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Python Circle
Removing PDF pages using Python and PyPDF2
   Python code to remove pages from PDF files. How to delete pages from PDF files. Trim a PDF file. Pull a few pages from the PDF file and make a new one. Reduce PDF file size.
Working with MySQL and Python3 - Part 2
   Working with MySQL and Python, MySQL connector and Python , Dropping and Truncating a table in MySQL using Pythong, How to insert multiple records to MySQL using Python
Working with MySQL and Python3
   Working with MySQL . and . using Python, Connecting with MySQL using Python, Inserting and Deleting data from MySQL using Python, Data processing with MySQL and Python
How to host Django application on DigitalOcean server using Gunicorn, Supervisor, and NGINX
   hosting Django application on DigitalOcean Server with custom Domain. Using WSGI server to host the Django application. Hosting Django application with Gunicorn, Supervisor, NGINX. Service static and media files of Django application using NGINX. Using Godaddy Domain to server traffic of Django...
Creating a bar chart in Django Application
   Minimal example of how to create a bar chart or pie chart in Django application using Charts.js. Drawing Analytics charts in Django application. Using charts and graphs to make your Django application visually appealing. Creating Dashboards using Charts.js in Django to convey the information more...
How to create sitemap of Django website
   Creating a sitemap for your Django application, Improve SEO of your Django website by generating Sitemap.xml file, Generate sitemap from Dynamic URLs in Django Application, Create Sitemap for static pages in your Django application, Sitemap XML file in Django Applications,
Automating WhatsApp web using selenium to send messages
   Automating WhatsApp web using selenium to send messages. Using selenium to automate whatsapp messaging. Sending bulk messages via whatsapp using automation.
Django application to automate the WhatsApp messaging
   Django application with REST API endpoints to automate the WhatsApp messaging. Automating WhatsApp web using selenium to send messages. Using selenium to automate whatsapp messaging. Sending bulk messages via whatsapp using automation. Source code Django application Whatsapp Automation
How to validate an uploaded image in Python Django
   Validating image before storing it in database or on file storage. Checking the size of uploaded image in python django. Checking the extension of uploaded image in python django. Checking the content size of uploaded image. Checking the mime type of uploaded Image. Validating a malicious image...
Publishing to Kafka Synchronous vs Asynchronous
   By default, the Kafka client uses a blocking call to push the messages to the Kafka broker. We can use the non blocking call if application requirements permit. Here we will explore how we can use the non blocking approach to push data to Kafka, what is the impact, and what could be the concern...