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Wordpress TV
24  avril     13h01
WordPress Release Process    This session offers a detailed explanation of the WordPress release process. The session goes deep into the various steps involved in launching a WordPress release. Viewers will get a deep understanding of how WordPress is released.
Support onboarding    Welcome to the Support Team onboarding session, presented by Tor Björn Fjellner. Learn how to contribute to the Support Team. All are welcome Team: https: support
Polyglots onboarding    Welcome to the Polyglots Team onboarding session, presented by Tor Björn Fjellner. Learn how to contribute to the Polyglots Team: translations, validation, etc. All are welcome Team: https: polyglots
GitHub Onboarding for Mentees    Welcome to the GitHub onboarding session of the WordPress Contributor Mentorship Program This session is aimed at all attendees, and will give everyone a quick overview of GitHub. The goal is to help our attendees learn about GitHub and to guide them with the contributing process, especially...
Community themes onboarding   
Contribute to BuddyPress    Welcome to the onboarding session of BuddyPress. This short, onboarding video introduces participants to the BuddyPress Project and provides folks an overview of how to start contributing to the project.
23  avril     16h05
Taking advantage of query loops    In this tutorial, we will learn how to utilize the Query Loop block to display dynamic content on your site.
Tipps & Tricks zur WordPress Mediathek    Bilder sind zentral für jede Website. Aber der Umgang mit Bildern in WordPress ist nicht immer ganz einfach. Die Mediathek kann mehr, als man denkt aber weniger, als man sich wünscht. In dieser Präsentation schaut sich Martin Sauter beides an: weniger bekannte Funktionen, die im WordPress Core...
Web Design    Carole Hormann zeigt anhand von konkreten Websites, wie sie bei der Auswahl von Farben vorgeht und wie man ein bestehendes Design korrigiert. Es geht insbesondere darum, wie man mit kleinen Anpassungen viel erreichen kann und typische Design Fehler eliminiert.
Must-Have WordPress Plugins for Every Website    In this presentation, explains the must have WordPress plugins for every website during the WordPress Meetup Nairobi’s online event. He also talks about top tips for using WordPress plugins.Presentation Slides
Eine Webseite mit WordPress in 5 Minuten. Stimmt das?    In diesem Vortrag möchte ich dir gern ein paar Beispiele zeigen auf was es bei einer guten Website noch ankommt. Über was du dir, auch schon bevor du überhaupt WordPress installierst hast, Gedanken machen solltest.
21  avril     11h12
Mit Transparenz und Vertrauen zum Experten    Automatisierte, nahezu kostenfreie Inhalte fluten das Web und die Suchsysteme schaffen es kaum diese herauszufiltern. Zeit, sich zu positionieren und so den Erfolg der eigenen Website längerfristig zu sichern. Kurzvorstellung Daten strukturieren Strukturelemente Effekte für SEO deiner Website...
Nutze das Create Block Theme Plugin, um Themes zusammenzustellen    Mit dem Plugin können auch Nichtentwickler Themes erstellen und ihren Kunden zur Verfügung stellen. Installiere das Create Block Theme Plugin, modifiziere Styles und Templates im Site Editor und exportiere als ein neues Theme oder ein Child Theme, um es auf einer anderen Seite zu installieren. ...
Raus aus der Filterblase - digitale Barrierefreiheit für alle    Wie erreicht deine Website die digitale Barrierefreiheit und warum ist das für uns alle sinnvoll und nicht nur für die vermeintlich kleine Bubble der Menschen mit Behinderungen Johannes zeigt uns, warum die digitale Barrierefreiheit ein gesellschaftliches Thema ist und das Thema für uns...
Layouts mit dem Block-Editor GenerateBlocks    In dem Vortrag zeige ich, welche interessanten Layouts mit dem Block Editor und ggf. der zusätzlichen kleinen Block Bibliothek von GenerateBlocks möglich ist. Dabei gehe ich auch kurz auf die Unterschiede bei Verwendung von einem Block Theme wie Twenty Twenty Four und einem klassischen Theme wie...
Greener, Better, Faster, Stronger - Wie Websites umweltfreundlicher und zuverlässiger werden    Jede Website verursacht COâ Emissionen, wenn sie aufgerufen wird. Wie hoch die Emissionen sind, hängt von verschiedenen Faktoren ab. Egal ob wir eine Website selbst gebaut haben, oder nur betreuen. Ob sie mit einem Pagebuilder, dem Classic Editor oder einem Block Theme gebaut wurde. In den...
WordPress-Events der nächsten Generation    Wir kennen alle klassische WordCamps und Meetups. Aber es gibt eine Vielzahl von anderen offiziellen Community Events und auch einige inoffizielle, die sich etabliert haben. Aber auch beim Thema WordCamps möchte die WordPress Community neue Formate ausprobieren und das WordCamp Leipzig ist ein...
