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15  janvier     22h28
Database Indexing in Django
   This article explores the basics of database indexing, its advantages and disadvantages, and how to apply it in a Django application.
28  décembre     22h28
Deploying a Django App to AWS ECS with AWS Copilot
   This tutorial looks at how to deploy a Django app to AWS ECS with AWS Copilot.
05  novembre     22h28
Avoid Counting in Django Pagination
   This article looks at how to avoid the count query in Django’s paginator.
21  octobre     22h28
Python 3.13: What’s New
   This article looks at the new features in Python . and how they can be implemented.
19  août     22h28
Limiting Content Types in a Django Model
   This article looks at how to limit the content types in a Django model.
22  juillet     22h28
Handling Periodic Tasks in Django with Celery and Docker
   This article looks at how to manage periodic tasks with Django, Celery, and Docker.
12  juillet     22h28
Sending Confirmation Emails with Flask, Redis Queue, and Amazon SES
   This tutorial looks at how to send confirmation emails to newly registered users with Flask, Redis Queue, and Amazon SES.
09  juillet     22h28
Using HTMX with FastAPI
   This tutorial looks at how use HTMX with FastAPI.
05  juillet     22h28
Developing GraphQL APIs in Django with Strawberry
   This tutorial details how to integrate GraphQL with Django using Strawberry.
01  juillet     22h28
Reusable Components in Django with Stimulus and Tailwind CSS - Part 2
   This tutorial looks at how to add server side components to our client side setup with Django.
30  juin     22h28
Reusable Components in Django with Stimulus and Tailwind CSS - Part 1
   This tutorial looks at how to build client side UI components in Django with Stimulus and Tailwind.
04  juin     22h28
Storing Django Static and Media Files on DigitalOcean Spaces
   This tutorial shows how to configure Django to load and serve up static and media files, public and private, via DigitalOcean Spaces.
03  juin     22h28
Approximate Counting in Django and Postgres
   This article looks at how to speed up counting with Django and PostgreSQL.
22  mai     22h28
Flask Stripe Tutorial
   This tutorial looks at how to quickly add Stripe to a Flask app in order to accept payments.
14  mai     22h28
Continuously Deploying Django to DigitalOcean with Docker and GitLab
   In this tutorial, we’ll look at how to configure GitLab CI to continuously deploy a Django and Docker application to DigitalOcean.
08  mai     22h28
Securing FastAPI with JWT Token-based Authentication
   This tutorial shows how to secure a FastAPI application with JWT Token based Authentication.
02  mai     22h28
Building Reusable Components in Django
   This tutorial looks at how to build server side UI components in Django.
09  avril     22h28
Clean Code in Python
   This article looks at how to write clean code in Python.
02  avril     22h28
Faster CI Builds with Docker Layer Caching and BuildKit
   This article takes a look at how to speed up your Docker based builds on CircleCI, GitLab CI, and GitHub Actions with Docker Layer Caching and BuildKit.
28  mars     22h28
Handling Database Migrations with Alembic
   This article looks at the high level architecture of how Alembic works, how to add it to your project, and some common workflows you’ll encounter.
08  mars     22h28
OAuth2 in Python
   This article first provides an overview of Oauth concepts and then looks at how to implement OAuth with OAuthLib.
07  mars     22h28
Adding Social Authentication to Flask
   This tutorial details how to add social auth to a Flask application.
29  février     22h28
Django REST Framework: Pros and Cons
   This article looks at the pros and cons of using Django REST Framework for building RESTful APIS with Django.
12  février     22h28
Docker Best Practices for Python Developers
   This article looks at several best practices to make your Dockerfiles and images cleaner, leaner, and more secure.
05  février     22h28
Django REST Framework and Vue versus Django and HTMX
   This article compares the development experience with Vue and Django REST Framework against HTMX and Django.
28  janvier     22h28
Working with Static and Media Files in Django
   This article looks at how to work with static and media files in a Django project, locally and in production.
