atlas news
12  janvier     00h00
My Mac Dev Setup and Favorite Tools
   How I setup and use my computer and tools for development. I wrote this mostly as a guide for myself, for the next time I setup a computer, and hope it might be useful to others too. I’d love to hear your thoughts, ideas and additional tips in the comments below Related: How I setup my Terminal...
04  janvier     00h00
Terminal and Bash - Tips & Tricks
   A collection of notes, tips and tricks about how I setup and use my terminal iTerm and shell Bash . Perhaps you find some of it useful or interesting for your own setup.
05  mai     00h00
Bid cancellations considered harmful
   Moved to https: t bid cancellations considered harmful
23  mars     00h00
Block Building inside SGX
   Moved to https: block building inside sgx
20  décembre     00h00
Running Geth within SGX: Our Experience, Learnings and Code
   Moved to https: geth inside sgx
21  juillet     00h00
Securing private keys with a high-performance, threshold signature-based protocol
   This post is about the paper Improving security for users of decentralized exchanges through multiparty computation , by Robert Annessi and Ethan Fast. The paper introduces an effective algorithm for secure, collaborative signature generation using threshold signatures, and an API key based client...
30  mai     00h00
Creating Go Bindings for Ethereum Smart Contracts
   To interact with Ethereum smart contracts in Go programs, you need bindings for the specific type of contract. This post is a quick guide for generating these bindings from various sources: Manually compiled Solidity contract Smart contracts with Truffle eg. OpenZeppelin contracts Compiling a...
15  avril     00h00
Starting a TypeScript Project in 2021
   This is a guide for starting a TypeScript project in with modern tooling. TypeScript Optionally esbuild to bundle for browsers and Node.js Linting with typescript eslint tslint is deprecated Testing with Jest and ts jest Publishing a package to npm Continuous integration GitHub...
12  avril     00h00
PDFx update and new version release (v1.4.1)
   PDFx is a tool to extract text, links, references and metadata from PDF files and URLs. Thanks to several contributors the project received a thorough update and was brought into . The new release of today is PDFx v . . x f ; PDFx works like this:
24  mars     00h00
Starting a TypeScript Project in 2021
   Moved to starting a typescript project in
29  janvier     00h00
MicroPython-Ctl - a TypeScript library for talking to MicroPython devices
   I’m happy to introduce MicroPython Ctl: a TypeScript library for talking to MicroPython devices such as ESP , Raspberry Pi Pico, Pyboard, WiPy, and many more . Use micropython ctl to quickly build apps that interact with MicroPython devices: Websites webapps, Node.js programs, Electron...
30  octobre     00h00
A new version of logzero is released (v1.6)
   logzero is a simple and effective logging library for Python, with colored stream output, logfile, syslog, JSON formatting and much more: https: metachris logzero After a really busy period with my second , I start to find a little bit of time here and there for fun projects....
08  octobre     00h00
It’s been a while
   Oh wow, it’s been about two years since my last post, and oh boy were those eventful Most notably, I’m now a father of two . Happy, busy, and frequently getting up way too early for my liking. Either way, now I seem to find a little bit of time again to hack around and play with...
06  octobre     00h00
City of Zion Project Report June to August 2018
   Redirecting to https: proof of working city of zion project report june to august ea fa ea
23  novembre     00h00
NEO dApps review - CoZ first dApps competition
   Redirecting to https: proof of working coz first dapps competition dapp review a b afaef
19  novembre     00h00
How to build an ICO on NEO with the NEX ICO smart contract template
   Redirecting to https: proof of working how to build an ico on neo with the nex ico smart contract template beac ff afd
03  novembre     00h00
How to run a private network of the NEO blockchain
   I’ve just published logzero, a small Python package which simplifies logging with Python and . It is easy to use and robust, and heavily inspired by the Tornado web framework. I’ve recently released python which included this module as a file, and people have been asking for it...
29  juin     00h00
logzero - Simplified logging for Python 2 and 3
   This post shows how to write tests for Vue.js plugins and extensions by creating Vue.js instances, changing state and validating transformation and expected errors, to continuously verify that everything still works after updates, refactorings and merging contributions. While building python...
31  mai     00h00
How to test Vue.js plugins and extensions
   This post shows how to automate building and deployment of Hugo static websites to GitHub Pages using Travis CI. Builds are automatically triggered when pushing to the Git repository, and deployment when a build on the master branch succeeds. Hugo is a static website generator written in Go, and...
25  avril     00h00
Continuous Deployment: Hugo Travis CI’ GitHub Pages
   Last week I was visiting CloudNativeCon and KubeCon Europe in Berlin for two days of conference packed with talks. The conference took place in the good ol’ Berlin Congress Center, which brought up good memory on the earlier Chaos Computer Congresses, which used to take place there. This post...
