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Tryton : discuss
12  octobre     09h32
Employee Bonuses
mahija    I have a POS system where my employees receive a discount on every purchase they make. Can we set something up in the system to manage this posts participants Read full topic
11  octobre     20h47
Desktop Client vs Web Client navigating ProductsBOMs (do I understand correctly?)
dalers    Hi all, I’d like to confirm I’m correctly navigating from products to BOMs and back to products. and in this case, if the web client actually provides a superior user experience. I won’t type everything out as the pictures are really telling the story. Access a Product Variant that has a BOM ...
Tryton 7 - Clipboard on mac
Vincenzo    Hi everyone, I recently upgraded to Tryton version from version . Version of Tryton on Mac used the control c and control v key combinations to copy and paste values. In Tryton, on some forms, these key combinations launch different actions. For example, in Party, the control v...
10  octobre     14h30
Tryton project as CNA under Red Hat
yangoon    We know that there were difficulties in the past to get CVEs assigned. The recent one for python sql was assigned seemingly unproblematic to the Debian LTS team. My request if I could rely on the LTS team to get help in unproblematic assignment of CVEs was answered like that by the LTS coordinator...
09  octobre     14h29
Using FHIR, Method Not Allowed
Siobhan    Has anyone used FHIR with Tryton and encountered a Method Not Allowed ’ error I’ve installed it, and I’m running both the Tryton server and the FHIR server. However, when I test the FHIR REST API, I get a error. posts participants Read full topic
Retrieve DictSchemaMixin from Dict entry
jt93    Hi, I have added a custom dict field to the product module similar to the attributes: class Property DictSchemaMixin, ModelSQL, ModelView : ’Property’ name ’’ ... properties fields.Dict ’’, ’Properties’ Now I can create multiple properties and...
Reference Error,
shafi12    Hi I am facing an error regarding a reference, I have created a report, and the report is displayed on the Tryton app correctly with no error of compilation, but when I open the report it shows an error, health proc.patient demographic details report start form not found but I am sure that the...
08  octobre     17h58
Translation ERROR when they being loaded
mahija    Want to load a language, between the process it shows this error. Traceback most recent call last : File trytond , line , in dispatch request return endpoint request, request.view args File trytond protocols ...
An Error When i use UserManager
manuelze    Hello Bonsoir à vous I have an error when I try to use UserManager in my flask application. Here’s an overview of the error. File home gnuhealth Flask flaskvenv lib python . site packages sqlalchemy orm , line , in get impl return self.session. get impl File home...
Pay and Pay Invoice wizard
lb1975    Hi All, I’m a bit confused when I have to pay a sale invoice cause when I click on the button Pay on the Lines to Pay section of the invoice, I don’t get an automatic reconciliation. The workaround for me is to cancel the paiement and going to Financial Payments Line to pay and do the wizard...
07  octobre     13h10
Generate a unique id when I import them
Siobhan    So, I want to import a file and generate a unique ID for each field during the import process. Is that possible And if it’s possible. Where should I do this Aside making sequential in my corresponding module. posts participants Read full topic
Bug with missing depend (and solution :-) )
maxx    Hi, I recently had a strange bug since migration to . with some custos. I just want to share with you the problem I met and the solution. When creating a new purchase and clicking on Ok after selecting a product to add on a purchase line, I had this error: AssertionError: Pool .get ’purchase...
Multiple Products per Carrier
jt93    Hi, is it possible to have multiple package products for a single Carrier If not, what would be the intended way to handle the case, if lets say my Carrier DPD offers shipping in different packages Thanks posts participants Read full topic
05  octobre     02h14
Upgrading a module
mahija    Was going to upgrade a module until this error showed. Traceback most recent call last : File trytond , line , in dispatch request return endpoint request, request.view args File trytond protocols , line , in rpc return methods.get request.rpc method, ...
04  octobre     17h42
Change trytond-admin password error
mahija    tryton name pop os: tryton . trytond admin d tryton p home name .virtualenvs tryton bin trytond admin: : DeprecationWarning: pkg resources is deprecated as an API. See https: en latest pkg resources.html import ’pkg resources’ .require ’trytond . . ’ ...
