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Django Central
13  août     08h27
How to Use Subquery() in Django With Practical Examples
   In the realm of web development, Django stands as a powerful and versatile framework for building robust applications. One of the key aspects of developing efficient and optimized web applications is handling database queries effectively. In this article, we will delve into the world of subqueries...
07  août     10h18
DRF Serializer: Handling OrderedDict and Converting It to a Dictionary or JSON
   In Django Rest Framework DRF tests, when you access, you might encounter an OrderedDict instead of a regular dictionary. This behavior is intentional and reflects the design of DRF’s serialization process.Understanding the Problem The use of an OrderedDict ensures that the order...
Django Rest Framework CheetSheet: Mastering API Development
   Django Rest Framework DRF is a powerful toolkit that makes building robust and scalable web APIs with Django a breeze. Whether you’re a seasoned Django developer or a newcomer, having a comprehensive cheat sheet at your disposal can be a game changer. In this article, we’ll delve into the most...
31  juillet     13h16
How to Perform NOT Queries in Django ORM
   In Django, performing NOT queries allows you to exclude certain records from the query results based on specific conditions. The NOT operator, represented by the tilde when used in conjunction with the Django ORM’s Q object, helps you construct complex queries with ease. In this article, we...
How to Perform OR Queries in Django ORM
   Django is a popular web framework for Python that provides an intuitive and powerful Object Relational Mapping ORM system. The Django ORM allows developers to interact with databases using Python classes and methods, abstracting away the underlying SQL queries. While simple queries are...
How to Perform AND Queries in Django ORM
   Django, as a popular web framework, provides a powerful Object Relational Mapping ORM system that allows developers to interact with the database using Python code, abstracting away raw SQL queries.One common requirement in building web applications is to perform complex database queries with...
28  juillet     13h02
Django ORM Cheatsheet: Mastering Database Operations in Django
   Django, as a powerful and popular web framework, comes equipped with an impressive Object Relational Mapping ORM system that simplifies database interactions and abstracts away much of the complexity involved in working with databases. With its expressive and Pythonic syntax, developers can...
How to Use action Decorator in Django Rest Framework
   Django Rest Framework DRF provides powerful tools to build robust APIs. While the standard CRUD operations are usually sufficient, there are cases where you might need to add custom actions or endpoints to perform specific operations. This is where the action decorator comes into play, allowing...
23  juillet     04h00
How to Use Celery with Django for Asynchronous and Periodic Tasks : A Comprehensive Guide
   In modern web development, the ability to handle time consuming tasks asynchronously is crucial for enhancing the performance and responsiveness of web applications. Django, a powerful web framework, provides seamless integration with Celery, a popular distributed task queue, to manage asynchronous...
08  juillet     12h37
Understanding the ’F’ Expression in Django: When and Why to Use It
   In Django, QuerySets provide a powerful way to retrieve, manipulate, and filter data from the database. Among the various tools available within QuerySets, the ’F’ expression stands out as a valuable feature. This article aims to explore the ’F’ expression in Django QuerySets, explaining its...
How to Create an Empty Migration File in Django
   Migrations are an essential part of Django, as they allow you to manage your database schema and ensure that it is consistent with your models. Most migrations capture actual changes to your models, but there are some scenarios where you may need to create an empty migration file.In this article,...
24  juin     14h02
How to Read a Text File in Python with Examples
   Working with text files is a fundamental task in many Python applications. Whether you’re processing large data files, reading configuration files, or analyzing log files, understanding how to read text files efficiently is essential. In this article, we’ll dive into the world of file handling in...
How to Add ads.txt to Your Django Project: Boost Ad Revenue with Simple Implementation
   If you’re looking to maximize your ad revenue and monetization efforts in your Django project, adding ads.txt is a crucial step, ads.txt is a text file that helps prevent unauthorized ad inventory from being sold on your website, ensuring that only trusted advertisers can display ads. By adding...
22  juin     15h22
Flask vs Django: Selecting the Perfect Python Web Framework
   Python offers developers a multitude of options when it comes to web frameworks, but two of the most popular choices are Flask and Django. Both frameworks have their own strengths and cater to different needs, making the decision between them crucial for your project’s success.In this article, we...
