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Data School
11  janvier     00h38
Use premium AI models for pennies ’
Kevin Markham    Learn how to access ChatGPT, Claude, and more for pennies per conversation rather than paying for expensive subscriptions
28  décembre     12h36
Upgrade your terminal app s
Kevin Markham    Tired of wrestling with your terminal Try Warp, a modern intelligent app that is packed with power user features and easily customizable.
25  avril     14h51
How to prevent data leakage in pandas & scikit-learn
Kevin Markham    What is data leakage, why is it problematic, and how can you prevent it when working on a supervised Machine Learning problem in Python
10  avril     15h12
Should you discretize continuous features for Machine Learning?
Kevin Markham    Learn how to discretize or bin your continuous features using Python’s scikit learn, and find out why I usually don’t recommend doing so.
18  mars     18h58
Jupyter & IPython terminology explained ’
Kevin Markham    Are you trying to understand the differences between Jupyter Notebook, JupyterLab, IPython, Colab, and related terms You’re in the right place
06  mars     17h58
Get started with conda environments
Kevin Markham    Discover the benefits of virtual environments and learn the six conda commands you need to know to get started
07  janvier     16h57
What are conda, Anaconda, and Miniconda?
Kevin Markham    What is the Anaconda distribution and why do people use it How is it related to conda Miniconda As a Data Scientist, which should I use
29  septembre     17h29
Solve a medical mystery with a confusion matrix
Kevin Markham    You’ve been tested for a disease and it came back positive. What’s the probability that you actually have the disease Let’s find out ï ï
15  septembre     17h40
Simulate the Monty Hall problem in Python s
Kevin Markham    Use Python to solve this classic probability puzzle that has stumped mathematicians and Nobel Prize winners
13  septembre     14h25
Find the perfect dataset for your Data Science project
Kevin Markham    Working on a project for your Data Science portfolio Here are excellent sources for unique, high quality datasets
27  juin     18h08
Make your own private GPT with Python ’
Kevin Markham    Learn how to use the power of GPT to interact with your private documents. All using Python, all private, all free
12  avril     13h29
Building a dataset of Python versions with regular expressions
Kevin Markham    Learn how to use pandas, requests, and regular expressions regex to create a dataset of every Python version and its release date
23  mars     17h59
Why I offer location-based pricing for my courses
Kevin Markham    I offer a discount on my courses up to to people in countries, to account for the differences in purchasing power across the globe.
15  mars     16h32
Working with Time Zones & Daylight Saving Time in pandas
Kevin Markham    Are you working with datetime data in pandas Learn how to become timezone aware so that your dataset cooperates with Daylight Saving Time
17  février     15h30
Fly through Jupyter with keyboard shortcuts s
Kevin Markham    Learn the most useful keyboard shortcuts for Jupyter Notebook or Lab including hidden gems ’ so that you can speed up your workflow