atlas news
19  avril     18h00
15 Budget-Friendly Ways to Prioritize Self-Care
Matt Harris    A big, new industry has built up around self care, and it’s great to see there are options for those prioritizing their physical and mental health. The costs involved, however, are not accessible for everyone at a time when everyday household bills continue to rise.
The 15 Least Competitive Markets for Highly Paid Jobs in America
Jan Barley    One of the most frustrating aspects of applying for a high paying job is knowing you’re competing with hundreds of equally capable applicants. This can be disheartening and lower your chances of getting an interview.
15 of the Funniest Sitcoms To Ever Air on TV
Saad Muzaffar    The first television sitcom aired in and TV has been delighting television viewers ever since. Originally, sitcoms were focused on wholesome values and wrapping things together in a nice, neat bow.
Popular Movie One-Liners We Love To Use In Everyday Life
Jake Valentine    Iconic movie quotes have become just as memorable as the movies themselves. While engaging plots or beloved characters can stick with us long after the credits roll, we often find ourselves repeating our favorite lines of dialogue.
15 Ways to Beat Insomnia When You’ve Tried Everything
Adam Spraker    Getting a good night’s sleep could be the secret to being productive and having a positive attitude the following day. Still, many don’t get the luxury of a great night’s sleep.
15 Greatest Failed Apple Products
Jan Barley    Apple has a reputation for manufacturing top quality, functional products but has had its share of flops over the last few decades. Some Apple products were only sold a year or so after launch because of inferior design, high prices, or dysfunctional performance.
13 Beliefs Older Generations Now Embrace Thanks to Life’s Lessons
Zaida Marston    They say with age comes wisdom and that hindsight is . If you knew then what you know now, well, things might have been easier. The olden days were a lot different from modern life.
15 Ways Work Can Impact Your Physical and Mental Wellbeing
Saad Muzaffar    Work culture can be toxic. Even if everyone is doing it, working eight hours every day is not easy. Companies try to wring you dry in the hours you’re there to get the most value for their investment, which is draining and discouraging.
Outdoor Adventures: 15 Health Benefits of Getting Back to Nature
Matt Harris    Many of us struggle during the long winter months. We want to get outside and enjoy fresh air, but the cold and fewer hours of daylight deter us.
18  avril     22h45
Boston Dynamics Unveils Next Generation ATLAS Humanoid Robot
Jonathan Berisford    Because the great human robot war can’t come soon enough for some people, Boston Dynamics has announced the retirement of its previous ATLAS HD humanoid robot and the creation of a new, much more impressive ATLAS.
The Best David Tennant Roles
Ree Winter    There’s just something about David Tennant that makes you sit up and take notice when he’s on the screen. It doesn’t matter if he’s playing the enigmatic Doctor, goth like Crawley, or a villain bent on destroying a superhero you want to like him whatever character he plays.
The Best Martin Scorsese Movies
Joe Moore    Martin Scorsese has had one of the most illustrious careers in Hollywood. From his start making studio pictures to his pivot into imaginative biopics, Scorsese has become synonymous with auteur filmmaking.
15 British Actors That Can Play Americans Well
Ben Rice    When I first moved to America, my accent stood out a lot, drawing admiration from many. Nobody told me I would have to fight to keep my English pronunciation all those years, a problem many other expatriated Brits share.
Transform Your Morning Routine: 15 Habits for a Healthier Day
Matt Harris    A great day starts with an effective morning routine, which prepares us for the challenges ahead. If you start sluggish, you are more likely to need help completing your tasks in the morning, afternoon, and evening.
The Truth Behind 15 Popular Superfoods: Do They Live up to the Hype?
Jan Barley    We all want to be healthy and eat nutritious foods, and the media leads us to believe that superfoods significantly improve our health. Marketing messages tell us that these nutrient rich foods can improve or prevent certain illnesses and diseases, make us look younger, feel better, and improve our...
Beloved 90s Comedies That We Never Get Tired Of
Jake Valentine    While you and I may view the s as something that happened years ago, they actually began almost years ago. Yet it feels like these iconic comedies from the s just came out.
15 Dangerous Things People Take Too Lightly
Jake Valentine    Today’s world has danger lurking around every corner. We’re not talking about the stories you see on the news, either. These are everyday issues that most people do not realize.
15 Movies That Dragged On For Way Too Long
Jake Valentine    It’s impossible to ignore the current Hollywood trend of bloated film times. Jimmy Kimmel even made a joke about it during the th Academy Awards: movies are becoming longer and longer, and it’s becoming more and more frustrating.
Boomer Blunders: Bad Pieces of Advice For Millennials
Ben Rice    Boomers receive a great deal of unfair treatment, although we must concede that they don’t always cover themselves in glory. The generation that rose from the ashes of a devastating world war didn’t always have it easy, and they helped build economies that gave many following generations their...
15 American Foods Beloved Around The World
Jordy Johnson    For decades, other countries have looked askance at American cuisine, claiming that we lack the refined palate of our international neighbors. But we do have some dishes worth writing home about, and many travelers to the States actually do.