atlas news
09  octobre     11h14
How to update innodb buffer pool size in mysql 8 with Ubuntu 24.04?
Editorial Staff    In today’s discussion, we are showing how to update innodb buffer pool size in MySQL with Ubuntu . . Go to this file etc mysql my.conf When you open the file you will be encounter something like below, if you don’t perform any modifications Next, add the below block before the include...
24  septembre     11h15
Custom Error Message With wpcf7 before send mail Hook
Editorial Staff    In today’s snippet we are illustrating how to add a customer error message when using wpcf before send mail in WordPress Contact Form . My example follows implementing a minimal custom honeypot captcha in the Contact Form . The abort true statement will prevent the email from being sent. The...
28  août     05h54
Which layout file is responsible for the cms page in Magento 2?
Editorial Staff    In Magento, the layout file responsible for rendering CMS pages is cms page view.xml. This layout file is typically located in: This layout file determines the structure and contents of the CMS pages, such as which blocks are included and their positions. If you need to customize the layout of...