atlas news
27  septembre     15h01
Ferris Bueller’s Day Off
Jonathan Hartley    Directed and written by John Hughes, . IMDB So, way back in my teen years, we had a VHS tape of this, which friends and I played and played and played, probably racking up more rewatches than any other movie in my life. So it was a pleasure to break it out for our year old, some some ...
22  septembre     19h12
Resolution and The Endless
Jonathan Hartley    Resolution The Endless I only had a hazy awareness of Justin Benson and Aaron Moorhead, the writer and directors, before watching these movies. But having discovered them, I now realize that they are doing just about my favorite thing in film: Quirky, intense, psychological drama...
21  septembre     20h29
Jonathan Hartley    by Kim Stanley Robinson, It has long been held by fans of science fiction that fantasy is a lowly subset of science fiction, or perhaps a disreputable cousin, one for whom the normal rules of discernment do not apply. If such unlikely and unrealistic things as dragons and magic are allowed,...
Fully Operational
Jonathan Hartley    Now witness the power of this fully armed and operational battle station. New job means new laptop means it’s time to clean and re org the desk. Leftmost blue skies Linux laptop a free hand me down from a job ten years ago . Acting as the house Plex streaming media server, usually tucked away...
01  septembre     18h23
Jonathan Hartley    by Samuel Delaney, It broke me. I need to take another run up to this. Advice welcome. did not finish
23  août     02h33
Illustrating Uses of IBM Cloud Security Groups
Jonathan Hartley    I wrote this high level public facing guide while employed by IBM, creating the security groups feature for IBM Cloud. It used to reside on the IBM blog, but has recently been replaced by newer content, so I’ve preserved it here for posterity. This article illustrates a few possible uses of IBM...
04  août     18h48
TIL: git push --force-with-lease
Jonathan Hartley    Don’t ever type git push force. Yes, there are times we have to hold our nose and do a force push. Maybe the project requires contributions to be rebased or squashed. Maybe we pushed the nuclear launch codes. But there are failure modes: You might be accidentally pushing to or from the wrong...
29  juillet     23h15
Structured Pattern Matching in Python
Jonathan Hartley    I read through descriptions of structured pattern matching when it was added in Python . a couple of years ago, and have studiously avoided it ever since. It seemed like a language feature that’s amazingly useful in one or two places, like writing a parser, say, and is a horrifically over...
12  juillet     00h41
Jonathan Hartley    by Umberto Eco, . Eco’s prose has left me in the dust on occasion in the past. I missed so many references, or failed to keep up with the relentlessly nested layers of meaning, that I was simply holding on for the ride. This essay matches Eco’s characteristically dense, intellectual prose,...
06  juillet     16h50
TIL: Makefiles that are self-documenting, and process all extant files.
Jonathan Hartley    Self documenting Makefiles A trick from years ago, but I copy it around between projects enough that it deserves calling out. Add a target: help: Show this help. Optionally add ’sort’ before ’awk’ grep E ’ a zA Z . :. . ’ MAKEFILE LIST awk ’BEGIN FS :. ; ...