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01  octobre     02h54
How to output words on a Power Shell screen?
IslandT    In order to output words on the PowerShell screen all you need to do is to type in below cmdlet follows with the words inside the . which will generate the below output
24  janvier     09h34
How to search multiple lines with Python?
IslandT    Often you will want to search for words or phrase in the entire paragraph and here is the python regular expression code which will do that. pattern re.compile r’ w w w ’, re.M We use the re.M flag which will search the entire paragraph for the match words. Now let us try out the...
11  juillet     05h13
Extract Twitter username with python
IslandT    Below simple code will extract the Twitter username from text using python re module. import re Extract the username without pattern re.compile r’ B x B; w ’ gad pattern.findall hello mr gadgets print f’Hi, gad ’ Hi, x B;’gadgets’ The Twitter username only allows words,...
14  mars     03h49
Python Example Group telephone number using the re module
IslandT    Below Python example will use the re module to group the telephone number without the sign and the period .’. Let’s say the phone number has been written in this manner. . The below python program will group the numbers by taking out both the sign and .’. find re.compile r’...
20  février     11h25
Java ArrayDeque example
IslandT    Below Java program will use ArrayDeque to keep a collection object and then prints those elements out in descending order. import java.util. ; public class Reading public static void main String x B; args ArrayList String books new ArrayList String ; books.add Hello USA ; books.add ...
19  janvier     06h08
Accept pipeline object from a function in Power Shell
IslandT    The below power shell function will accept a pipeline object and display it on the command prompt. function GetValueFromPipeline param x B;Parameter ValueFromPipeline true hello hello Hello GetValueFromPipeline Hello By setting the ValueFromPipeline property of a...
17  janvier     07h29
The Mandatory property in PowerShell Parameter attribute
IslandT    The below PowerShell program will force the user to specify the value of the two variables by setting the Parameter attribute in a function to true. function addition param x B;Parameter Mandatory true one, x B;Parameter Mandatory true two return x B;int one x B;int two ...
01  janvier     05h25
Here is how to create a collection object which extends ArrayList
IslandT    The below Java example shows how to create a collection object which extends ArrayList. The below program does two things Adds in a few string objects and one in between Finds the index of a particular string object in the collection object. import java.util. ; public class Reading E extends...
28  décembre     07h15
Here is how to write a conditional type chaining program in TypeScript
IslandT    In the below typescript program, I am applying conditional type chaining to display the outcome on the output console. Conditional types can get chained together to return a specific type. interface IHomeAppliance table : number; interface IComputerAppliance table : number; brand : string; ...
26  décembre     12h21
Here is how to construct a type based on a subset of properties of another type in Typescript
IslandT    In order to create a type from another type in TypeScript, used the Pick mapped type which will construct a type based on a subset of properties of another type as follows: interface IHomeAppliance table : string; bed : string; bathroom : string; type PickBathroom Pick IHomeAppliance, ...