    Assembly language is a low level programming language that is used to write programs for specific computer hardware, such as microcontrollers or embedded systems. It is considered a low level language because it is more closely related to the computer’s hardware architecture than higher level...
What is an Algorithm?
admin    An algorithm is a set of instructions or rules designed to solve a specific problem or complete a specific task. It is a step by step procedure for performing a calculation, data processing, or automated reasoning. Algorithms can be implemented in a variety of forms, including as computer programs,...
What is Visual Studio Code?
admin    Visual Studio Code VS Code is a free and open source code editor developed by Microsoft. What Operating systems is it available for It is available for Windows, Linux, and macOS. What features does it offer VS Code offers a range of features including syntax highlighting, code completion,...
30  mars     22h25
What are anonymous functions in Julia?
admin    In Julia, anonymous functions are functions that are defined without being assigned a name. They are sometimes also called lambda functions or function literals. An anonymous function is created using the syntax args expr, where args is a comma separated list of arguments and expr is the...
28  mars     22h20
What does the ... operator do in Julia?
admin    In Julia, the ... operator, also known as the splat or ellipsis operator, is used to unpack the contents of a collection or tuple. Here are a few common use cases: In the example below, we create our Tuple and then call it in the function which then prints it out. . Function definitions: The.....
25  mars     13h22
What are bitwise operators in Julia?
admin    In Julia, bitwise operators are used to manipulate the binary representation of integers. They operate on the individual bits of a number and perform logical operations such as AND, OR, XOR, and NOT. What is bitwise Bitwise refers to the manipulation of binary digits bits at the level of...
18  mars     22h30
What are Local and Global Variables in Python?
admin    In Python, a variable’s scope determines where the variable can be accessed from within a program. The two main scopes for variables are local and global. What are Local Variables Local variables are defined within a function and can only be accessed within that function. They are not accessible...
What is Julia used for?
admin    Julia is a high level, high performance programming language that is designed for numerical and scientific computing, data analysis, and machine learning. Julia is used for a wide range of tasks, including: Scientific computing Julia is particularly well suited for scientific computing tasks,...
16  mars     23h49
What are the built-in exceptions in Julia?
admin    As of the time of writing this blog list, below are a list of built in exception handling errors. Julia has a number of built in exception types that are used to indicate errors and handle exceptional conditions during program execution. Some of the most common built in exception types in Julia...
How can packages be managed in Julia?
admin    The packages in Julia can be managed using a built in package manager called Pkg. The Pkg package provides a set of commands that allow users to install, update, and remove packages, as well as manage their dependencies. How to use the Pkg package manager To use the Pkg package manager, you simply...
Why choose Julia over other programming languages?
admin    There are several features that make it a better choice over other programming languages, especially for scientific and technical computing. Performance Julia is designed to be a high performance language, with a speed that is comparable to that of C or Fortran. Its just in time JIT compilation...
What is The Julia Programming Language
admin    Julia is a high level, high performance programming language designed for numerical and scientific computing, data science, and machine learning. Why was it developed It was developed with the goal of providing a fast, dynamic, and easy to use language for high performance computing, while also...
27  février     21h18
What is Data Integrity?
admin    Data integrity refers to the accuracy and consistency of data stored in a database or other data storage system. It ensures that the data in the system is reliable, accurate, and consistent over time. How is data integrity maintained Data integrity is maintained by enforcing data validation rules,...
Explain different types of data Normalization.
admin    Normalization is a process of organizing data in a database to reduce data redundancy and ensure data integrity. There are several types of normalization, each with its own set of rules for eliminating data redundancy and improving data integrity. The most commonly used normalization levels are...
What is the difference between DROP and TRUNCATE in SQL?
admin    DROP and TRUNCATE are two SQL commands that can be used to remove data from a table, but they work in different ways: How to drop a table from a database It is important to remember that if you have the same name spread over a few databases, you should reference the correct databases, to... Read...
23  février     20h31
What is Denormalization of data in a database?
admin    Denormalization is the process of adding redundant data to a database to improve query performance. It involves intentionally violating the normal forms of database design in order to simplify or speed up queries by reducing the number of joins or eliminating the need for certain indexes. The...
What is Query Optimization in SQL?
admin    Query optimization in SQL refers to the process of improving the performance of SQL queries by selecting the most efficient execution plan for the query. When a SQL query is executed, the database management system DBMS must determine the best way to retrieve the requested data from the database....
