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Sub-Etha Software
24  janvier     02h24
Early 1980s BBSes and spinning cursors.
Allen Huffman    There is a whole generation that has no idea how much cool stuff folks did with text and backspace. One of my favorites was the spinning cursor. Thanks to slow speeds of baud modems, you could get some interesting effects by printing a letter, then printing a character like a slash ,...
21  janvier     16h42
Copy files to from Insta360 app on iPhone iPad
Allen Huffman    This topic seems to come up often, which is maybe it shouldn’t since Insta even documents these steps. Here is the background If you have an Insta camera such as the ONE X, ONE X , X or X , you can run the Insta App and download photos videos from the camera for editing on your
23  décembre     18h42
C program build date and time.
Allen Huffman    This one is just for fun, though I suppose I might not be the only one on the planet that ever needed to do this At my day job, I have a board that had a realtime clock, but no battery backup to retain the time. During startup, the system sends the current PC date
16  décembre     18h42
When a b c is not the same as b a c plus the Barr coding standard
Allen Huffman    DISCLAIMER: All compilers are not created equal. Different compilers may achieve the same result, but may take different steps to achieve that result. Optimizers and code generators can do wonderful things. Thus, if you want to leave a comment and say compiler XYZ does not do that, that is fine,...
09  décembre     18h42
C has its limits. If you know where to look.
Allen Huffman    Thank you, Bing Copilot ChatGPT , for giving me another thing I just learned to blog about. In the early days of K R C , things were quite a bit different. C was not nearly as portable as it is today. While the ANSI C standard helped quite a bit, once it became a standard, there were still
Color BASIC and Assembly routines great article
Allen Huffman    I have not gotten time to play with this, but this article is a deep dive in to writing assembly language subroutines for Color BASIC: https: .
05  décembre     23h42
DJI Mic Mini and iPhone
Allen Huffman    Last month, DJI released the DJI Mic Mini. This tiny bluetooth microphone is about the size of a quarter, and as thick as maybe five quarters. It joins two big brothers the DJI Mic for TX RX charging case, or for TX RX and DJI
25  novembre     20h33
Arduino and LCD2004 and PCF8574 and I2C part 1
Allen Huffman    NOTE: This article was originally written two years ago, and meant to be part of a series. I never got around to writing Part, so I am just publishing this initial part by itself. If there is interest, I will continue the series. My Github actually shows the rest of the work I did
18  novembre     16h42
Once you go read-only&
Allen Huffman    you can never go back. After being shown that you can declare a global variable, as one does int g globalVariable; and then make it be treated as a read only variable to other files by extern ing it as a const: extern int const g globalVariable; of course I wondered what the compiler did if you...
11  novembre     23h11
Modifying read-only const variables in C
Allen Huffman    This is a cool trick I just learned from commenter Sean Patrick Conner in a previous post. If you want to have variables globally available, but want to have some control over how they are set, you can limit the variables to be static to a file containing get and set functions: static int S...