atlas news
bitecode : mastodon
10  avril     20h32
   Got my first commercial proposal for a guest article today, which mean the blog is reaching a decent audience size.While one day I may monetize the site by selling things like video courses, books or exclusive tutorials, I don ;t intend to dilute content quality with paid posts.
   Managed to make a typo at the very first word. I ;m a champion.
   French competitiveness in IThttps: p french competitiveness in itFrance is a nice place to live, but as an IT professional, it ;s not where the money and opportunities are.
09  avril     10h52
   Once again I wrote an article only to delete it when reading it back the day after. Sometimes you just get lost in your own BS.The lines could be summed up as: after you learn from the blog, practice, or you will be under the illusion you know something that, in reality, only experience can...
08  avril     13h10
   A nice python news aggregator: https: g python programming.devIt has the features of a late ; website. Meaning its content quality is inversely proportional to its design appeal.
05  avril     14h12
   Testing with Python part : moving to pytesthttps: p testing with python part movingWe’ll convert the old unittest code to pytest ;s format, and see what’s great about the fixture system
   VSCode finally added synchronized scrolling when comparing files. Sweet.
   VSCode finally added synchronized scrolling when comparing files. Sweet.
02  avril     20h58
   Today in quot;things I really didn ;t see coming quot;: Cloudflare now supports Python for its serverless workers, through pyodide. https: python workers I guess I have to work to do to catch up.
01  avril     14h12
   Had use a PHPBB website today, damn trip to memory lane. Two things: It ;s terribly slow. We really got used to amazingly fast web apps. The density and quality of information is vastly superior to alternatives. Kinda like reddit early days, except people had to be efficient.
30  mars     14h05
   What ;s up Python https: p whats up python iphone support sealediPhone support, sealed, PYTHON GIL ...
28  mars     20h10
   The entire Lord of the Ring trilogy is about words. That ;s a bit less than MB.Your web service DB handling visitors a day can fit in SQLite on a VPS, chill out.
25  mars     17h28
   Just receive the monstrous samsung galaxy odyssey G https: fr monitors gaming odyssey oled g g sc inch hz curved dual qhd ls cg suxen Disappointed it doesn ;t come with an ethernet port and video power from USB C like my previous Dell screen.But the size and image...
   It ;s so common I even wrote an article on it, as an alternative to going to therapy. quot;Lies, damn lies, and feedback on Arch Linux quot;https: p lies damn lies and feedback on arch
   Another day, thread were geeks lie to geeks on how easy it is to solve their problems.Today, a new take on pyenv, which will send beginners directly into pain land. Despite the warning https: item id , you ;ll notice someone pitch in to dig a deeper grave.
   I made a markdown file of the ideas of article I should write in case I lack of inspiration one day.It ;s now longer than lines.It ;s fair to say I will run out of time way faster than writing material.
24  mars     13h51
   First article of the series on test, hot out of the oven Testing with Python part : the basicshttps: p testing with python part the basicsThis is only touching the topic from really far, but it’s building the foundation to get deeper into it in the follow up articles.
20  mars     12h18
   One more good reason to move to ruff: the vscode isort addon was randomly eating some of my code on save.
19  mars     13h13
   R U Human https: r u Brilliant and simple
18  mars     09h41
   Somebody reported to me that the HTMX article https: p a little taste of htmx part had all variable ;todos ; written as ;tides ; but not the github repo . My spellchecker had somehow decided ;todos ; was a typo and quot;fixed quot; it.Thanks for...