07  avril     22h00
KubeCon Europe 2017 Impressions
   Snapchat is going public And there is lots of interesting data in todays IPO filing. Snap Inc. is a camera company. Users: m daily active users, grew last quarter Instagram has about m DAU . Users older than visit Snapchat approximately times per day, on average about minutes...
02  février     00h00
Interesting facts from the Snapchat IPO filing
   Everyone loves a good syntax highlighting. This post explains how to use highlight.js for syntax highlighting in a Vue.js application. The method shown here allows syntax highlighting both on original creation of an element as well as on updates to the source code, using a simple v highlightjs...
01  février     00h00
Vue.js Syntax Highlighting with highlight.js
   Node.js .x is the current Node.js long term support LTS release, with Node.js v . . being the most recent release as of time of writing. This guide shows a quick and reliable way to install the current Node.js .x LTS version including npm on Ubuntu Debian and CentOS. console.log ;Hello...
12  janvier     00h00
How to install Node.js 6.x Long-Term Support (LTS) on Ubuntu Debian and CentOS
   Node.js .x is the current stable release of the Node.js, which is actively maintained in parallel to Node.js .x Long Term Support LTS . At the moment, the latest version is Node.js v . . , and you can find the Node.js v .x Changelog here on Github. This guide shows a quick and reliable way to...
How to install Node.js 7.x on Ubuntu Debian and CentOS
   TypeScript . introduced a number of breaking changes, among them that Extending built ins like Error, Array, and Map may no longer work . For a subclass like the following: class FooError extends Error constructor m: string super m ; sayHello return ;hello ; this.message; ...
06  janvier     00h00
Custom Errors in TypeScript 2.1
   The Chaos Computer Congress is Europe’s leading hacker and tech community conference, taking place annualy in Hamburg, Germany between Christmas and New Year. This year was the rd time hence C, and as usual featured a large number of amazing talks and presentations. My personal favorites...
03  janvier     00h00
Great Talks and Presentations at 33C3
   Peter Norvig, the famous American computer scientist and Director of Research at Google Inc., participated in this year’s Advent of Code a series of small programming puzzles , and shared his experience in an interesting blog post. The post starts with this amazing collection of Python utility...
27  décembre     00h00
Python Utilities by Peter Norvig
   A thread pool is a group of pre instantiated, idle threads which stand ready to be given work. These are often preferred over instantiating new threads for each task when there is a large number of short tasks to be done rather than a small number of long ones. Suppose you want do download s...
11  avril     00h00
Python Thread Pool
   This is a simple guide on installing the latest Qt currently . and PyQt on Mac OS X . El Capitan and Linux with Python . , inside a virtual environment. Installation Steps Python Xcode and command line tools Qt libraries Virtual environment SIP Python package PyQt Python package...
24  mars     00h00
How to install Qt 5.6 and PyQt5 in a Python 3.4 virtual environment on Mac OS X and Linux
   PDFx is a free command line tool to extract references, links and metadata from PDF files. You can also use it to find broken links in a PDF file, using pdfx c: For each URL and PDF reference, pdfx performs a HEAD request and checks the status code. It there are broken links, PDFx print the link...
19  mars     00h00
Find broken hyperlinks in a PDF document with PDFx
   Mandrill, the beloved by many transactional email service, recently announced that it will switch to a paid only model under the MailChimp umbrella. This came as a surprise to many developers who used them for sending emails for free from various servers and backends. This post provides a round up...
08  mars     00h00
Free Transactional Email Services - The Best Alternatives to Mandrill & Co.
   This is a simple and effective method how to serve Wordpress pages blazingly fast: produce static HTML files with WP Super Cache, and serve them directly with nginx. WP Super Cache on Github is an immensely popular, official Wordpress caching plugin with more than million active installations....
21  février     00h00
How to Optimize Wordpress Performance with nginx and WP Super Cache
   Let’s Encrypt is a new certificate authority backed by Mozilla, Akamai, EFF, Facebook and others, which provides free, automated SSL TLS certificates. The public beta started on December, and a whole lot of certificates have been issued already: Several clients to automate issuing, renewing...
14  décembre     00h00
Comparison of 10 ACME Let’s Encrypt Clients
   In this tutorial we’ll be using py app to create a standalone OSX application from a Python or source code with a simple Tkinter user interface. py app is a Python setuptools command which will allow you to make standalone application bundles and plugins from Python scripts. py app is similar...
28  novembre     00h00
Creating standalone Mac OS X applications with Python and py2app
   String encoding and decoding as well as encoding detection can be a headache, more so in Python than in Python . Here are two little helpers which are used in PDFx, the PDF metadata and reference extractor: make compat str decode any kind of bytes str into an unicode object print to console ...
