atlas news
30 décembre
My 2024 in review
A quick review of my done in a hurry, trying to remember the many experiences I had, the people I met, the places I visited and the changes I went nbsp;through.
10 décembre
My first DSF board meeting
Thoughts and insights aboutr my first meeting as a Django Software Foundation board nbsp;member.
17 novembre
Thoughts on my election as a DSF board member
My thoughts on my election as a member of the Django Software Foundation DSF board of nbsp;directors.
28 octobre
2025 Django Software Foundation board nomination
My self nomination statement for the Django Software Foundation DSF board of directors nbsp;elections
17 octobre
Python Marche 2024-10
Local group of developers dedicated to Python in Marche and surrounding nbsp;areas.
23 septembre
DjangoCon US 2024
DjangoCon US is a six day international conference for the community by the community about the Django web framework, held each year in North nbsp;America.
31 août
So long, and thanks for all the tabs
After years of work and professional and personal growth I left tab with a lot of gratitude and a bit of nbsp;nostalgia.
14 août
Python Software Foundation fellow member
The Python Software Foundation made me a PSF fellow member, along with Adam nbsp;Johnson.
10 juillet
EuroPython 2024
EuroPython is the official European conference for the Python programming nbsp;language.
20 juin
Django 5 by Example preface
The story of my experience in writing the preface of the book ;Django By Example ; by Antonio nbsp;Melé.
12 juin
Posette 2024
An Event for Postgres pronounced P zet , and formerly called Citus Con is a free and virtual developer event. The name POSETTE stands for Postgres Open Source Ecosystem Talks Training amp; nbsp;Education.
04 juin
DjangoCon Europe 2024
DjangoCon Europe is an international conference for the community by the community about the Django web framework, held each year in nbsp;Europe.
24 mai
PyCon Italia 2024
PyCon Italia is the national conference where professionals, researchers and enthusiasts of the most beautiful programming language gather nbsp;together.
19 mai
Upgrade PostgreSQL from 15 to 16 on Ubuntu 24.04
Howto guide for upgrading PostgreSQL from version to on Ubuntu, after its upgrade from version . to . Noble nbsp;Numbat .
18 mai
PyCon US 2024
PyCon US is the largest and longest running annual gathering for the community using and developing the open source Python programming nbsp;language.
04 avril
Python Pescara 2024-04
Local group of developers dedicated to Python in Pescara and surrounding nbsp;areas.
14 mars
Pybites Podcast #155
Episode of Pybites podcast with the title ;Django, Open Source amp; Pycon Conferences, Paolo Melchiorre ;s Developer nbsp;Odyssey ;
18 janvier
My Django roadmap ideas ’
My ideas for the informal Django roadmap session for , proposed by the new DSF board member, Thibaud nbsp;Colas.
30 décembre
My 2023 in review
The review of my , trying to remember all the things done in this year, in which more than anyone I met many fantastic people and visited new nbsp;countries.
10 décembre
Database generated columnsâ : GeoDjango & PostGIS
An introduction to database generated columns, using PostgGIS, GeoDjango and the new GeneratedField added in Django nbsp; . .
29 novembre
Pelican 4.9: classless Simple theme with semantic HTML
Introducing the updated version of the ;Simple ; theme in the new Pelican . version, with semantic and classless HTML and customizable nbsp;out of the box.
26 novembre
2024 Django Software Foundation board nomination
My self nomination statement for the Django Software Foundation DSF board of directors nbsp;elections
23 novembre
Database generated columnsâ : Django & PostgreSQL
An introduction to database generated columns, using PostgreSQL and the new GeneratedField added in Django nbsp; . .
18 novembre
DevFest Pescara 2023
GDG DevFest Pescara brings together world class experts in Android, Web, Cloud, and Machine Learning technologies to Pescara for days of sessions, workshops and nbsp;showcases.
06 novembre
Database generated columnsâ : Django & SQLite
An introduction to database generated columns, using SQLite and the new GeneratedField added in Django nbsp; . .
25 octobre
Î Django (micro Django)
A single file Django micro project created for demonstration purposes to be used in the same way as other Python nbsp;frameworks.
