atlas news
Martin Fitzpatrick
04  mai     09h00
PyQt6 Book now available in Korean: í ì ì ê Qt6ë œ GUI ì í ë ì ì ì ë ë ê The hands-on guide to creating GUI applications with Python gets a new translation
   I am very happy to announce that my Python GUI programming book Create GUI Applications with Python amp; Qt PyQt Edition ...
20  mars     06h00
Getting Started With Git and GitHub in Your Python Projects Version-Controlling Your Python Projects With Git and GitHub
   Using a version control system VCS is crucial for any software development project. These systems allow developers to track changes ...
06  mars     06h00
Working With Classes in Python Understanding the Intricacies of Python Classes
   Python supports object oriented programming OOP through classes, which allow you to bundle data and behavior in a single entity. Python ...
21  septembre     09h00
Getting started with VS Code for Python Setting up a Development Environment for Python programming
   Setting up a working development environment is the first step for any project. Your development environment setup will determine how ...
19  mai     09h00
PyQt6, PySide6, PyQt5 and PySide2 Books -- updated for 2022 New editions extended and updated, now 780 pages
   Hello Today I have released new digital editions of my PyQt , PyQt , PySide and PySide book Create GUI Applications with ...
26  janvier     11h00
DiffCast: Hands-free Python Screencast Creator Create reproducible programming screencasts without typos or edits
   Programming screencasts are a popular way to teach programming and demo tools. Typically people will open up their favorite editor ...
14  mai     07h00
PySide6 tutorial now available Complete course, updated for PySide2 & PySide6
   Hello With the release of Qt versions of PyQt and PySide the course was getting a little crowded. So, today ...
09  avril     15h00
PyQt6 Book now available: Create GUI Applications with Python & Qt6 The hands-on guide to making apps with Python
   Hello Today I have released the first PyQt edition of my book Create GUI Applications, with Python amp; Qt . This update ...
15  mars     07h00
PySide6 Book now available: Create GUI Applications with Python & Qt6 The hands-on guide to making apps with Python
   Hello This morning I released the first Qt edition of my PySide book Create GUI Applications, with Python amp; Qt . This ...
22  février     08h00
Using MicroPython and uploading libraries on Raspberry Pi Pico Using rshell to upload custom code
   MicroPython is an implementation of the Python programming language, optimized to run on microcontrollers. It’s one of the options ...