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Dan on Python
04  août     01h47
Persuading Neovim to treat # pypy3 files as filetype python
   I love Python and Neovim lately using the AstroNVim distribution of Neovim . I also really like Pypy, which is a fast implementation of Python. Here is an article about how to convince Neovim to treat Linux Unix usr bin env pypy files as filetype Python.
22  juin     15h12
Python 3.x threading comparison
   I’ve put a comparison of different Python runtimes here. In short, CPython, but also Pypy and Nuitka, threaded poorly. This while the Python for tiny systems, Micropython, threaded quite well at least on this embarallel problem. See the graph at the link above.
01  octobre     21h38
Fast-paced, seven part intro to python for developers on youtube
   Hi folks. I’ve uploaded a fast paced, seven part intro to python for developers who already know at least one other turing complete, imperative programming language, to youtube. I hope people find it useful.
18  novembre     03h36
Python, Rust and C performance doing MD5
   I put a performance comparison between Python, Rust and C doing MD calculations, here. Interestingly, CPython and Pypy came out on top, even beating gcc and clang. Granted, CPython and Pypy are probably calling the highly optimized OpenSSL, but it’s still noteworthy that sometimes Python...
02  mars     15h28
The House Robber Problem
   I’ve put a Genetic Algorithm based solution to The House Robber Problem nbsp;here. The problem has us maximizing the value from houses robbed, subject to the constraint that no two adjacent houses can be robbed.
06  février     19h48
   I’ve put a simple, Python . website dead link checker here. You give it one or more URL’s to search through, and one or more URL prefixes to mostly remain under, and it does the rest. It’s intended to be shell callable, and can output CSV or JSON. I hope people find it useful.
14  janvier     02h01
A Python solution to the Alien Language Problem
   I’ve put a Python .x .x solution to the Alien Language Problem nbsp;in my Subversion repo. The rough idea is to take a list of sorted alien words sorted in an alien order, even though they use the Roman alphabet , and to find what the order of that alphabet is.
06  juin     00h00
   from table I’ve put from table nbsp;here. It’s a small python script that knows how to extract one or more HTML tables as CSV data. nbsp; You can give it a URL or a file. nbsp; It can extract to stdout or to a series of numbered filenames one file per table . I hope folks find it useful.
18  octobre     17h36
Backshift not That slow, and for good reason
   Backshift is a deduplicating backup program in Python. At http: burp results .html you can find a performance comparison between some backup applications. The comparison did not compare backshift, because backshift was believed to have prohibitively slow deduplication....
12  août     15h45
Latest python sorted dictionary comparison
   I recently completed another sorted dictionary comparison, and thought I’d share the results. This time I’ve eliminated the different mixes of get set. It’s all set and get now. Also, I added sorteddict, which proved to be an excellent performer. And I added standard deviation to...
fdupes and equivs3e
   I recently saw an announcement of fdupes on linuxtoday. Upon investigating it a bit, I noticed that it uses almost exactly the same algorithm as my equivs e program. Both are intended to find duplicate files in a filesystem, quickly. The main difference seems to be that fdupes is...
19  mai     21h30
   Python compared to C machine performance Someone posted to LinkedIn’s Python Professionals forum with the subject Why Python is so slow and said Python is x slower than C on one specific microbenchmark . You can guess what the rest of it was like. So: even though machine...
06  septembre     23h35
Fibonacci Heap implementation in Pure Python
   I’ve put a Pure Python Fibonacci Heap priority queue implementation at: https: pypi fibonacci heap mod http: strombrg fibonacci heap mod It passes pylint and pep , is thoroughly unit tested, and runs on CPython . , CPython . , Pypy . . ,...
17  janvier     20h59
Python dictionary-like trees with O(log2n) find min and find max, and O(n) ordered traversal
   I’ve made some changes to the tree comparison I did in . I’ve added a few more dictionary like tree datastructures. I also changed the methodology: Instead of running million operations for all datastructures, I’ve told it to run each test to million ops, or minutes, whichever comes...
03  janvier     23h09
Backshift announcement
   Backshift is a deduplicating filesystem backup tool in Python that compresses input data very hard and supports removing old data to make room for new data. Backshift is thoroughly, automatically tested; is thoroughly documented; runs on a variety of Python interpreters; runs on a wide...
Results of the Python 2.x vs 3.x survey
   The results are at nbsp;https: moin .x vs .x survey Thanks.
31  décembre     18h28
   I put up a page listing some of the datastructures I’ve worked on over the years. nbsp;Most are in Python. nbsp;It can be found here. Listed are a few dictionary like datastructures including one that wraps others to allow duplicates , a linked list, a hash table in C , and a bloom filter.
Python 2.x vs 3.x usage survey
   I’ve put together a multiple choice question survey about Python .x vs .x at nbsp;https: s N N PG . If you have a free minute, I hope you’ll take it.
11  juillet     01h00
   I put together a comparison of several Python in the browser technologies, for my local Python user group. They almost all transpile compile to a different language from Python to JavaScript. Some transpile once for each pageload, while most transpile once, like a separate compilation step. ...
24  juin     00h41
Python and tree datastructures: A performance comparison
   At http: strombrg python tree and heap comparison I’ve put together a comparison of a few in memory tree datastructures for Python. I hope to add heaps to the comparison someday, hence the URL.The trees have each been made to run on cpython .x, cpython .x...
23  juin     23h02
   At http: strombrg python tree and heap comparison I’ve put together a comparison of a few in memory tree datastructures for Python. I hope to add heaps to the comparison someday, hence the URL. The trees have each been made to run on cpython .x, cpython ...
07  juin     02h48
Python Trees (and treap) evaluated
   At http: strombrg python tree and heap comparison I’ve put together a comparison of a few in memory tree datastructures for Python. I hope to add heaps to the comparison someday, hence the URL. The trees have each been made to run on cpython .x, cpython ...