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Python org : peps
11  avril     00h00
PEP 744: JIT Compilation
   Earlier this year, an experimental just in time compiler was merged into CPython’s main development branch. While recent CPython releases have included other substantial internal changes, this addition represents a particularly significant departure from the way CPython has traditionally...
11  mars     00h00
PEP 743: Add Py COMPAT API VERSION to the Python C API
   Add Py COMPAT API VERSION and Py COMPAT API VERSION MAX macros to opt in for planned incompatible C API changes in a C extension. Maintainers can decide when they make their C extension compatible and also decide which future Python version they want to be compatible with.
07  février     00h00
PEP 742: Narrowing types with TypeIs
   This PEP proposes a new special form, TypeIs, to allow annotating functions that can be used to narrow the type of a value, similar to the builtin isinstance . Unlike the existing typing.TypeGuard special form, TypeIs can narrow the type in both the if and else branches of a conditional.
18  janvier     00h00
PEP 741: Python Configuration C API
   Add a C API to the limited C API to configure the Python initialization. It can be used with the stable ABI.
08  janvier     00h00
PEP 740: Index support for digital attestations
   This PEP proposes a collection of changes related to the upload and distribution of digitally signed attestations and metadata used to verify them on a Python package repository, such as PyPI.
19  décembre     00h00
PEP 739: Static description file for build details of Python installations
   Introduce a standard format for a static description file with build details of Python installations.
12  décembre     00h00
PEP 738: Adding Android as a supported platform
   This PEP proposes adding Android as a supported platform in CPython. The initial goal is for Android to achieve Tier support in Python . .
29  novembre     00h00
PEP 737: C API to format a type fully qualified name
   Add new convenient C APIs to format a type fully qualified name. No longer format type names differently depending on how types are implemented.
28  novembre     00h00
PEP 736: Shorthand syntax for keyword arguments at invocation
   This PEP proposes introducing syntactic sugar f x for the common pattern where a named argument is the same as the name of the variable corresponding to its value f x x .
20  novembre     00h00
PEP 735: Dependency Groups in pyproject.toml
   This PEP specifies a mechanism for storing package requirements in pyproject.toml files such that they are not included in any built distribution of the project.