16 octobre
DjangoCon US 2023
DjangoCon US is a six day international conference for the community by the community about the Django web framework, held each year in North nbsp;America.
19 juillet
EuroPython 2023
EuroPython is the official European conference for the Python programming nbsp;language.
20 juin
2023 Python Software Foundation Board Nomination
My self nomination statement for the Python Software Foundation PSF Board nbsp;Election
19 juin
Python Community News Interview
Interview I gave to the ;Python Community News ; channel regarding my self nomination for the Python Software Foundation PSF Board of Directors nbsp;elections.
28 mai
DjangoCon Europe 2023
DjangoCon Europe is an international conference for the community by the community about the Django web framework, held each year in nbsp;Europe.
25 mai
PyCon Italia 2023
PyCon Italia is the national conference where professionals, researchers and enthusiasts of the most beautiful programming language gather nbsp;together.
02 mai
Quickly resize a video with FFmpeg Vaapi for Mastodon
How to quickly resize a video with FFmpeg before uploading it to Mastodon to comply its resolution and size nbsp;restrictions.
26 avril
Upgrade PostgreSQL from 14 to 15 on Ubuntu 23.04
Howto guide for upgrading PostgreSQL from version to on Ubuntu, after its upgrade from version . to . Lunar nbsp;Lobster .
22 avril
PyCon US 2023
PyCon US is the largest and longest running annual gathering for the community using and developing the open source Python programming nbsp;language.
17 avril
Citus Con 2023
An Event for Postgres is a free and virtual developer event organized by the Postgres team at Microsoft nbsp;Azure.
PyCon DE 2023
PyConDE amp; PyData Berlin , Berlin Germany. Where Pythonistas in Germany can meet to learn about new and upcoming Python libraries, tools, software and data nbsp;science.
14 mars
Python Web Conference 2023
The Python Web Conf is the most in depth Python conference for web nbsp;developers.
24 novembre
2022 Malcolm Tredinnick Memorial Prize
The Django Software Foundation awarded me the Malcolm Tredinnick Memorial nbsp;Prize.
22 novembre
New profile picture
I chose as my new profile picture a shot of Bartek Pawlik taken in San Diego USA during the first day of Sprint at DjangoCon US nbsp; .
21 novembre
Attiviamo Energie Positive - Podcast
A cycle of free webinars, a Produzioni dal Basso project born with the support of Banca Etica and Etica SGR, with the contribution of many professionals and illustrious names of Italian social nbsp;innovation.
19 novembre
GDG DevFest 2022
GDG DevFest Pescara brings together world class experts in Android, Web, Cloud, and Machine Learning technologies to Pescara for days of sessions, workshops and nbsp;showcases.
16 novembre
Resize a video with FFmpeg for Mastodon
How to resize a video with FFmpeg and Vaapi before uploading it to Mastodon to comply its resolution and size nbsp;restrictions.
14 novembre
Intervista Pythonista - Ep 31
Python Milano presents Intervista Pythonista. We give a voice to Italian Pythonistas and get to know them closely with short interviews. Presented by Marco Santoni and Cesare nbsp;Placanica.
08 novembre
Ubuntu Summit 2022
An opportunity for the broader Ubuntu community to learn and speak about the amazing work and success stories happening in the nbsp;ecosystem.
25 octobre
My Django active developers Sprints proposal
The story of how the proposal to organize sprints on the Django active developers was born and how I proposed it during the past DjangoCon US in San Diego to various components of the Django nbsp;community.
18 octobre
DjangoCon US 2022
DjangoCon US is a six day international conference for the community by the community about the Django web framework, held each year in North nbsp;America.
20 septembre
DjangoCon Europe 2022
DjangoCon Europe is an international conference for the community by the community about the Django web framework, held each year in nbsp;Europe.
13 juillet
EuroPython 2022
EuroPython is the official European conference for the Python programming nbsp;language.
06 juillet
Pointer Podcast - 108
The Pointer Podcast is an Italian podcast dedicated to technology and innovation nbsp;enthusiasts.