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Weblogs ASP Net
12  août     01h05
AIM HDC 2024
   I will be presenting A Developer’s Guide to Web Images nbsp;at nbsp;AIM HDC :Many web developers have only a casual understanding of image formats and how to best use them on web sites, yet they make up over of the client footprint for most web pages. nbsp; Learn which image formats are
30  juillet     15h13
Blog Maintenance
   I updated some of the links in my blog, removed outdated broken links, added a few others friends, links collections . This will be the last thing I’ll do before going on annual leave, be back by the end of August Enjoy your vacations
29  juillet     09h20
Checking the Health of an ASP.NET Core Application
   IntroductionHaving a way to evaluate the health status of our system has been around since ASP.NET Core . . In a nutshell, the idea is, you register a number of health checks, and you run them all at some time to assess their state, if any of them returned anything other than healthy, then the sy
24  juillet     07h45
Getting Location and Weather from an IP Address
   IntroductionThe concept of getting the location for a given IP address is not exactly new, and some posts have been written about it already. Still, I wanted to write nbsp;about it because I will need it for a later article, and, to add something, also explain how to get the weather forecast for t
23  juillet     07h39
The Multi-Cloud Strategy: Is this a Must-Have?
   The recent outage linked to CrowdStrike, which affected . million Windows devices, had a significant impact on daily life and businesses worldwide. Though less than of Windows computers were affected, the consequences were far reaching. Imagine this:, flights canceled, airports in chaos, a
20  juillet     04h18
THAT Conference WI 2024
   I will be presenting Make the Web Faster at nbsp;That Conference WI :This session demonstrates practical techniques that drop a web page’s size from almost MB to K, and load time from seconds to less than a second while looking the same Review tools that validate and describe pe
16  juillet     07h35
Caching HttpClient Requests
   IntroductionThe nbsp;HttpClient class is Microsoft’s recommended approach for making raw HTTP calls in .NET. It allows you to send arbitrary HTTP requests including headers through a request response pipeline of message handlers. These handlers can be used to augment the request and respon
12  juillet     10h58
NET 8 Data Annotations Validation
   IntroductionI wrote about nbsp;entity validation in the past, the reason I’m coming back to it is that there are some changes in .NET, that I haven’t revisited. Time for a refresher .NET has featured a way to validate classes and their properties for a long time, the API is called Data Annotat
11  juillet     13h11
Microsoft MVP 2024-2025
   Excited and honored to receive the Microsoft MVP award for the th year in Developer Technologies web development and security
08  juillet     13h50
EF Core Entity Validation
   Note: I wrote a post about Data Annotations validation here.IntroductionAs you guys may know, Entity Framework classic used to do nbsp;entity validation before saving changes. By default, it used the Data Annotations validator, but you could plug your own mechanism. Problem is, EF Core no long
03  juillet     11h36
Remove Rogue Keyboard Layout From Windows Session Using PowerShell
   Over the years I’ve been hit by having a US QWERTY keyboard layout added to my Windows session without knowing where it came from.Today I decided to do something about it.Using the nbsp;International PowerShell module, we can get the list of user languages using the nbsp;Get WinUserLanguageList Po
30  juin     20h10
Soft Deletes with Entity Framework Core - Wrap Up
   Those that follow this blog probably know about my series of posts on soft deletes with EF Core, which you can find here:Global query filtersSaving changesConventions and EventsBulk DeletesI decided to make the code available at GitHub: https: rjperes EFSoftDeletes. Feel free to have a l
27  juin     23h29
Soft Deletes with Entity Framework Core - Bulk Deletes
   IntroductionThis is post on a series of posts on soft deletes with EF Core. On none of my posts on this series did I mention that these solutions do not work with bulk deletes, introduced in EF Core, but they really don’t. That is because they rely on the change tracking mechanism and the bulk
23  juin     18h13
Read-Only Entities in EF Core
   IntroductionOne feature that has been conspicuously missing from EF Core is read only entities, meaning, the possibility to mark an entity type as read only, in which case, no changes to its instances inserts, updates, deletes will be allowed; data needs to be added to the database by other mean
08  juin     01h59
SciFiDevCon 2024 (virtual)
   I presented Regular Expressions Shiny at SciFiDevCon :One of the most overlooked features in many languages is the support for regular expressions. There are many times where they are the perfect solution, yet many if not most programmers fear them.Well, fear not, we will review the b
27  mai     14h39
Soft Deletes with Entity Framework Core - Part 3
   Update: see part here.IntroductionLong ago, I wrote two nbsp;posts on how to do soft deletes with EF Core. Back then, it was with version . Well, something a lot has changed in the meantime, namely:Custom conventionsEventsSo this post is to complement the other two with this welc
20  mai     20h13
On Architecture - Part 2: Data Storage and Access
   IntroductionSecond post on a new series on software architecture. First one here, on high level system communication. This time I’m going to talk a bit about data storage and how to access the data.Data Storage and OrganisationIn the early days, pretty much everyone was using relational databases fo
Use IExceptionHandler to handle errors in AspNet Core
   No matter how carefully you design your web pages and components there is always a possibility that your application throws an error at runtime. To trap and handle such unforeseen circumstances you can use IExceptionHandler interface introduced in ASP.NET Core .https: artic
19  mai     10h34
My input on Designing Data Intensive Applications audiobook
   Designing Data Intensive Applications is a book written by Martin Kleppmann. The paper version consists of pages, and the audiobook nbsp;is about hours So, get ready for a marathon if you choose the audio version This book is truly unique. The author has extensive knowledge in the fields o
09  mai     21h02
I was wrong about agile software development
   This is a repost from my personal blog Way back in , I did a short contract job with a certain major insurance company. It was starting the process of getting out of the old mainframe world. To help with this, they brought in a certain well known consulting company to coach Agile software dev