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Python GUIs
04  janvier     06h00
Getting Started With PyCharm for Python GUI Development The Python-Specific Integrated Development Environment
   Setting up a good development environment for Python can make the coding process friendly and provide the necessary tools to maintain the codebase for many years to come. Choosing the right tools and being comfortable with them is a critical step for a Python developer. Code editors are among the...
29  novembre     06h00
Building a Translation Application Using Tkinter Translate Your Text With Python and Tkinter
   Whether learning a new natural language or just browsing foreign websites, you sometimes come across text that you want to read but is written in a language you don’t fully understand. To translate one natural language into your native language you can use a translator tool, like Google Translate....
27  septembre     07h00
Introduction to the QGraphics framework Creating vector interfaces using the QGraphics View framework
   The Qt Graphics View Framework allows you to develop fast and efficient D vector graphic scenes. Scenes can contain millions of items, each with their own features and behaviors. By using the Graphics View via PySide you get access to this highly performant graphics layer in Python. Whether you...
05  septembre     06h00
Build a Translation Application Using Tkinter and OpenAI Use ChatGPT to Translate Your Text from Python
   Translation tools have existed for many years and are incredibly useful if you’re learning a new language or wanting to read foreign websites. One of the most popular tools is Google Translate , but there is now another alternative: using OpenAI’s ChatGPT tool to translate text. In this tutorial,...
02  septembre     06h00
Build a To-do App With Python and Kivy Magange Your Todo Items With Ease
   A To do app is a program for managing tasks or activities that you intend to do at some point. It is a classic programming project for beginners, especially for those learning to create graphical user interfaces or GUIs for the desktop. In this tutorial, we will learn how to create a minimal To do...
22  juillet     06h00
Kivy’s UX Widgets: A Quick Exploration Learn the Basics of UX Widgets in Kivy
   Widgets are elements of the graphical user interface GUI that provide an application functionality. From buttons and labels to more complex elements like checkboxes, sliders and canvases, widgets receive input and display output. They are the building blocks we use to build user interfaces. In...
30  juin     06h00
PyQt6 & PySide6 Books updated for 2025 Extended and updated with new examples, demos including Model View Controller architecture
   Hello Today I have released new digital updates to my book Create GUI Applications with Python amp; Qt. This update brings all versions up to date with the latest developments in PyQt amp; PySide . As well as corrections and additions to existing chapters, there are new sections dealing with...
27  avril     07h00
Introduction to the QGraphics framework Creating vector interfaces using the QGraphics View framework
   The Qt Graphics View Framework allows you to develop fast and efficient D vector graphic scenes. Scenes can contain millions of items, each with their own features and behaviors. By using the Graphics View via PyQt you get access to this highly performant graphics layer in Python. Whether you’re...
27  mars     06h00
Q&A: How Do I Display Images in PySide6? Using QLabel to easily add images to your applications
   Adding images to your application is a common requirement, whether you’re building an image photo viewer, or just want to add some decoration to your GUI. Unfortunately, because of how this is done in Qt, it can be a little bit tricky to work out at first. In this short tutorial, we will look at...
06  mars     13h00
Drag & Drop Widgets with PySide6 Sort widgets visually with drag and drop in a container
   I had an interesting question from a reader of my PySide book, about how to handle dragging and dropping of widgets in a container showing the dragged widget as it is moved. I’m interested in managing movement of a QWidget with mouse in a container. I’ve implemented the application with drag...