12  janvier     22h28
Postgres vs. DynamoDB: Which Database to Choose
   This article compares and contrasts Postgres and DynamoDB, describing how to use them and what the differences are, to help you decide which one to choose.
10  janvier     22h28
Django vs. Flask in 2024: Which Framework to Choose
   In this article, we’ll look at the best use cases for Django and Flask along with what makes them unique, from an educational and development standpoint.
09  janvier     22h28
What is Werkzeug?
   This article explains what Werkzeug is and how Flask uses it for its core HTTP functionality.
04  janvier     22h28
How Are Requests Processed in Flask?
   This article shows the key steps for when a request is processed in Flask and the callbacks available to customize the processing of a request.
21  décembre     22h28
Basic and Full-text Search with Django and Postgres
   This tutorial looks at how to add basic and full text search to a Django app with Postgres.
15  décembre     22h28
Server-side Sessions in Flask with Redis
   This article looks at how server side sessions can be utilized in Flask with Flask Session and Redis.
12  décembre     22h28
Effectively Using Django REST Framework Serializers
   This article looks at how to use Django REST Framework DRF serializers more efficiently and effectively.
04  décembre     22h28
Automating Performance Testing in Django
   This article looks at how to set up automated performance tests to uncover and prevent inefficient database queries.
01  décembre     22h28
Python Type Checking
   This article looks at what type hints are and how they can benefit you. We’ll also dive into how you can use Python’s type system for type checking.
26  novembre     22h28
Django REST Framework and Elasticsearch
   This tutorial looks at how to integrate Django REST Framework with Elasticsearch.
21  novembre     22h28
Python Code Quality
   This article looks at how to improve the quality of your Python code with linters, code formatters, and security vulnerability scanners.
13  novembre     22h28
Deploying Django to AWS ECS with Terraform
   In this tutorial, we’ll look at how to deploy a Django app to AWS ECS with Terraform.
24  octobre     22h28
Running Flask on Docker Swarm
   This tutorial looks at how to run a Flask app on Docker Swarm.
23  octobre     22h28
Production Django Deployments on Heroku
   This article aims to simplify the process of deploying, maintaining, and scaling a production grade Django app on Heroku.
03  octobre     22h28
Python 3.12: What’s New
   This article looks at the new features in Python . and how they can be implemented.
24  août     22h28
Customizing the Django Admin
   In this article, we’ll look at how to customize Django’s admin site.
21  août     22h28
Deploying a Machine Learning Model to AWS Lambda
   This tutorial shows how to deploy a machine learning model to AWS Lambda.
04  août     22h28
Deploying Django to AWS with Docker and Let’s Encrypt
   In this tutorial, we’ll deploy a Django app to AWS EC with Docker and Let’s Encrypt.
03  août     22h28
Securing a Containerized Django Application with Let’s Encrypt
   In this tutorial, we’ll look at how to secure a containerized Django app running behind an HTTPS Nginx proxy with Let’s Encrypt SSL certificates.
31  juillet     22h28
Django Session-based Auth for Single Page Apps
   This article looks at how to add session based authentication to a Single Page Application SPA powered by Django and React.
30  juillet     22h28
Django Stripe Tutorial
   Quickly add Stripe to accept payments on a Django Python website.
27  juillet     22h28
Dockerizing Django with Postgres, Gunicorn, and Nginx
   This tutorial details how to configure Django to run on Docker along with Postgres, Nginx, and Gunicorn.
18  juillet     22h28
Django REST Framework Authentication with Auth.js
   This tutorial looks at how to add authentication to Django REST Framework and integrate it with Auth.js.
11  juillet     22h28
FastAPI with Async SQLAlchemy, SQLModel, and Alembic
   This tutorial looks at how to configure SQLAlchemy, SQLModel, and Alembic to work with FastAPI asynchronously.