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25  novembre     10h27
Guava Chars.asList() method in Java
Admin    In this post, we will learn how to use the Guava Chars.asList method in Java, which is a simple and convenient way to convert char arrays to lists of Character objects. The post Guava Chars.asList method in Java appeared first on Techie Delight.
21  novembre     10h14
Guava ImmutableList.sortedCopyOf() method in Java
Admin    In this post, we will explore how to use the Guava ImmutableList.sortedCopyOf method to create an immutable list that contains the elements of another collection or iterable in a sorted order. The post Guava ImmutableList.sortedCopyOf method in Java appeared first on Techie Delight.
17  novembre     20h18
Guava Int.tryParse() method in Java
Admin    In this post, we will learn how to use the Guava Ints.tryParse method in Java, which is used to parse a string as an integer. We will also see the advantages of using it compared to the built in methods. The post Guava Int.tryParse method in Java appeared first on Techie Delight.
16  novembre     06h54
Guava ArrayListMultimap put() and putAll() methods in Java
Admin    In this post, we will explore how to use the put and putAll methods of the ArrayListMultimap class, which are used to add key value pairs to the multimap. The post Guava ArrayListMultimap put and putAll methods in Java appeared first on Techie Delight.
24  avril     19h57
Find minimum path sum in a triangle-shaped matrix
Admin    Given a right angled triangle shaped matrix, find the shortest path sum from the top element to any element in the last row of the matrix. The post Find minimum path sum in a triangle shaped matrix appeared first on Techie Delight.
22  mars     06h37
Find all increasing subsequences of an array
Admin    Given an integer array, find all distinct increasing subsequences of length two or more. The post Find all increasing subsequences of an array appeared first on Techie Delight.
Evaluate a given expression
Admin    Given an expression containing numeric operands with addition and subtraction operators, evaluate it. The expression may contain sub expressions enclosed in opening and closing braces. The post Evaluate a given expression appeared first on Techie Delight.
07  mars     17h01
Find kth smallest value in a sorted matrix
Admin    Given a row wise and column wise sorted square matrix and a positive integer k , find the kth smallest number in the matrix. The post Find kth smallest value in a sorted matrix appeared first on Techie Delight.
Insert an interval by merging overlapping intervals
Admin    Insert the specified interval into a collection of non overlapping intervals that has been organized by the start time of each interval. If the new interval causes intervals to overlap, merge the overlapped intervals. The post Insert an interval by merging overlapping intervals appeared first on...
Find all duplicate elements in a limited range array
Admin    Find the duplicate numbers in an integer array of size n that contains elements between and n , at least one of which repeats. The post Find all duplicate elements in a limited range array appeared first on Techie Delight.