atlas news
19  novembre     15h27
How to Use Runtime Messages in Core
Winson    Warning: Undefined array key HTTP USER AGENT in www wwwroot wp content plugins page view count by webline class generate view.php on line . Introduction When you are creating the APIs, you should need to handle many messages and return them to the client, for example, if...
22  août     14h29
How to use implicit animations in Flutter
Winson    Warning: Undefined array key HTTP USER AGENT in www wwwroot wp content plugins page view count by webline class generate view.php on line How to use implicit animations in Flutter . Introduction Many widgets can help manage the animation in Flutter, and these widgets can...
29  juillet     13h36
How to support multiple appsettings in 8
Winson    Warning: Undefined array key HTTP USER AGENT in www wwwroot wp content plugins page view count by webline class generate view.php on line . Introduction Most of time, we need to publish a .Net Core project to difference environment with corresponding configuration, so we...
14  juin     13h58
Use Drift for ORM in Flutter
Winson    Warning: Undefined array key HTTP USER AGENT in www wwwroot wp content plugins page view count by webline class generate view.php on line . Introduction Drift is a powerful database library for Dart and Flutter applications. To support its advanced capabilities like type...
16  mai     02h02
Create Flutter audio player in the background
Winson    Warning: Undefined array key HTTP USER AGENT in www wwwroot wp content plugins page view count by webline class generate view.php on line . Introduction There are several packages e.g. assets audio player, audioplayers, just audio can handle audio play in Flutter, but if...
22  avril     03h45
Our new social network site has been published
Winson    Warning: Undefined array key HTTP USER AGENT in www wwwroot wp content plugins page view count by webline class generate view.php on line Our new social network site was published It’s CoderBlog X and the domain is https: CoderBlog X is base on Mastodon, is...
08  avril     03h59
Use the powerful theme framework in GetX
Winson    Warning: Undefined array key HTTP USER AGENT in www wwwroot wp content plugins page view count by webline class generate view.php on line . Introduction FlexColorScheme is a very powerful theme framework for Flutter, there is complete documentation and tutorials, and there...
19  mars     03h58
Create Flutter project with GetX Pattern
Winson    Warning: Undefined array key HTTP USER AGENT in www wwwroot wp content plugins page view count by webline class generate view.php on line . Introduction In my previous article, I introduced the GetX framework, but there are several parts needed to create and handle in the...
21  février     14h45
How to listen the app lifecycle event after Flutter 3.13
Winson    Warning: Undefined array key HTTP USER AGENT in www wwwroot wp content plugins page view count by webline class generate view.php on line . What’s the App lifecycle state in Flutter In Flutter, there are several lifecycle events that you can listen to in order to handle...
08  janvier     06h16
How to create an internal HTTP server via Flutter for uploading file
Winson    Warning: Undefined array key HTTP USER AGENT in www wwwroot wp content plugins page view count by webline class generate view.php on line . Introduction If you want to let user upload files to the app through the browser on their computer, you can create an internal HTTP...