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26  novembre     23h28
What the PSF Conduct WG does
Brett Cannon    In the past week I had two people separately tell me what they thought the Python Software Foundation Conduct WG did and both were wrong and incidentally in the same way . As such, I wanted to clarify what exactly the WG does for people in case others also misunderstand what
02  novembre     22h00
Don’t return named tuples in new APIs
Brett Cannon    In my opinion, you should only introduce a named tuple to your code when you’re updating a preexisting API that was already returning a tuple or you are wrapping a tuple return value from another API.Let’s start with when you should use named tuples. Usually
22  juin     23h35
My impressions of ReScript
Brett Cannon    I maintain a GitHub Action called check for changed files. For the purpose of this blog post what the action does isn’t important, but the fact that I authored it originally in TypeScript is. See, one day I tried to update the NPM dependencies. Unfortunately, that update broke everything in a
11  juin     21h29
Saying thanks to open source maintainers
Brett Cannon    After signing up for GitHub Sponsors, I had a nagging feeling that somehow asking for money from other people to support my open source work was inappropriate. But after much reflection, I realized that phrasing the use of GitHub Sponsors as a way to express patronage support and appreciation for
17  mars     22h43
State of WASI support for CPython: March 2024
Brett Cannon    The biggest update since June is WASI is now a tier platform for CPython This means that the main branch of CPython should never be broken more than hours for WASI and that a release will be blocked if WASI support is broken. This only applies to
03  janvier     05h49
An experimental pip subcommand for the Python Launcher for Unix
Brett Cannon    There are a couple of things I always want to be true when I install Python packages for a project:I have a virtual environmentPip is up to dateFor virtual environments, you would like them to be created as fast as possible and usually with the newest version of Python.
27  décembre     19h46
My proof-of-concept record type
Brett Cannon    Back in June, I proposed a struct syntax for Python. I shared the post on Mastodon and got some feedback. Afterwards I thought about what I heard and talked it over with some folks. I’ve now coded up a proof of concept to share to get some more feedback from
24  décembre     22h05
State of standardized lock files: December 2023
Brett Cannon    Back in October, I released mousebender . . The biggest change was adding support for PEP which unless you’re running a package index you don’t need to know about it . The other small thing was adding ProjectFileDetails as a union of typed dicts to make
Introducing basicenum
Brett Cannon    In the summer of , my partner was taking her machine learning course as part of UBC’s Key Capabilities in Data Science certificate. I was Andrea’s on call tutor for any Python questions, so while Andrea was listening to lectures I decided to do a small project
22  décembre     00h56
Announcing microvenv 2023.5
Brett Cannon    In my blog post explaining how virtual environments work, I announced my project called microvenv. At the time, my only goal was to create a package which could create virtual environments in a minimal, fast way. But since then, I have expanded the API of the package to provide some
27  août     23h11
Why I put in some effort to lower my carbon footprint
Brett Cannon    I was talking with someone about how Andrea and I have been consciously taking less flights since the pandemic started in order to lower our carbon footprint Take the Jump suggests a flight under km every years, longer than that every years; heard about this from David Suzuki
19  août     00h30
State of standardized lock files for Python: August 2023
Brett Cannon    Since people seemed to like my June post on the state of WASI support for CPython, I thought I would do one for another one of my other long gestating projects: coming up with a standardized lock file format for Python packaging. x F A ;When I say lock file
11  août     23h37
Differentiating between writing down dependencies to use packages and for packages themselves
Brett Cannon    When my teammate Courtney evaluated various workflow tools for Python development to see how pip venv compared, she came back with a recommendation on using pip’s requirements files as a way to record what people installed and thus needed to run their code . As someone who prefers to
23  juin     23h41
State of WASI support for CPython: June 2023
Brett Cannon    I wanted to give an update on where WASI support for CPython stood today and what I see happening in the future. x F A ;If you don’t know what WASI is or how CPython fits into it, please read my other blog post on WebAssembly platforms.TodayWASI is
02  juin     19h01
Proposing a struct syntax for Python
Brett Cannon    Story timeWhen I go on vacation with a fellow Python developer, inevitably I will talk about Python. x F ; Back in September, Andrea and I drove the Cabot Trail with our friends Dusty and Jen, which led to a discussion about the match statement and how Dusty and I both