atlas news
Gael Varoquaux
31  décembre     23h00
2024 highlights: of computer science and society
   Note For me, was full of back and forth between research, software, and connecting these to society. Here, I lay out some highlights on AI and society, as well as research and software, around tabular AI and language models. As starts, I’m looking back on . It ...
21  décembre     23h00
When AIs must overcome the data
   Improving conversational artificial intelligences or simpler prediction engines involves overcoming biases, that is, going beyond the limits of data. But the notion of bias is subtle, as it depends on the goals. Note This post was originally published in French as part of my scientific chronicle...
18  octobre     22h00
Do AIs reason or recite?
   Despite their apparent intelligence, conversational artificial intelligences often lack logic. The debate rages on: do they reason or do they recite snatches of text memorized on the Internet Note This post was originally published in French as part of my scientific chronicle in Les Echos. I...
18  juillet     22h00
CARTE: toward table foundation models
   Note Foundation models, pretrained and readily usable for many downstream tasks, have changed the way we process text, images, and sound. Can we achieve similar breakthroughs for tables Here I explain why with CARTE, we’ve made significant headway. Contents Pre training for data tables...
02  juillet     22h00
Skrub 0.2.0: tabular learning made easy
   We just released skrub . . . This release markedly simplifies learning on complex dataframes. model tabular learner classifier’ Simple, yet solid default baseline The highlight of the release is the tabular learner function, which facilitates creating pipelines that readily perform machine...