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Reddit : JavaScript
12  octobre     07h00
Showoff Saturday (October 12, 2024)
   Did you find or create something cool this week in javascript Show us here ; submitted by ; u AutoModerator link ; comments
14  octobre     09h03
Your r javascript recap for the week of October 07 - October 13, 2024
   Monday, October Sunday, October , Top Posts score comments title amp; link comments Announcing Deno comments I didn ;t know you could use sibling parameters as default values. comments A simple to use JavaScript function to get the name of any Unicode...
15  octobre     12h11
LocalStorage vs. IndexedDB vs. Cookies vs. OPFS vs. WASM-SQLite
   ; submitted by ; u ApartmentWorking link ; comments
I made a tiny markdown subset parser that returns a tree instead of completed string components so you can handle that logic yourself.
   ; submitted by ; u richie south link ; comments
AskJS] Do you watch any JavaScript YouTube live coders?
   I like to watch Hotz streams sometimes or Jonathan Blow, but I want to find something more Js related. If you know any content like this please share amp; ; submitted by amp; ; u beachgoatt link amp; ; comments
AskJS] Embedding CSS Style in Javascript in a library?
   I want to create a small online game and I created a menu that I want to publish as a library on github and maybe npm, so I can get some feedback. I somehow reached with the in game menu to a stage that I ;m confident to publish it, but I would like to make it with less dependencies, so I ;m...
Next.js 15 RC 2
   ; submitted by ; u feross link ; comments
VoidZero: Threat or Catalyst for Open Source JavaScript Tooling?
   ; submitted by ; u suckaturdnow link ; comments
Complete catalog of copy-paste alternatives to Lodash functions is nearing completion - Snap.js
   ; submitted by ; u theScottyJam link ; comments
React Multi Page Form - for making and testing form sequences
   ; submitted by ; u sakabako link ; comments
Cast a element to the artwork of Windows Media popup
   ; submitted by ; u zjcqoo link ; comments
14  octobre     16h15
useCallback, but without the warts
   ; submitted by ; u sakabako link ; comments
15  octobre     01h52
Basic Chrome Unpacked Extension
   ; submitted by ; u guest link ; comments
14  octobre     17h53
AskJS] How to create a Monorepo with native modules and an example app?
   Currently I am struggling with an issue: I want to create a monorepo that contains multiple publishable react native modules and a react native expo app project that acts as an example project. The RN modules are RN libraries that wrap ios android native SDKs. The structure is something like: ...
Universal state management library that can be easily integrated into UI libraries state-ref
   ; submitted by ; u superlucky link ; comments
Debouncing vs Throttling in JavaScript: When and Why You Should Use Them
   ; submitted by ; u rajeshdh link ; comments
13  octobre     23h19
AskJS] What is the best Polyfills service ?
   I heard about the service and it ;s dangerous, information leaks, and so on . I want a service similar to it where the browser detects and adds the required polyfill automatically . ; submitted by ; u The Ogre Man link ; comments
14  octobre     13h25
AskJS] Displaying country flags in JS
   In some cases, we need to display users’ details along with their country flag image . Consider a product review system on a global e commerce site, where users from all over the world can review a product. In that case, we would need to display their names alongside their country. There are...
AskJS] Is there any npm lib that can return available times based on given time slots?
   Or a lib that can return if the desired time to book is occupied. I know that this is a common feature in some apps. But I don ;t think AFAIK fns or momentjs don ;t do that. I think I could build that if this doesn ;t exists yet. Edit: I gave up on this idea. Please don ;t be rude. ...
Ready to flex your skills? Join the Plugin Development Hackathon running till Oct 31st Build plugins in JS, and win cash prizes goodies.
   ; submitted by ; u cargo run rust link ; comments
13  octobre     16h16
Time duration in Javascript
   ; submitted by ; u iagolast link ; comments
12  octobre     15h46
I didn’t know you could use sibling parameters as default values.
   ; submitted by ; u alexmacarthur link ; comments
13  octobre     15h28
Node.js Test Bed Web Server
   ; submitted by ; u Visible Hour link ; comments
12  octobre     16h55
ts-zen trycatch - Robust and Type-Safe Errors Management Conventions
   ; submitted by ; u Famous Teach link ; comments
AskJS] Leak-free way of getting a rejected promise out of AbortSignal?
   I frequently need the following pattern when working with non cancelable promises: return Promise.race nonCancelablePromise, new Promise , reject gt; abortSignal.addEventListener quot;abort quot;, reject ; However, this keeps all those promises in memory until AbortSignal is...
AskJS] Why did adobe flash fall out of favor and get replaced by HTML5 and JS?
   I recently had a discussion on X Twitter regarding the pitfalls of the DOM and how the DOM API holds back efficiency of web apps. Below is the comment that stuck out What about making a separate technology for rich interactive content on the web. It ;s a browser plugin that loads special...
Fetch local file from arbitrary Web pages using a Web extension
   ; submitted by ; u guest link ; comments