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BBC : Just One Thing - with Michael Mosley
11  octobre     11h47
Introducing two special Just One Thing programmes
   Sara Cox has news about an upcoming, two part television series which is being broadcast this month in celebration of Michael Mosley’s life and legacy.The programmes will be shown at . pm on BBC on Monday October and Monday October. They will also be available on BBC iPlayer immediately...
13  juillet     13h57
A Celebration of Michael Mosley
   On Just One Thing Day July, , BBC programmes, presenters, listeners and viewers celebrated the life and work of Michael Mosley. This is a compilation of our favourite moments from the day.Producer Nija Dalal Small Assistant Producer Will Hornbrook Assistant Producer Freyja Smith Mix...
14  juin     04h55
There’s Only One Michael Mosley
   Michael’s last interview, How to Live a Good Life, is with psychologist Paul Bloom and was recorded in the BBC tent at the Hay Festival on May, .Paul is Professor Emeritus of Psychology and Cognitive Science at Yale and Professor of Psychology at the University of Toronto and he...
06  juin     08h45
Eat Slowly
   In our bustling modern lives, it can be all too easy to wolf down our meals on the go, and never take the time to enjoy them properly. In this episode, Michael Mosley finds out how simply slowing down the speed at which you eat can help you feel full for longer, snack less, and improve your...
30  mai     08h45
   In this episode, Michael Mosley discovers that, as well as being a very rewarding thing to do, volunteering your time, labour or spare room can really benefit your health too. Michael speaks with Dr Edith Chen from Northwestern University in the US, who has been investigating the power of helping...
23  mai     08h45
   Although yoga is thought to have been practised for over, years, its myriad benefits for our health and wellbeing are still being uncovered. Professor Rima Dada from the All India Institute of Medical Sciences in New Delhi reveals the extraordinary findings into the benefits of yoga how half...
20  mai     08h45
Read a poem
   Reading poetry can reduce stress and help give you words to express the things you’re feeling. And reading a poem out loud has been shown to be a surprisingly simple way to activate your relaxation response and bring about a sense of calm. It’s all to do with the way it slows and controls your...
17  mai     21h45
Deep Calm - Ep 5: Using Music
   Sit back, leave behind the cares of the day and take a sonic journey with Dr Michael Mosley. In this new podcast series, designed to help you let go and unwind, each episode focuses on a scientifically proven technique for activating the body’s built in relaxation response, and takes a deep dive to...
16  mai     21h45
Deep Calm - Ep 4: Using the Power of Nature
   Sit back, leave behind the cares of the day and take a sonic journey with Dr Michael Mosley. In this new podcast series, designed to help you let go and unwind, each episode focuses on a scientifically proven technique for activating the body’s built in relaxation response, and takes a deep dive to...
15  mai     21h45
Deep Calm - Ep 3: Using Your Imagination
   Sit back, leave behind the cares of the day and take a sonic journey with Dr Michael Mosley. In this new podcast series, designed to help you let go and unwind, each episode focuses on a scientifically proven technique for activating the body’s built in relaxation response, and takes a deep dive to...
14  mai     21h45
Deep Calm - Ep 2: Relaxing Your Body
   Sit back, leave behind the cares of the day and take a sonic journey with Dr Michael Mosley. In this new podcast series, designed to help you let go and unwind, each episode focuses on a scientifically proven technique for activating the body’s built in relaxation response, and takes a deep dive to...
13  mai     21h45
Deep Calm - Ep 1: Using Your Breath
   Sit back, leave behind the cares of the day and take a sonic journey with Dr Michael Mosley. In this new podcast series, designed to help you let go and unwind, each episode focuses on a scientifically proven technique for activating the body’s built in relaxation response, and takes a deep dive to...
Welcome to Deep Calm - with Michael Mosley
   Sit back and take a sonic journey with Dr Michael Mosley as he focuses on scientifically proven techniques for activating your body’s built in relaxation response.
09  mai     08h45
Cook from Scratch
   Michael Mosley investigates how cooking from scratch can be a simple way to eat healthier and avoid ultra processed foods, many of which are associated with an increased risk of diseases like cancer, type diabetes and heart disease. It doesn’t need to be complicated simple recipes using tinned...
02  mai     08h45
Nordic Walking
   We all know that walking is hugely beneficial for our health and wellbeing, but we can get even fitter, and use nearly twice as many muscles, by introducing some poles and a simple technique. Join Michael Mosley as he delves into the science of Nordic walking to find out how it can enhance our...
25  avril     08h45
Try Flax Seeds
   Michael Mosley gets his flax fix, as he finds out how flax seeds, also known as linseeds, can protect your heart, reduce your blood sugar levels, and might even keep your skin feeling smooth and hydrated With the help of Dr Grant Pierce from the University of Manitoba in Canada, Michael learns...
18  avril     08h45
Play an Instrument
   Humans have been making music for thousands of years, but for Michael Mosley and our volunteer Matthew, the musical journey is only just beginning. Playing a musical instrument has been shown to strengthen your memory and lift your mood. It can even reduce chronic inflammation. Dr Sofia Seinfeld...
