atlas news
Quansight Labs
20  décembre     00h00
LAPACK in your web browser: high-performance linear algebra with stdlib
   Implementing LAPACK routines for numerical computation in web applications
22  novembre     00h00
Practicing Accessibility: Scientific Python Accessibility Events in Summary
   Event resources are here With October over and the end of another year galloping our way, the Scientific Python Accessibility Events have come and gone in a flurry of discussion, ideas, and, of course, many many questions on how accessibility fits into our work.
11  novembre     00h00
The Polars vs pandas difference nobody is talking about
   A closer look at non elementary group by aggregations
30  septembre     00h00
Testing Bokeh’s Accessibility: A Web Developer’s Experience with a Python Data Library
   Lessons learned during my three month internship in at Quansight on adding accessibility testing to Bokeh.
Numpy QuadDType: Quadruple Precision for Everyone
   Introducing the new data type for Numpy providing cross platform support of quadruple precision.
Polars Plugins: let’s make them easier to use
   Increasing ease of use of Polars plugins by improving an existing tutorial.
23  septembre     00h00
Multi-dimensional Sparse Arrays in SciPy
   My work focused on extending support for COOrdinate sparse arrays in SciPy to n dimensions.
12  septembre     00h00
Multidimensional integration in SciPy
   Extending SciPy’s integration facilities for multidimensional and array valued integrands.
05  septembre     00h00
Announcing Scientific Python Accessibility Events
   I am happy to announce two upcoming public events focused on helping the scientific Python ecosystem develop their accessibility skills before the new year.
02  septembre     00h00
Towards Inclusive Documentation: the PyData Sphinx Theme, Before and After Accessibility Fixes
   A small showcase of accessibility improvements made to the PyData Sphinx Theme, Fall Spring
01  septembre     00h00
Pydata Sparse: Maintenance and docs overhaul
   Making the documentation more user friendly and how benchmarks were integrated in pydata sparse.
23  juillet     00h00
Introducing the 2024 Labs Internship Program Cohort
   Meet the interns joining us for our third annual summer internship.
19  juillet     00h00
The convoluted story behind k
   In this blog post, I describe my experience as a first time contributor to NumPy and talk about the story behind k .
12  juillet     00h00
Free-threaded CPython is ready to experiment with
   An overview of the ongoing efforts to improve and roll out support for free threaded CPython throughout the Python open source ecosystem
02  juillet     00h00
An overview of the Sparse Array Ecosystem for Python
   An overview of the different options available for working with sparse arrays in Python
17  juin     00h00
Why you probably shouldn’t be using df.resample(’M’)
   Learn what you should be using instead
How Narwhals and scikit-lego came together to achieve dataframe-agnosticism
   And how your Python library can become dataframe agnostic too
27  mai     00h00
Dataframe interoperability - what has been achieved, and what comes next?
   An overview of the dataframe landscape, and solution to the we only support pandas problem
21  mai     00h00
Writing fast string ufuncs for NumPy 2.0
   The journey of writing string ufuncs and creating the np.strings namespace for NumPy .
28  février     00h00
Quansight Labs Annual Report 2023: Building for Ecosystem-wide Impact and Sustainability
   Presenting our annual report Read about our open source project and community highlights, initiatives, and work culture.
24  janvier     00h00
Captioning: A Newcomer’s Guide
   What are those words on the bottom of your video screen and where do they come from Captioning’s normalization in the past several decades may seem like it would render those questions moot, but understanding more about captions means making more informed decisions about when, how, and why we make...
24  novembre     00h00
Unlocking C-level performance in pandas.DataFrame.apply with Numba
   A quick overview of the new Numba engine in DataFrame.apply
23  novembre     00h00
Improving the interpolation and signal processing capabilities of CuPy
   We are excited to spread the news about the improvements that have been taking place in CuPy, where interpolation and more than signal processing parallel GPU APIs are now available as part of a EOSS CZI grant.
08  novembre     00h00
The ’eu’ in eucatastrophe - Why SciPy builds for Python 3.12 on Windows are a minor miracle
   Moving SciPy to Meson meant finding a different Fortran compiler on Windows, which was particularly tricky to pull off for conda forge. This blog tells the story about how things looked pretty grim for the Python . release, and how things ended up working out just in the nick of time.
