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DailyMotion: Starcraft
14  décembre     14h03
StarCraft 2 œ Blizzard
StarCraft 2 ’ ’ ’ Blizzard
StarCraft 2]No.0315--Great ZERG Player vs Hard A.I, LOSS[2-Base Ravager-Ling Attack].CUT...
   I did NOT play great, this time. I NEED to know the A.I keeps on growing. It’s almost, like, I ALWAYS play the same when, the A.I keeps on playing better : .
Announced Games That Were Never Released
   Game development is a high budget gamble at the best of times. For every big name disappointment or surprise breakout hit from nowhere, there is another darker class of game: the one that never came out. History is littered with high profile games that had all the hype, and all the trailers, and...
13  décembre     22h03
StarCraft 2 Blizzard
StarCraft 2 ï ’ ï ï ï ï ï ï ï Blizzard
StarCraft 2 Blizzard #warcraft
StarCraft 2 s s Blizzard
StarCraft 2 25- Blizzard #warcraft
12  décembre     21h58
StarCraft 2 ’ s Blizzard #warcraft
StarCraft 2 s ParaToxic - ’ Blizzard #warcraft
11  décembre     22h24
StarCraft 2 œ œ , Blizzard
StarCraft 2 Blizzard ParaToxic #ï 2
StarCraft 2 Blizzard ParaToxic #ï 1
StarCraft 2 ï ï )) So cute Blizzard #warcraft
10  décembre     23h46
StarCraft 2 ï - Blizzard
StarCraft 2 œ œ Blizzard
09  décembre     23h46
StarCraft 2]No.0314--Great ZERG Player vs Hard A.I, LOSS[2-Base Ravager-Ling Attack].CUT...
   My st wave of troops did break through the enemy A.I player’s barricade. But, or, butt then, I messed up by going direct toward the Enemy Hatchery, when I should’ve made sure my army lives until we win, at last. I needed to be safe , I lost that game to a mistake.