11  avril     08h45
Enjoy Olive Oil
   Michael Mosley discovers that enjoying more olive oil in your daily diet can come with a whole host of surprising benefits, including protecting your brain, improving your memory and reducing chronic inflammation. The Mediterranean diet has been shown to be one of the healthiest in the world, and a...
04  avril     08h45
Get Fit with HIIT
   There’s no question that exercise is important for our health, but many of us find it difficult to fit into our busy schedules. In this episode, Michael Mosley explores how high intensity interval training, HIIT for short, might be the most time efficient way to get fitter. It can also boost your...
13  mars     09h30
Get Gardening
   Michael dons some gardening gloves and gets grubby. It’s no surprise that digging, hoeing and heaving bags of soil around is great for our physical fitness. But Michael learns how gardening can also impact our microbiome from Dr Hannah Holscher at the University of Illinois Urbana Champaign. She...
06  mars     09h30
Get Skipping
   It’s time to dig out that skipping rope, as Michael learns that the popular childhood pastime could have big benefits for health and wellbeing, especially as we get older. Professor Urs Granacher from the University of Freiburg, shares how skipping is a form of jumping exercise, which could help...
28  février     09h30
Snack Smartly
   We are a nation of snackers and we tend to get a whopping of our daily calories from our snacks. But surprisingly, snacking isn’t necessarily bad for our health. Dr Sarah Berry at Kings College London explores a pragmatic approach to snacking, and tells Michael how what you snack on and when...
21  février     09h30
Track Your Exercise
   Tracking your exercise is a simple and surprisingly effective way to motivate you to move more. Most of us own an exercise tracker, whether it’s the fitness app on our phone or a special bit of kit on our wrist. But how do they make us more active Professor Carol Maher, from the University of...
14  février     09h30
Get an Early Night
   Michael discovers his long time penchant for an early night could have some real health benefits. If you are someone who could go to sleep earlier and simply put it off with an extra episode or phone scrolling, Michael recommends going to bed an hour earlier than normal because getting enough sleep...
07  février     09h30
Eat Whole Grains
   Michael discovers incorporating wholegrains into our diet, is a tasty swap that could really benefit our health. Wholegrains such as wholegrain pasta, bread and brown rice contain more fibre, vitamins and minerals, than refined grains. This simple swap can help reduce blood pressure, improve heart...
31  janvier     09h30
Do a Plank
   Michael adds a plank into his exercise routine and is surprised to learn of its huge benefits to our physical health. Dr Jamie O’Driscoll, a Reader of Cardiovascular Physiology at Canterbury Christ Church University, reveals how the plank is a form of isometric exercise, where muscles are held...
24  janvier     09h30
Drink Green Tea
   Michael takes a break to brew up a cup of green tea, warming up to its distinctive taste and its health benefits. Dr Edward Okello, from the Human Nutrition Research Centre at the University of Newcastle, reveals how green tea can benefit our brain power and health. Green tea contains the...
17  janvier     09h30
Take Vitamin D
   During the winter months, here in the UK, days are short and there isn’t enough sunlight for most of us to make the Vitamin D we need. Taking a tiny Vitamin D supplement is a minute change that could have a huge impact on our health. Professor David Llewellyn from Exeter University explains to...
10  janvier     09h30
Be Kind
   We could all use a little kindness in our lives. Surprisingly, a little altruism can actually have big benefits for our own health Michael discovers that small acts of kindness can not only boost your mental health and improve your relationships but also boost the immune system. Dr Tristan Inagaki...
06  janvier     08h00
Inflammation Special - with Prof Janet Lord
   In this series of special editions of BBC Radio podcast Just One Thing, Michael Mosley quizzes the world’s leading health experts on the best ways to live well. In this Inflammation Special, we hear from Janet Lord, who is Professor of Immune Cell Biology at the Institute for Inflammation and...
04  janvier     08h00
Weight Loss Special - with Prof Giles Yeo
   In this series of special editions of BBC Radio podcast Just One Thing, Michael Mosley quizzes the world’s leading health experts on the best ways to live well. In this Weight Loss Special, we hear from Professor Giles Yeo, a leading expert in the genetics of obesity at the University of...
02  janvier     08h00
Stay Young Special - with Prof Andrew Steptoe
   In this series of special editions of BBC Radio podcast Just One Thing, Michael Mosley quizzes the world’s leading health experts on the best ways to live well. In this Stay Young Special, we hear from Professor Andrew Steptoe, Head of Behavioural Science and Health at University College...
27  décembre     08h00
Exercise Special - with Prof Marie Murphy
   In this series of special editions of BBC Radio podcast Just One Thing, Michael Mosley quizzes the world’s leading health experts on the best ways to live well. In this Exercise Special, we hear from Marie Murphy Professor of Exercise and Health at Ulster University and leading expert in...
