atlas news
Ian Ozsvald
19  juin     15h40
Leadership discussion session at PyDataLondon 2024
Ian    At this year’s PyDataLondon conference I ran my regular Leadership discussion for team leaders department heads. It is an open session for senior people, under Chatham House rules, to discuss issues and seek feedback. We had a lot of happy people in the room for this session photo...
30  mai     12h25
What I’ve been up to since 2022
Ian    This has been terribly quiet since July , oops. It turns out that having an infant totally sucks your time In the meantime I’ve continued to build up: Training courses I’ve just listed my new Fast Pandas course plus the existing Successful Data Science Projects and Software Engineering for...
01  juillet     12h37
Upcoming discussion calls for Team Structure and Buidling a Backlog for data science leads
Ian    I ran another Executives at PyData discussion session for leaders at our PyDataLondon conference a couple of weeks back. We had great conversation which dug into a lot of topics. I’ve written up notes on my NotANumber newsletter. If you’re a leader of DS and Data Eng teams, you probably want to...
10  mars     14h15
My first commit to Pandas
Ian    I’ve used the Pandas data science toolkit for over a decade and I’ve filed a couple of issues, but I’ve never contributed to the source. At the weekend I got to balance the books a little by making my first commit. With this pull request I fixed the recent request to update the pct change docs
30  novembre     19h25
Skinny Pandas Riding on a Rocket at PyDataGlobal 2020
Ian    On November th we saw the most ambitious ever PyData conference PyData Global was a combination of world wide PyData groups putting on a huge event to both build our international community and to leverage the on line only conferences that we need to run during Covid . The conference...
24  juillet     14h49
Making Pandas Fly at EuroPython 2020
Ian    I’ve had a chance to return to talking about High Performance Python at EuroPython after my first tutorial on this topic back in in Florence. Today I spoke on Making Pandas Fly with a focus on making Pandas run faster. This covered: Categories and RAM saving datatypes to make x...
15  juillet     19h20
Weekish notes
Ian    I’ve recently switched back from Sourdough yeast to dried packet yeast mix, given a recipe by a colleague thanks Nick . I immediately set to work modifying his recipe well, cutting out steps if we’re honest . The first loaf looked fine but was bland I cut out too much salt. The next was really...
05  juillet     15h42
Weekish notes
Ian    I gave another iteration of my Making Pandas Fly talk sequence for PyDataAmsterdam recently and received some lovely postcards from attendees as a result. I’ve also had time to list new iterations of my training courses for Higher Performance Python October and Software Engineering for Data...
23  juin     17h15
Making Pandas Fly for PyDataAmsterdam 2020
Ian    I thank the PyDataAmsterdam organisers for another chance to speak on Making Pandas Fly PyDataAmsterdam . This variant of the talk focuses more on: Understanding when categories beat strings and smaller floats beat larger ones What’s happening with NumPy behind the scenes How we can save...
02  juin     17h16
Weeknote (dtype-diet)
Ian    Over the weekend I hacked on dtype diet a tool for Pandas users that checks their DataFrame to see if smaller datatypes might be applicable. If so they’d offer no data loss and a reduction in RAM, for Categorical data there’s also the possibility of faster calculations. This tool makes no changes...