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Quantum Bits : retro computer
17 avril
On retro-computing: Commodore 64
Fred Bellaiche
France is a strange country. We tend to argue about anything. Nonsensical yet tenacious troll wars have been raging for years, for the naming of delicious viennoiseries or ...
18 juillet
On retro-computing: null modem communication
Fred Bellaiche
In a previous post, I presented the restoration of an Apple IIc that I acquired a couple of months ago. Since it was my first steps with an Apple II ...
19 juin
On retro-computing: Apple IIc
Fred Bellaiche
It’s been over months since my last vintage computer acquisition. In the meantime, I had a lot of fun with RecalBox, emulating tons of oldies. But now, we ...
18 avril
On retro-computing: 15 vintage computers and their OS on RecalBox 9
Fred Bellaiche
It’s been a couple of months since my last vintage computer acquisition. I have been hunting for a DDI external disk drive and a Vortex internal expansion RAM card for ...
01 mars
On retro-computing: MARCHintosh 2023
Fred Bellaiche
Last year, right on time for MARCHintosh , I acquired my very first classic Macintosh, that I have been enjoying ever since. But the vintage computing fever troubled my mind, pushing ...
07 février
On retro-computing: Oric Atmos
Fred Bellaiche
At the end on the previous post on the Matra Hachette Alice I was left with an open question: which vintage computer shall I work on next I had ...
31 octobre
On retro-computing: Matra-Hachette Alice 90
Fred Bellaiche
After the short LEGO break from last post, let’s go back to vintage computers. I had explored a few bit computers Atari ST and Mac Plus , so I decided to ...
09 septembre
On retro-computing: Atari 1040STF
Fred Bellaiche
After months of hard work restoring a Macintosh Plus, this time, I sailed towards more familiar shores: the Atari STF. I owned an Atari STF back in the late ’s ...
17 juin
On retro-computing: Macintosh Plus
Fred Bellaiche
I am an Apple Fanboy. Always been. Nevertheless, it took me a long time to actually own an Apple device. The first Mac I ever bought was a PowerBook ...
22 mars
On retro-computing: Amstrad CPC 464
Fred Bellaiche
Let’s go a little further into retro computing. After these first steps with the Sinclair ZX and ZX Spectrum, if was time for another British bit computer from the ’s: the ...
28 février
On retro-computing: decorating the study
Fred Bellaiche
Let’s take a short break from vintage computers. As a consequence to the COVID pandemics and lock downs, home office turned from an occasional to a day to day way of working. We had ...
11 février
On retro-computing: Sinclair ZX Spectrum
Fred Bellaiche
After my first baby steps into the retro computing world with a ZX, I thought I should add a new member to the family. In memory of the late Lord Sinclair, ...
03 février
On retro-computing: Sinclair ZX81
Fred Bellaiche
My Previous posts on reto computing were dealing with emulating old bit and bit computers and consoles. That’s is what indeed triggered a bit of retro gaming and retro computing addiction. And, of ...
01 février
On retro-computing : exploring emulation software on macOS
Fred Bellaiche
In the last post, I explained how I jumped into the retro computing bandwagon, and built a few DIY boxes for retro gaming via software emulation, based on the RecalBox project. During ...
28 janvier
On retro-computing : retro-gaming with Recalbox
Fred Bellaiche
The COVID pandemic had and, unfortunately still has a strong impact on us all. We all tried our best to cope with it, our own ways. Somehow, lock downs triggered a ...