14  janvier     09h37
Capturing Query Parameters of request.get in Django
   When working with web applications, it’s common to interact with URLs that contain query parameters. Query parameters are key value pairs that are added to the end of a URL and provide additional information to the server. In Django, capturing and processing query parameters from the request.GET...
Understanding related name in Django Models
   In Django, related name is an attribute that can be used to specify the name of the reverse relation from the related model back to the model that defines the relation. It is used to specify the name of the attribute that will be used to access the related model from the reverse side of the...
How to Revert the Last Migration in Django
   In Django, migrations are used to manage changes to the database schema, such as creating or modifying tables. Sometimes, you may need to revert the last migration to undo changes that were made to the database.Here’s how you can revert the last migration in Django. Note First, make sure that you...
How to Iterate Over Rows in a Dataframe in Pandas
   Pandas is a powerful library for working with data in Python, and the DataFrame is one of its most widely used data structures. One common task when working with DataFrames is to iterate over the rows and perform some action on each row. Here are a few different approaches for iterating over rows...
How to Check if a File Exists With Python
   Checking if a file exists is a common task in while working with files. There are several ways to check if a file exists without raising an unwanted exception, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Here are a few different approaches. . Using the os.path.exists functionThis method uses...
13  janvier     12h10
Creating Custom Exception in Django Rest Framework
   Django Rest Framework DRF provides built in exception handling that can be used to handle errors and exceptions in a RESTful API. However, in some cases, you may need to create a custom exception to handle specific error scenarios. Here’s how you can create a custom exception in DRF. Creating...
How To Create Custom Context Processors in Django
   Django provides a convenient way to add extra data to the context of a template through context processors. These context processors can be used to display information such as the current user, site wide settings, or even data that is fetched from the database.With a few lines of code, you can...
Django Authentication using an Email Address
   Authentication is a crucial aspect of any web application, ensuring that only authorized users can access specific resources and perform actions. Django, a powerful web framework for Python, provides robust authentication mechanisms out of the box.Django’s built in User model uses a username as the...
27  avril     07h53
Django 4.1 adds async-compatible interface to QuerySet
   The much awaited pull request for an async compatible interface to Queryset just got merged into the main branch of Django.Pull Request https: django django pull The Django core team has been progressively adding async support to the framework. Asynchronous views and middlewares...
20  février     09h09
Making Django Admin Jazzy With django-jazzmin
   Django admin is undoubtedly one of the most useful apps of Django. Over the years there has been very little change in the admin app as far as the UX is concerned and it’s not a bad thing at all. Django admin was designed to provide a simple and minimalistic UI for different model centric...
17  février     03h26
We finally switched from WordPress to Django
   With great pleasure, I will like to announce that djangocentral is now powered by Django, and I couldn’t be more satisfied with the results. I was intending to do this switch for a very long time, but I was always busy with other things.But before someone asks, your blog is about Django then why...
28  mai     01h14
Find Missing Number in a given Array Using Python
   Problem DefinitionFind the missing numbers in a given list or array using Python.For example in the arr , , , the integer ’ ’ is the missing number.There are multiple ways to solve this problem using Python. In this article, we will cover the most straightforward ones.AlgorithmStep : Create...
01  mai     03h26
How to Create NumPy Arrays: A Comprehensive Guide
   NumPy is one of the most popular packages in the Python ecosystem. NumPy adds support to large multidimensional arrays and matrices with great efficiency.Numpy arrays are a lot faster than traditional python lists because they are stored in continuous memory that allows faster processing and...
07  avril     03h16
Creating Custom Model Validation In Django
   In this tutorial, we will learn how to create custom model validators using Django.Understanding The ProblemDjango models come with their own built in validations, that we put while creating models. However, often we require further validations on some fields. Such as the title length or age can’t...
Displaying Custom Validation Exception in Django Admin
   In this tutorial, we will learn how to show custom validation exceptions on Django admin.Understanding The ProblemDjango admin site will raise exceptions when we try to save objects with non acceptable values. Often we need to create our custom validators and raise custom exceptions depending on...
06  avril     09h09
Django Admin Making Model Fields Required
   In this tutorial, we will learn how to make optional model fields required in Django admin to make sure that data for these fields are populated on the creation of new records from the Django admin interface. Understanding the ProblemSuppose you are working on a project that shares the User model...