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Stack Abuse
21  décembre     10h54
Performance Optimization for Django-Powered Websites on Shared Hosting
Musfiqur Rahman    Running a Django site on shared hosting can be really agonizing. It’s budget friendly, sure, but it comes with strings attached: sluggish response time and unexpected server hiccups. It kind of makes you want to give up. Luckily, with a few fixes here and there, you can get your site running
19  septembre     02h29
Securing Your Email Sending With Python: Authentication and Encryption
Ivan Djuric    Email encryption and authentication are modern security techniques that you can use to protect your emails and their content from unauthorized access. Everyone, from individuals to business owners, uses emails for official communication, which may contain sensitive information. Therefore, securing...
12  septembre     13h23
Using Proxies in Web Scraping - All You Need to Know
Leonardo Rodriguez    Introduction Web scraping typically refers to an automated process of collecting data from websites. On a high level, you’re essentially making a bot that visits a website, detects the data you’re interested in, and then stores it into some appropriate data structure, so you can easily analyze and...
20  août     19h04
Building Custom Email Templates with HTML and CSS in Python
Ivan Djuric    An HTML email utilizes HTML code for presentation. Its design is heavy and looks like a modern web page, rich with visual elements like images, videos, etc., to emphasize different parts of an email’s content. Building email templates tailored to your brand is useful for various email marketing...
17  août     03h36
Scott Robinson    August August , : Added Changelog page. Added feedback modal to tool pages. August , : Auto save tool settings in local storage. August , : Fixed logic for displaying login signup buttons in nav. Added captcha to newsletter signup. August, : Added LD JSON schema...
13  juin     20h50
Gracefully Handling Third Party API Failures
Scott Robinson    Software isn’t what it used to be. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, but it does come with its own set of challenges. In the past, if you wanted to build a feature, you’d have to build it from scratch, without AI Fast forward from the dark ages of just
06  juin     18h37
Simplify Regular Expressions with RegExpBuilderJS
Scott Robinson    Regular expressions are on of the most powerful tools in a developer’s toolkit. But let’s be honest, regex kind of sucks to write. Not only is it hard to write, but it’s also hard to read and debug too. So how can we make it easier to use In its
25  janvier     19h10
Guide to Strings in Python
Dimitrije Stamenic    A string in Python is a sequence of characters. These characters can be letters, numbers, symbols, or whitespace, and they are enclosed within quotes. Python supports both single ’ ’ and double quotes to define a string, providing flexibility based on the coder’s preference or specific...
14  décembre     19h27
Behind the Scenes: Never Trust User Input
Scott Robinson    This article is the first in a series of posts I’m writing about running various SaaS products and websites for the last years. I’ll be sharing some of the issues I’ve dealt with, lessons I’ve learned, mistakes I’ve made, and maybe a few things that went right. Let me
15  novembre     19h21
Guide to Heaps in Python
Dimitrije Stamenic    Explore the intricacies of heaps, a tree based data structure adept at maintaining order and hierarchy. Dive into Python’s’ heapq module, offering a rich set of functionalities for managing dynamic data sets where priority elements are frequently accessed. Learn how heaps stand out in the world of...
09  novembre     20h19
Guide to Hash Tables in Python
Dimitrije Stamenic    While Python doesn’t have a built in data structure explicitly called a hash table , it provides the dictionary, which is a form of a hash table. Python dictionaries are unordered collections of key value pairs, where the key is unique and holds a corresponding value. Thanks to a process known as...
08  novembre     20h28
Guide to Queues in Python
Dimitrije Stamenic    From storing simple integers to managing complex workflows, data structures lay the groundwork for robust applications. Among them, the queue often emerges as both intriguing and ubiquitous. Think about it a line at the bank, waiting for your turn at a fast food counter, or buffering tasks in a...
02  novembre     15h49
Guide to Stacks in Python
Dimitrije Stamenic    At its core, a stack is a linear data structure that follows the LIFO Last In First Out principle. Think of it as a stack of plates in a cafeteria; you only take the plate that’s on top, and when placing a new plate, it goes to the top of
31  octobre     00h55
Building Resilient Systems: Disaster Recovery Planning in Database Services
Guest Contributor    In the realm of database offerings, where data is the lifeblood of modern businesses, constructing resilient systems isn’t just a best practice; it’s a strategic imperative. Disaster recovery planning has become a cornerstone in ensuring the continuity of operations, safeguarding valuable data, and...
26  octobre     15h47
Linear Search in Python
Dimitrije Stamenic    Linear Search, also known as Sequential Search, operates by traversing through the dataset, element by element until the desired item is found or the algorithm reaches the end of the collection. Its simplicity and ease of implementation make it a go to choice for small datasets and lists where...