Mejora el rendimiento de tu página web con las Core Web Vitals    ï Est s buscando mejorar el rendimiento de tu p gina web en WordPress y garantizar la mejor experiencia de usuario Entonces las Core Web Vitals son fundamentales para ti En esta charla, investigaremos las métricas esenciales que conforman las Core Web Vitals, aprenderemos qué son y...
12  avril     07h23
Cómo aprovechar los sesgos cognitivos para mejorar la conversión    Sabà as que la tasa de conversi n media de las e commerce es en torno al Desde que un usuario entra por primera vez en tu web, hasta que se convierte en cliente, muchos pensamientos ocurren en su mente. Algunos de estos pensamientos son conscientes quiero este producto , la mayorà a son...
11  avril     17h00
L’esperienza prima del primo lavoro grazie a WordPress: la via del contributore    In questo evento, cinque esperte del settore digitale condivideranno le loro storie di successo e come la loro esperienza di contribuzione su WordPress abbia influenzato positivamente la loro carriera. Scopri come il coinvolgimento nella comunità WordPress pu aprire porte e offrire opportunità ...
10  avril     20h41
Styling your site with global styles    A walk through on how to customize your block theme site using global styles. Learning Outcome Change Global Styles to reflect your own brand. Change typography, colors, layout Using the font library feature How to apply a color palette change to an accent color Change the Global...
Starting a WordPress Meetup: The highs and lows    I’ve recently embarked on the journey of setting a WordPress Meetup for Arabic speakers. There’s a scarcity of content in the Arabic language and other languages too , so here’s how I planned and started the meetup. It took a few months to kickstart, so I’ll share best practices, what to avoid and...
Translate Live: in-context translation using WordPress Playground    WordPress playground allows you to run a WordPress purely in your browser, combine this with a plugin and Local GlotPress and you get a blazing fast translation experience where instead of the typical tagble view you can see the parts of the plugin you are translating, making it easy to verify...
AI-Enhanced WooCommerce Store Management: From Present to Future    In this lightning talk, we will journey through the current and future horizons of AI integration within WooCommerce. We’ll explore AI’s transformative role in present mobile and web use cases, including AI generated product descriptions categories tags, crafting shareable social media messages,...
Journey of 5 Years with Headless WordPress: Evolution, Challenges, and Opportunities    In this session, I will take you on a journey through my experience of using WordPress as a Headless CMS for over years. We’ll explore the evolution of headless architecture and how it has transformed the way we build and manage websites. From crafting React based WordPress themes to exploring...
Fighting the JavaScript Fatigue: Picking the right framework for Headless WordPress    Headless WordPress provides the flexibility to bring your own frontend stack to use, but how do you choose a framework that works for your team Luckily, we’ve used them and we’ll get you up to speed Let’s explore the vast landscape of frontend frameworks in , such as Astro, SvelteKit, Nuxt...
Beyond Keywords: User-Centric Approach to Product-Led SEO    Are you tired of chasing keywords in SEO Join me as I share a simple yet powerful idea: the real secret to great content lies in putting users first. In my journey through SEO and product marketing, I stumbled upon a game changing approach: Product Led SEO. This approach shattered the outdated...
How to achieve an efficient workflow with the Site Editor    From its initial release back in , the Site Editor has had its fair share of growing pains as users adjusted to the change. Recently, WordPress has made significant strides in improving its page building experience and has tremendously grown since its inception. The shift from the Classic...
Tales of Tables: Converting legacy CMS to WordPress    Once upon a time there was a legacy CMS causing their website owners all sorts of trouble The owners wanted to move their blogs and data to WordPress, but they didn’t know where to start. They were worried that all of their data would be trapped forever. Along came a crafty WordPress developer and...
INP - a new metric for interactivity    INP Interaction to Next Paint is a new Core Web Vital that measures interactivity by seeing how long it takes for a page to give visual feedback in response to user input. By capturing the worst of these interactions, the INP metrics helps developers understand and debug resources that are...
What Does Underrepresentation Mean? What Is Allyship? And Why Does it Matter?    The work we do in DEIB diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging in the tech community, and WordPress specifically, matters a great deal. Imagine making unilateral decisions on global projects from only one point of view. This effectively disengages users, customers, clients, and community....
Outrank Your Competitors With Easy & Quick On-Page Optimization Techniques    This session is tailored for developers, website owners, content writers, and SEO beginners, filled with practical tips and strategies that you can immediately apply to outshine your competitors. Walk away with the knowledge and confidence to elevate your webpage’s ranking on Google efficiently and...
