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IslandTropicaMan : Python
24  janvier     09h34
How to search multiple lines with Python?
IslandT    Often you will want to search for words or phrase in the entire paragraph and here is the python regular expression code which will do that. We use the re.M flag which will search the entire paragraph for the match words. Now let us try out the program above which will then display the following....
11  juillet     05h13
Extract Twitter username with python
IslandT    Below simple code will extract the Twitter username from text using python re module. import re Extract the username without pattern re.compile r’ B x B; w ’ gad pattern.findall hello mr gadgets print f’Hi, gad ’ Hi, x B;’gadgets’ The Twitter username only allows words,...
14  mars     03h49
Python Example Group telephone number using the re module
IslandT    Below Python example will use the re module to group the telephone number without the sign and the period .’. Let’s say the phone number has been written in this manner. . The below python program will group the numbers by taking out both the sign and .’. find re.compile r’...
13  novembre     06h00
ProCal Homepage
IslandT    This application which is used to calculate various financial problems is free to use on GitHub and you can download the code through this link. You can use the executable file to start the application once it is up there. The application has been updated to the Tkinter version instead of using...
09  novembre     03h04
The finance calculator project in Python
IslandT    I would like to introduce to you all my latest project plan which is to build a finance calculator to calculate various financier related issues which include my previous solution to find the present and the future sum of money in it. In this article, I will start building the application with the...
02  novembre     07h16
Python Example Find the future sum of money with Python
IslandT    In this python example, I will create a simple python function to calculate the compound interest which will then be used to calculate the future sum of money F if the present sum of money P and the interest rate per interest period are given. Before I start to write the program, let us...
01  novembre     11h58
Matplotlib Tutorial Create a scatter chart
IslandT    In this Matplotlib example, I am going to create a scatter chart that shows the quantity and the type of shoes I have sold recently. The scatter chart below will show dots that represent the quantity of each type of shoe that I have sold recently. The program is as follows: import matplotlib...
31  octobre     11h47
Matplotlib Tutorial Create a bar chart
IslandT    In this Matplotlib example, I am going to create a bar chart to represent the quantity of the wear I have sold recently. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig, ax plt.subplots wear ’Slipper’, ’Sport Shoe’, ’Snicker’, ’High Heel’ counts , , , bar labels ’Slipper’, ’Sport Shoe...
30  octobre     13h14
Matplotlib Tutorial Start to create a simple graph
IslandT    Matplotlib is a third party python library that you can use to create various graphs as well as charts to present your data. This is the starting article of the parts series of the Matplotlib library tutorial and in this example tutorial, I will create a simple graph to represent the five day...
26  octobre     10h25
Tkinter Tutorial Create a message box that return the answer
IslandT    This is the last tutorial on Tkinter, there are still lots of widgets that I have not been able to cover on this website and you can find all of them on the official webpage of Tkinter In this example tutorial I am going to create a message box that will return the answer from...Read More Tkinter...