23  novembre     00h00
Python Helpers for String Unicode Encoding, Decoding and Printing
   Machine learning algorithms regularly utilize GPUs to parallelize computations, and Amazon AWS GPU Instances provide cheap and on demand access to capable virtual servers with NVIDIA GPUs. GPU Instances come in two flavors: G . xlarge and G . xlarge: Model GPUs vCPU Mem GiB SSD Storage GB g ...
22  novembre     00h00
Machine Learning on Amazon AWS GPU Instances
   Great talk and engaging live coding session Python Concurrency From the Ground Up by David Beazley at PyCon Recommended minutes watch. A few selected quotes: The fact that he walked in and did this demo from scratch while keeping the packed room engaged was incredible.ï A more...
13  novembre     00h00
David Beazley - Python Concurrency From the Ground Up (LIVE PyCon 2015)
   Node.js v .x is deprecated. Take a look at the current instructions on how to install Node.js .x Long Term Support LTS and Node.js .x. Node.js v . . stable was released today, just a month after the v .x long term support LTS release Here is a quick and easy way to install the current...
30  octobre     00h00
How to install Node.js 5.x on CentOS and Ubuntu Debian
   I just released PDFx version . , a Python tool and library to extract metadata and URLs from PDFs, and to automatically download all referenced PDFs. The project is released under the Apache license with the source code on Github Features Extract metadata and PDF URLs from a given PDF file or...
26  octobre     00h00
PDFx v1.0 - Extract metadata and URLs from PDFs, and download all referenced PDFs
   Node.js v .x is deprecated. Take a look at the current instructions on how to install Node.js .x Long Term Support LTS and Node.js .x. Recently io.js and node.js merged again into a single codebase in Node v . . . The fork happened in December and io.js has seen rapid improvements and fast...
22  octobre     00h00
How to install Node.js 4.x (LTS) on CentOS
   This post is about using Retrofit . beta to consume HTTP based APIs. Retrofit is a great and popular API client library for Java and by extension also for Android developed by Square. Here’s a few links to start things off: Retrofit Homepage Retrofit Source on Github Retrofit Javadoc Blog...
12  octobre     00h00
Retrofit 2.0 Samples
   Another DMCA takedown of one of my Android apps. This time initiated by The New York Times Company for a three year old app titled NYTimes Article Search . Instead of having their lawyers send the DMCA notice to Google which immediately suspends the respective app, they could have just sent me an...
21  décembre     00h00
Yet Another DMCA Takedown
   Just a year ago Paul Irish and several contributors started working on html boilerplate, a popular repository of boilerplate and best practices for creating cross browser compatible, html enabled websites. Thanks to the efforts of many front end developers and researchers who have spent countless...
12  août     00h00
App Engine Boilerplate 2.0 - Using html5-boilerplate v2 on Google App Engine
   I recently started appengine boilerplate, a repository of often used boilerplate code for Google’s App Engine, which allows to quickly setup new projects without having to re invent the most common wheels. All code is released under the BSD license, and It comes with the following goodies: html ...
05  avril     00h00
App Engine Boilerplate
   Short answer: Ask your especially engaged users to rate the app eg. with a tool such as AppRater . iPhone developer Amro Mousa published a post yesterday with recommendations about how to reach a high average rating on the AppStore, since many app users are only remembered to rate an app on...
07  mars     00h00
How to get 4 to 5 stars in the Android market (Appirater for Android)
   Developing servers that scale is usually quite tricky, even more so with Python and the absence of worker threads which can run on multiple cpu cores . A possible solution are worker processes that duplicate the client’s socket, a technique that allows the workers to processes requests and send...
29  janvier     00h00
Scaling Python Servers with Worker Processes and Socket Duplication
   This post is a brief technival overview of Unicode, a widely used standard for multilingual character representation, and the family of UTF x encoding algorithms. First a brief introduction to Unicode: Unicode is intended to address the need for a workable, reliable world text encoding. Unicode...
27  décembre     00h00
Unicode and UTF Overview
   Here’s a brief but important advice for Android app developers: starting with your first app, prepare for the situation where a company wants to acquire one of your applications. Use a unique signing key alias for each app Else you’ll be forced to either cancel the acquisition or hand out the...
20  décembre     00h00
Advice for Android Developers: Prepare for App Acquisition
   I’ve just learned about a particularly nice Linux shell command: compgen compgen c ... list all the commands you could run. compgen a ... list all the aliases you could run. compgen b ... list all the built ins you could run. compgen k ... list all the keywords you could run. compgen ...
11  décembre     00h00
Useful Linux Command of the Day - compgen
   Today Android version . Gingerbread, API Level was released, including an updated Android plugin for Eclipse and the API Level SDK. The release includes some very welcome updates for both users and developers, including better text selection tools, access to more sensor data, improved...