What is a Clustered Index in SQL?
admin    In SQL, a clustered index is a type of index that determines the physical order of the data in a table. It organizes the table data based on the values in one or more columns, and stores the data in the table accordingly. When a clustered index is created on a table, the rows of... Read More What...
What is a Unique key in SQL?
admin    In SQL, a unique key is a constraint that ensures that the values in a column or set of columns are unique across all rows in a table and that the values cannot be null. A unique key is similar to a primary key, but it differs in that it does not necessarily need to... Read More What is a Unique...
What Are Constraints in SQL?
admin    In SQL, constraints are rules that are enforced on a table’s data to maintain the integrity and accuracy of the data. Constraints can be applied to one or more columns in a table, and they can be added or removed as needed. Here are some of the most common types of constraints in SQL: Constraints.....
What is the difference between CHAR and VARCHAR2 in SQL?
admin    In SQL, both CHAR and VARCHAR are character data types, but they have some differences in terms of their storage and usage. CHAR: VARCHAR : Here’s an example to illustrate the difference: In the char test table, the name and address columns are both defined as CHAR, with fixed lengths of and ...
What is the difference between SQL and MySQL?
admin    SQL Structured Query Language and MySQL are related but distinct concepts. SQL is a programming language that is used to manage relational databases, while MySQL is a specific relational database management system RDBMS that uses SQL as its query language. Here are some key differences between...
How many python functions are there?
admin    The exact number of Python functions is not fixed as it can change with new versions of Python and the addition of new modules and packages. Python is an open source language with a large standard library and an active community of developers who are constantly adding new features and functions....
What is a CTE in SQL?
admin    CTE stands for Common Table Expression, and it is a temporary named result set that you can reference within a SQL statement. A CTE is defined within a query and is available only for the duration of that query. It allows you to create a named temporary table that you can reference multiple times...
19  février     16h21
What are Lambda functions in Python?
admin    Lambda functions are anonymous functions that take any amount of arguments as their input, but can only have one expression. Let’s look at the function further Lambda functions are anonymous and are usually classified as user defined functions but without a name. One thing that makes Lambda...
18  février     17h17
TypeError: expected str, bytes or os.PathLike object, not DataFrame
admin    If you are working with files and trying to open them to read in their contents, sometimes errors will pop in that may not immediately be obvious how to resolve. In this blog post, we discuss a TypeError that is associated with opening a file in Python and reading in its contents. So how may......
TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting
admin    In our latest post, we are going to discuss formatting issues that you may come across. It relates to how you format the data when passing it from the input of a user. This scenario can happen as a result of user input, which then has some comparisons completed on it. How does the problem... Read...
15  février     17h33
How to use zip() function in Python
admin    Sometimes you need a function that will help you to aggregate or combine severable iterables in one go. When we read the official Python documentation it states that using zip Iterates over several iterables in parallel, producing tuples with an item from each one. So what does that actually...
12  février     14h05
How to pass by reference or pass by value in Python
admin    To start off passing by reference basically means that you are telling the program you have written to pass a variable to a function. When passing arguments to a function, it is important to understand the meanings first. As a result, when you pass by reference to a function, the variable data gets...
What is Apache Spark and what is it used for?
admin    You have been probably looking at large sets of data for a while, and projects to extract insights from them. If you are given a set of data that is so large you may need something more This is where Apache Spark comes in So what does Apache Spark do It performs the following functions:... Read...
03  janvier     22h13
How Would You Change The Name Of a Key in a Python Dictionary
admin    In our last example of working with dictionaries, we showed you How To Delete a Set of Keys From a Python Dictionary. This is a very useful scenario if you want to tidy up the dictionary and remove data not required. Following on from that, in this post, we are going to look at changing... Read...
How To Delete a Set of Keys From a Python Dictionary
admin    In our last video on how to delete a key from a python dictionary, we illustrated where one key could be removed easily. But what if you wanted to remove one or more keys In the below code, we have created an empty dictionary. This will be populated by values in dictionary remove . Option uses...
09  novembre     21h11
How to delete a key from a Python dictionary
admin    This is an addition to the list of questions you may get when in an interview and you are asked to give an overview of Python. As with how to create an empty dictionary in Python, how to add values to a python dictionary, and how to sort a python dictionary we will take you... Read More How to...