Making a surcharge in invoice
Siobhan    Is it safe if I add a surcharge to an invoice module I’m not sure how to include it. Do I need to code, or is it customizable I want to make an initial cash float too in invoice since sale pos isn’t available in trytond . . posts participants Read full topic ...
Error when i do trytond-admin
mahija    I was trying to initialize my module with trytond admin And this happen: tryton name pop os: tryton . trytond admin c trytond.conf d tryton all home name .virtualenvs tryton bin trytond admin: : DeprecationWarning: pkg resources is deprecated as an API. See https: setuptools.pypa...
How to upgrade my module
mahija    I want to upgrade my module from tryton to how do i do that posts participants Read full topic
Nuevas casillas en modelo 303
roliver    Saludos. La Agencia Triubutaria ha modificado el dise o de registro del modelo con los nuevos impuestos y recargos de equivalencia vigentes a partir de . Nuevo dise o de registro Est previsto realizar la modificaci n del m dulo aeat es posts participants ...
03  octobre     20h15
the id and pass of demo server do not work
herve_02    I cannot open a session on the test server to show someone Tryton Try Tryton Demostration server of Tryton posts participants Read full topic
02  octobre     17h39
How do I hide some Tab?
Siobhan    How do I hide some of these forexample i want to hide dentistry posts participants Read full topic
Add a group to menu
Siobhan    Okay, I already understand why it’s missing. Another question, I made a group named pharmacy products and expected these menu to show: but only these showed up to the user i linked up to pharmacy product posts participants Read full topic
User Interface Menu missing?
Siobhan    There is a user interface menu missing from the side menu. When I search for: Health Configuration Medicaments Medication Frequencies inside Administration User Interface Menu, it returns no results. However, when I search for it in my browser’s history I have previously opened it , it...
Security Release for issue #93
ced    Cédric Krier has found that python sql does not escape non Expression for unary operators like And and Or which makes any system exposing those vulnerable to an SQL injection attack. Impact CVSS v . Base Score: . Attack Vector: Network Attack Complexity: Low Privileges Required: Low User...
01  octobre     08h20
How to Set Up Initial Cash Float for Change in Tryton POS
mahija    Hello, I’m working on setting up a Tryton POS system and need a feature where we can enter an initial cash float, for example, an amount of , that would be used specifically for giving change. Does Tryton POS have a built in feature for this, or is there a module available that handles setting...
Newsletter September 2024
udono    During the last month we mainly focus on bug fixes, behaviour improvements of several things and speeding up performance issues stepping forward to our next release . scheduled to the th of November. We also added some new features which we would like to introduce to you in this newsletter. For...
Product Variant Sequence - Independent or Per-Product?
dalers    Hi, Does each product have it’s own unique variant sequence, or is the variant sequence independent This is a follow on to my earlier topic How to configure Product Variant Sequence I defined product and variant sequences: Product Sequence: Type: Incremental Number Padding: Increment Number: ...
29  septembre     15h04
Model API gives wrong value
jonl    The model API is not working as I would expect. Upon running val Pool .get ’res.user’ Transaction .user .employee val Pool .get ’res.user’ .search ’id’, ’ ’, Transaction .user .employee val is unexpectedly None, while val is the correct employee instance. If I reverse the...
27  septembre     11h45
An error when using and executing functions using flask tryton
manuelze    Hello, I have a concern when using flask tryton. I have carried out all the steps as shown here. But I still get this error : : :, ERROR in app: Exception on doctor party GET Traceback most recent call last : File usr lib python dist packages flask , line ,...
26  septembre     12h49
Reset non-deferral accounts: which accounts should be used?
hobbes    Hello, I’m trying to finally close my first accounting year in tryton, and I’m a bit hesitant faced with the Balance non deferral wizard: which accounts am I supposed to use I’m using the Belgian chart of accounts. Résultat reporté seems like a natural target for debit and credit. But...