20  décembre     08h00
Sleep Special - with Prof Russell Foster
   In this series of special editions of BBC Radio podcast Just One Thing, Michael Mosley quizzes the world’s leading health experts on the best ways to live well. In this Sleep Special, we hear from Professor Russell Foster Director of the Sleep and Circadian Neuroscience Institute at the...
13  décembre     08h00
Happiness Special - with Dr Rangan Chatterjee
   In this series of special editions of BBC Radio podcast Just One Thing, Michael Mosley quizzes the world’s leading health experts on the best ways to live well. In this Happiness Special we hear from Dr Rangan Chatterjee GP, host of successful podcast Feel Better, Live More and author of...
03  décembre     08h00
Cold Therapy - Ep 5: Sleep and the Cold
   There’s a chill in the air as the winter months come around again. But the cold isn’t always something to fight or guard against. With a little bit of care, you can invite the cold into your life with real benefits for health and mood. In each episode of this new podcast series, Dr Michael Mosley...
02  décembre     08h00
Cold Therapy - Ep 4: Cold Water Swim
   There’s a chill in the air as the winter months come around again. But the cold isn’t always something to fight or guard against. With a little bit of care, you can invite the cold into your life with real benefits for health and mood. In each episode of this new podcast series, Dr Michael Mosley...
01  décembre     08h00
Cold Therapy - Ep 3: Cold Exercise
   There’s a chill in the air as the winter months come around again. But the cold isn’t always something to fight or guard against. With a little bit of care, you can invite the cold into your life with real benefits for health and mood. In each episode of this new podcast series, Dr Michael Mosley...
30  novembre     08h00
Cold Therapy - Ep 2: Cold Recovery
   There’s a chill in the air as the winter months come around again. But the cold isn’t always something to fight or guard against. With a little bit of care, you can invite the cold into your life with real benefits for health and mood. In each episode of this new podcast series, Dr Michael Mosley...
29  novembre     08h00
Cold Therapy - Ep 1: Colder Room
   There’s a chill in the air as the winter months come around again. But the cold isn’t always something to fight or guard against. With a little bit of care, you can invite the cold into your life with real benefits for health and mood. In each episode of this new podcast series, Dr Michael Mosley...
24  novembre     13h00
Welcome to Cold Therapy - with Michael Mosley
   There’s a chill in the air as Dr Michael Mosley uncovers the surprising power of the cold to enhance your health and wellbeing in ways you might not expect.
22  novembre     09h00
Listen to Music
   Bring on the tunes In this episode, Michael explores the power of music, from reducing pain to forging strong family relationships. Neuroscientist Dr Psyche Loui from Northeastern University in Boston reveals how just eight weeks of music listening can change activity in the brain, impacting our...
15  novembre     09h00
Walk Backwards
   Step out backwards The Chinese have a saying that steps backwards are worth steps forward and they might be onto something It may look bizarre to onlookers, but Michael delves into the research and finds some surprising benefits. It’s been used for decades in rehabilitative physical...
08  novembre     09h00
Have a Laugh
   Laughter really is good medicine. From releasing pain killing endorphins to improving your memory, laughter can have many benefits on your body and brain it’s even been shown to boost gamma brainwaves, which are associated with higher level brain processes, like learning and memory. In this...
01  novembre     09h00
Embrace the Rain
   Get that brolly out It may feel deeply counter intuitive but rainy days could offer a host of health and mood lifting benefits. Rain improves air quality, literally washing fine particulate pollution away, and rainfall also releases Geosmin, a fragrant compound which is linked with relaxation...
25  octobre     08h00
Reheat Pasta
   Load up on those leftovers because it’s surprisingly easy to make your bowl of pasta better for you In this episode, Michael uncovers how reheating carb heavy foods actually boosts the resistant starch in them. Resistant starch is a healthy carb that can benefit your gut, reduce blood sugar...
18  octobre     08h00
Practise Pilates
   It’s a low impact, low intensity exercise that can make you stronger, more flexible, and benefit your posture and balance. It’s proven to reduce lower back pain and it can even enhance your exercise performance No surprise that tennis star Andy Murray uses it in his training routine. In this...
11  octobre     08h00
Breathe Through Your Nose
   Take a nice deep breath in... through your nose. It’s a simple way to get healthier gums, a better memory, and improved lung function. How Well, it may partly be due to a special molecule called nitric oxide. Michael Mosley speaks to Professor Jon Lundberg from the Karolinska Institute in Sweden...
04  octobre     08h30
Cook Tomatoes
   Tomatoes are packed full of goodness cooked tomatoes are even better for you In this episode, Michael reveals how cooking your tomatoes sautéed, or in a sauce or soup can reduce your blood fat levels, help your body recover from exercise, and even protect your skin from damage. It’s all to...
27  septembre     08h30
   Michael Mosley ventures to his local pool and the sea to explore the unique benefits of going for a swim from improving memory and mental agility, to boosting longevity. Professor Hirofumi Tanaka, from the University of Texas at Austin, reveals why water based exercises like swimming are...