Adding support for polynomials to Numba
   My work was focused on improving NumPy support in Numba, with focus on the polynomial package.
Refining NumPy’s Python API for its 2.0 release
   A journey through NumPy’s Python API from a maintenance perspective.
31  octobre     00h00
Improving SymPy’s Documentation
   SymPy’s documentation has received many significant improvements over the past two years thanks to funding by the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative.
30  octobre     00h00
Doctesting for PyData Libraries
   The journey of a PyData Newbie
Integrating Hypothesis into SymPy
   Gives an introduction to the utility of hypothesis in SymPy
04  octobre     00h00
The Array API Standard in SciPy
   How can SciPy use the Array API Standard to achieve array library interoperability
20  septembre     00h00
Bridging Data Science Tools with PyTorch-Ignite’s Code-Generator and Nebari
   A summary of my contributions to the Code Generator project and PyTorch Ignite ecosystem in the past few months as Quansight Labs intern and my learnings in the process.
19  septembre     00h00
Array API Support in scikit-learn
   In this blog post, we share how scikit learn enabled support for the Array API Standard.
28  juin     00h00
PyCon US 2023 - An action-packed week
   In this post I’m sharing my experience of traveling to the US for PyCon US
27  juin     00h00
Numba Dynamic Exceptions
   In the following blogpost, we will explore the newly added feature in Numba: Dynamic exception support. We will discuss the previous limitations and explain how Numba was enhanced to handle runtime exceptions.
15  février     00h00
Quansight Labs Annual Report 2022: Celebrating Growth and Sustainability in Open Source
   Presenting our first annual report Read about our project achievements, community initiatives, and work culture.
10  janvier     00h00
Python packaging & workflows - where to next?
   Potential solutions for pain points when dealing with native code; what needs unifying in the Python packaging space, and how should that be approached
12  décembre     00h00
Sangho’s Internship at Quansight with PyTorch-Ignite project
   Blogpost of working on the PyTorch Ignite project during internship at Quansight
05  décembre     00h00
Conda on Colaboratory
   Surbhi Sharma shares her exciting experience working as an intern at Quansight Labs and contributing to condacolab, a tool that lets you deploy a Miniconda installation easily on Google Colab notebooks. This enables you to use conda or mamba to install new packages on any Colab session.
28  novembre     00h00
Zoom zoom zoom Improving Accessibility in JupyterLab
   Kulsoom Zahra learns about accessibility and fixes a part of the JupyterLab interface that used to break when zoomed in during her summer internship at Quansight Labs.
15  novembre     00h00
Making pygments accessible
   accessible pygments hosts curated WCAG compliant themes for all your syntax highlighting needs.
The new Spyder Editor documentation under the spotlights
   In this blogpost, I share my experience as a Google Season of Docs technical writer working on updating the Editor user documentation.
14  novembre     00h00
Close Encounter with pandas and the Jedis of open source
   Learning from awesome mentors and contributing to pandas open source
10  novembre     00h00
Quansight Labs awarded three CZI EOSS Cycle 5 Grants
   We are delighted to share details about new grants to support the sustainability of SciPy, conda forge, and CuPy
07  novembre     00h00
Developing a Typer CLI for Nebari
   The Nebari CLI consists of various commands the user needs to run to initialize, deploy, configure, and update Nebari.
07  août     00h00
Introducing the 2022 Interns Cohort
   Quansight Labs is delighted to welcome its second cohort of interns, who will work on a variety of open source projects and tasks
13  juillet     00h00
SciPy 2022 Accessibility Awareness Programs
   Announcing the SciPy Accessibility Awareness Efforts
06  juin     00h00
Checking for accessibility: thoughts and a checklist
   A non exhaustive but totally honest checklist for accessibility review
03  mai     00h00
The evolution of the SciPy developer CLI
   The development story of a developer command line interface CLI for the SciPy project, with exmaples
10  avril     00h00
Why is writing blog posts hard?
   In our weekly show and tell we got real about why can writing blog posts be so hard and collaboratively wrote up this blog post about what we learned from the discussion.
31  mars     00h00
Making GPUs accessible to the PyData Ecosystem via the Array API Standard.
   How we can use the Python Array API Standard with the fundamental libraries in the PyData ecosystem along with CuPy for making GPUs accessible to the users of these libraries