Multiply your income streams with WordPress development skills    This talk is intended to be the inspiration for people who is want to develop with WordPress. It will be about various ways I have made multiple income streams as WordPress developers in the past years, up until now. The ways I used in the past includes: Selling WordPress plugin extensions ...
ChatWP. What would you ask your WordPress site?    In the last months, since WordCamp Asia Bangkok, tangible artificial intelligence has become mainstream. For example, Large Language Models LLMs such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT have become the fastest growing web applications in history. But these models have mostly been developed and trained by...
WP-CLI for PHP developers    When was the last time you tested code in production Your own website doesn’t count. WP CLI for PHP developers is the sequel of WordPress through the Terminal talk, focusing on a set of commands and tools useful for PHP developers. This is not just a live demo of WP CLI commands. This is...
Intentional Designing: Crafting Purposeful Digital Experiences    Have you ever used a website or an app that was so frustrating to use that you just gave up Or maybe you’ve used one that was so well designed that you couldn’t help but grin and sing its praises. What made the difference between these two experiences In this presentation, we’ll talk about why...
From Meh to Memorable: Your Public Speaking Masterclass    Public speaking is a universal fear. If you’ve ever wished to speak to an audience, or improve your presentation and public speaking skills, this session will put you on a fast track to success. Here, we’ll tackle a range of common concerns: How to deal with anxiety and butterflies How...
Learning Pathways on    The WordPress Training Team recognizes the need for a clear, structured, and user friendly approach to presenting Learn WordPress content. As a result, we aim to deploy an improved Learn WordPress website experience that provides an easy to navigate, goal oriented learning environment that caters...
Legal implications on use of AI tools    As we embrace multiple AI tools as we saw with the launch and storm of ChapGPT, Midjourney and plenty of others, as users we also need to be aware of possible legal implications, including data protection, and governance compliance. Other matters of interest includes intellectual property and how...
Insights from WordPress Contribution: What Makes Us Impactful    Join me on a journey of exploration within the WordPress community as we uncover the qualities and practices that underlie impactful collaborations. Drawing from both data and the real life stories of WordPress contributors, we’ll dive into the essence of meaningful contributions. This session...
How WordPress can better serve the needs of Enterprise    Witness the convergence of WordPress and enterprise innovation, where digital frontiers are pushed and customer experiences soar to new heights WordPress, a powerful open source platform, offers enterprise companies a unique opportunity to enhance their agility and deliver exceptional digital...
Plugin Review - Top 10 mistakes plugin authors make    The plugin review team handles hundreds of new plugin submissions every week. of those plugins fall foul of the same mistakes, time and time again. In this talk we’ll walk through the most common pitfalls, so that your plugin submission goes as smoothly as possible.
The elements of WordPress    WordPress is made of blocks, but that’s just the start. The system starts with blocks, that combine to form patterns, template parts, templates and then styling unites everything. This evolution is growing in pace and even more critical to understand not just for those creating designs, but those...
09  avril     21h23
What’s New In WordPress 6.5?   
Website Accessibility - Why, When and How    Website accessibility is often the last thing we think about when creating a website, and sometimes it is not considered at all, but it is more than just ticking a box for compliance. Studies show one in six people in the Asia Pacific region lives with disability, and that this is likely to...
You’ll never be alone anymore. Building and maintaining WordPress sites with AI    This would be a tale of a one year journey to bring the power of AI assistants to WordPress site builders and owners, focusing on helping them become better at what they are passionate about. Many raise concerns about AI generated content potentially eroding the fabric of the web. Instead, I...
How to counter arguments from developers, designers and managers against accessibility    Do you get an aggressive, dismissive or defensive reaction from your design or development colleagues, your marketing department, your managers, or even from your full service advertising agency as soon as you start talking about accessibility Want to learn how to counter and motivate Come to my...
From FOMO to JOMO: Embrace the joy of missing out    In the whirlwind of our hyperconnected society, we’ve all been there the incessant Fear of Missing Out FOMO that lures us into adding one more Slack channel, diving into yet another online discussion, or racing to attend one more event, all in the quest to catch that elusive something important...
Catching Big Fish: How to catch and retain a WordPress enterprise client    WordPress is used by of the web, that means there is a lot of fishies out there using WordPress. Some of them are krill, some of them are clown fish, some of them are barracuda and some of them are sharks, but some of them aren’t even fish at all: some of them are whales. In this...
The Power of Personal Branding in the AI Era    Personal branding is a vital asset for anyone who is seeking to thrive in an era of technological advancements like AI. It’s the process of shaping your professional identity and effectively utilizing social media platforms to your advantage. It allows you to differentiate yourself in a...