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Web Damn
17  novembre     15h35
Create REST API Using FastAPI, Python & MySQL
webdamn    In our previous REST API tutorial, we have explained to create a REST APIs using Python and MySQL. In this tutorial, we will create REST APIs using FastAPI. We will create REST API with common CRUD functions like getting data, insert new data, update and delete data. What is REST API A RESTful API...
29  septembre     13h15
AWS S3 File Upload using Python and Flask
webdamn    In our previous Python project tutorial, we have developed Discussion Forum using Flask and Python. In this tutorial, we will build an app to upload files to AWS S using Python and Flask. Amazon Web Services AWS is provides on demand cloud services for hosting websites and storing files. The AWS...
22  septembre     02h59
User Management System with Python, Flask and MySQL
webdamn    In our previous Python tutorial, we have to develop Weather App in Python using Flask. In this tutorial, we will explain how to develop User Management System with Python, Flask and MySQL. User section is an important part of any web application in which users are created, updated, deleted, viewed...
08  septembre     15h10
Create Simple REST API with PHP & MySQL
webdamn    In our previous tutorial, we have explained how to develop School Management System with PHP MySQL. In this tutorial, we will explain how to Create Simple REST API with PHP MySQL. REST Representational State Transfer is a way to define the architectural style for creating web services. The...
30  août     12h30
School Management System with PHP & MySQL
webdamn    In our previous python project tutorial, we have explained to develop User Management System with PHP MySQL. In this tutorial, we will explain how to develop School Management System with PHP MySQL. School Management Systems SMS is a web application that commonly used in schools to manage...
17  avril     17h35
Build Discussion Forum with Python, Flask & MySQL
webdamn    In our previous Python tutorial, we have developed Online Web Chat using Flask and Python. In this tutorial, we will build a Discussion Forum system with Python, Flask MySQL. A forum system is a program which allows member to hold discussions online. The discussion is started by a member by...
09  avril     18h38
Build Online Web Chat using Flask and Python
webdamn    In our previous Python project tutorial, we have developed School Management System with Python, Flask and MySQL. In this tutorial, we will develop Online Web Chat using Flask and Python. A web chat system is an online interface that allows to communicate directly with peoples in real time. Here,...
21  janvier     19h06
If name main Usage in Python
webdamn    In our previous Python tutorial, we have explained about Args and Kwargs in Python. In this tutorial, we will explain about name in Python. We mostly see the name variable like below code when gone through the Python code. This is a special variable in Python that used to create modules....
13  janvier     15h03
Build Image Search App with Python and Flask
webdamn    In our previous Python Flask tutorial, we have explained how to develop QR Code Generator with Python and Flask. In this tutorial, we will explain how to develop Image Search App with Python and Flask. An image search is a search functionality that is implemented to find images. The search can be...
25  décembre     18h51
Build QR Code Generator with Python and Flask
webdamn    In our previous Python Porject tutorial, we have explained to develop School Management System with Python, Flask and MySQL. In this tutorial, we will explain how to build QR Code Generator with Python and Flask. Nowadays, QR code is become a part of our life. We all use QR code for multiple...