How to sort a Python Dictionary
admin    In our Python Overview Interview Questions we started off the process of trying to prepare you how to answer any questions that may come up in an interview scenario. We then moved on to show how to discuss Python Dictionary Interview Questions and what may come up. One of the questions that you may...
22  octobre     17h03
How To Add Values to a Python Dictionary
admin    As part of our ongoing series about Python Interview questions, we discussed how you would create an empty dictionary. In this posting, we are going to go through the different ways you could add values to your dictionary. In the below code, we have created an empty dictionary for you. So as we go...
How To Create An Empty Dictionary In Python
admin    In our recent video Python dictionary interview questions, we discussed a number of topics around Python dictionaries . Here we will discuss how to create an empty dictionary. In the below code, you will see there are two ways to create: Creating empty dictionaries has many benefits as you can...
19  octobre     18h38
Python Dictionary Interview Questions
admin    In our first video on python interview questions we discussed some of the high level questions you may be asked in an interview. In this post, we will discuss interview questions about python dictionaries. So what are Python dictionaries and their properties First of all, they are mutable, meaning...
02  octobre     20h50
Python Overview Interview Questions
admin    So you have landed an interview and worked hard at upskilling your Python knowledge. There are going to be some questions about Python and the different aspects of it that you will need to be able to talk about that are not all coding Here we discuss some of the key elements that you should......
21  septembre     21h56
ValueError: Columns must be same length as key
admin    Are you looking to learn python, and in the process coming across this error and trying to understand why it occurs In essence, this usually occurs when you have more than one data frames and in the process of writing your program you are trying to use the data frames and their data, but there......
24  août     22h05
Create a HTML Table From Python Using Javascript
admin    So you are using Python and you have data stored in a data frame You would like to present that on a webpage HTML table, but unsure how to achieve this. Well, read on to see two different methods that will help you. Pass the data to Javascript which then passes to the HTML the... Read More Create...
21  août     09h00
How To Check For Unwanted Characters Using Loops With Python
admin    On this website, we have posted about how to remove unwanted characters from your data and How to remove characters from an imported CSV file both will show you different approaches. In this blog posting, we are going to approach the process by using loops within a function. Essentially we are...
01  août     14h16
How to Create Multiple XML Files From Excel With Python
admin    So you have an Excel file that has hundreds or maybe thousands of records, but you want to convert it to an XML file, and have each row as a separate file This can be achieved very easily using Python, in three easy steps. First of all, what is XML XML stands for extensible markup... Read More ...
26  juillet     21h20
How To Fix TypeError: unhashable type slice’
admin    So you have a Python dictionary, and you want to retrieve data from it and print it to a screen. There are some characteristics of Python that first of all should be understood: The last point is very important as dictionaries do not have an index value, and this is why you get the TypeError......
11  juin     20h01
TypeError: Array() Argument 1 Must Be A Unicode Character, Not List
admin    In a recent post, we discussed arrays and what they mean, and how they differ from lists. When you have a list in an array, one of the things that you need to define is what data type it is. If you don’t then the array will throw the error that you are on this... Read More TypeError: Array ...
02  mai     20h52
How To Run Python Validation From Javascript
admin    More and more, website developers are looking to blend different programming technologies to allow them to use functionality, that maybe is not available to them in the current programming language they utilise. In previous posts how to pass python variables to Javascript and how to run python...
28  mars     22h13
How to Pass Python Variables to Javascript
admin    In our recent blog posting How to Pass a Javascript Variable to Python using JSON, we demonstrated how to easily use AJAX to pass whatever data you wanted and then manipulate it with Python. In this blog posting, we are going to show how to do this the other way around. The scenario is that... Read...
18  février     21h31
How to pass multiple lists to a function and compare
admin    Have you ever been faced with a situation where you have multiple lists you want to compare, and need a function that will read them in and show you what is different between them all In this scenario, this can be handy where you have large data sets and need a quick way to find... Read More How...
14  février     00h01
How to run Python directly from Javascript
admin    Are you developing a website and looking to execute some Python script directly from the website Here we take you through how to achieve this using Python Flask, the scenarios we demonstrate are as follows: In both scenarios above you will be presented with pop up boxes like below, but the python...