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Wordpress TV
20  janvier     16h39
La estructura de todos nuestros proyectos de plugin a medida    En esta charla os explicaré c mo fue nuestro proceso para unificar la forma en la que desarrollamos plugins WordPress. Veremos las formas en las que organiz bamos el c digo de nuestros proyectos, hasta llegar a la actualidad, que tenemos una estructura definida. Hablaremos, por lo tanto, de...
14  janvier     10h11
Analytics im Backend: Website-Daten aus der Datenbank auslesen und Arbeiten automatisieren    Marc zeigt in seiner Präsentation, wie die WordPress Datenbank aufgebaut ist und wie man sie mit einem Datenbank Manager abfragen kann.
Refresh, Relaunch, Erfolg: Die Kunst des gelungenen Neustarts    Yvonne Westerbeck zeigt in ihrer Präsentation, welche Probleme bei einem Website Relaunch auftreten können und wie man diese vermeidet bzw. löst.
    10h04 - Was ist das?    Rico F. Lüthi stellt die Plattform vor und schildert, wie die Lerninhalte produziert werden.
WordPress aus der Sicht eines Linux Admins    Aljoscha Epprecht zeigt in dieser Präsentation, wie er als Systemadministrator an einer Hochschule eine grosse Anzahl von WordPress Instanzen verwaltet.
10  janvier     04h42
Create a landing page    This lesson covers creating a landing page using a block theme. We’ll explore key elements like hero sections, benefits, testimonials, and FAQs and build an example for an interior design company using the Twenty Twenty Five default theme.
08  janvier     23h49
Cómo consumir y procesar datos abiertos de WordPress    En esta charla, Joakim nos introducir a los datos abiertos de WordPress, un recurso valioso para entusiastas de la comunidad. Aprender s sobre algunas de las principales fuentes de datos que WordPress pone a nuestra disposici n. Adem s, Joakim nos mostrar c mo acceder, consumir y procesar...
04  janvier     19h16
WordCamp Sylhet 2024 Closing Ceremony   
Panel: The Gig Economy: Opportunities and Challenges   
Breaking Ground: A Fresh Perspective on WordPress with React    Join me for an insightful exploration into the dynamic fusion of WordPress and React, as we delve into the world of Gutenberg blocks. In this engaging talk, we’ll uncover the secrets behind crafting captivating content experiences using custom Gutenberg blocks built with React. From enhancing user...
Data-Driven Redesigns: The EDIT UX Framework in Action    Join Wahid bin Ahsan for a focused exploration of the data driven EDIT UX Framework, designed to transform product redesigns. Learn how this framework guides you through a structured process to create intuitive and accessible products, perfectly aligned with user needs and business objectives....
How to Choose a Tech Career & Finding top talent in a candidate   
Panel: Importance of human-centered design   
Panel: Diversity, Equity, Inclusivity & Belonging in Bangladesh while contributing to WordPress    As a self identified No Code Contributor’ within the WordPress ecosystem, I advocate tirelessly for the empowerment and inclusion of underrepresented communities. My commitment stems from a deep belief in the importance of diversity and the unique perspectives it brings to the table. In my role...
High Performance MySQL    We’ll explore strategies to ensure High Performance MySQL for WordPress, focusing on optimizing database efficiency for better site performance.
AI-Powered Support: Turning AI into Your Secret Weapon for Customer Happiness    The surge of AI tools like ChatGPT and Gemini is poised to reshape the customer support sector in . Unlike in , where AI’s impact was notable, this year promises even greater changes. So, instead of fearing these changes, consider them as career opportunities. Embrace those AI tools to...
Block Theme Development: Theme.json in practical    Do you know theme.json is the heart of the Block Based FSE Theme If you want to develop a functional and powerful block FSE theme then you have to be a master in theme.json Theme.json is a configuration file for theme styles and block settings. This session will go through the in depth parts...
A masterclass on organizational decision making   
01  janvier     18h16
Unlocking Growth Through Community: A Strategic Approach for WordPress Businesses    Unlock the transformative power of Community Led Growth CLG for WordPress businesses. In this session, discover the essence of CLG as a catalyst for customer acquisition, engagement, and loyalty. I will share insights on integrating CLG with your business strategy, developing a dedicated team,...
Product Management v. Project Management Synergies, Conflicts, and Coexistence    In the ever evolving landscape of web and software development, the roles of Product Managers and Project Managers are both pivotal and distinct. This keynote delves into the heart of that, while dissecting the roles, responsibilities, and strategic importance of product management and project...
Making WordPress : Why & How    Once I started with WordPress contributions, Make WordPress slack became my Facebook. I used it a lot. I became addicted to it. Once I had to find out all the process by myself. What is triage and what is core trac etc. A lot of things I were unaware. Gradually I understood everything and started...
The Future of Blogging: Is It Still Relevant in 2024 and Beyond?    As bloggers continue to experiment with new strategies and technologies, we can expect to see more innovative and engaging content that resonates with readers and drives the industry forward. With many exciting predictions and trends on the horizon, blogging seems to be rewarding and effective in...
Crafting a Winning Launch Strategy for Your WordPress Product    In this engaging session, discover the key strategies to successfully launch your WordPress product. Ideal for developers, entrepreneurs, and marketers aiming to make a significant impact with their new plugin or theme in the WordPress market, we’ll cover essential topics such as go to market...
31  décembre     10h46
Apertura WordCamp Gri ón 2024    Presentation Slides
Clausura WordCamp Gri ón 2024    Presentation Slides
30  décembre     17h05
Cómo reactivar tu Comunidad    Exploraremos las mejores pr cticas y estrategias para reactivar y fortalecer tu comunidad. Aprender s con los miembros organizadores de WordPress Latinoamérica sobre como fomentar la participaci n activa, impulsar el compromiso y crear un ambiente inclusivo que atr iga nuevos miembros. àsnete...
25  décembre     19h49
Sometimes It’s Good to Pivot: Navigating Life’s Turning Points    In this insightful talk, Anand Upadhyay will explore the critical skill of pivoting in life and business. Drawing from personal experiences and success stories, he’ll discuss recognizing pivotal moments, overcoming challenges, and transforming unexpected changes into growth opportunities. This...
Analytics for WordPress    In this insightful minute session, Prasad will guide attendees through the often overlooked aspects of WordPress analytics, focusing on what to measure rather than just how to measure.Presentation Slides
Getting the Most Out of WordCamps    In this engaging session, Arvind will guide attendees through strategies to maximize their WordCamp experience. Drawing from his extensive involvement in the WordPress community, including his role in organizing WordCamp Asia and .Presentation Slides
24  décembre     19h05
The last woman standing, what does it mean to be acquired    Chaya Oosterbroek is the proud COO and former shareholder and board member of Yoast. She is a dedicated social entrepreneur, with a background of guiding companies and their entrepreneurs to the next level. It’s her passion to optimize business processes and reduce waste . She loves to engage...
Begin your Podcasting journey with WordPress - Implementation & Monetization    Points Covered as below: What is Podcasting and its types Lucrative benefits of Podcasting with WordPress Constructing your ideas in depth for Podcasting with a mindmap Monetizing your Podcast Make it impactful and recognizable Ingredients Steps to Success of Podcasting ...
Zo verduurzaam je je eigen website    Deze presentatie workshop is driedelig: Stukje uitleg over de milieu impact van het internet en hoe een websitebezoek technisch werkt; Uitleg over verschillende soorten gratis en betaalde tooling om de CO uitstoot van jouw website in te schatten; Praktische tips op het gebied van...
Ethics of Data Collection How to Usefully do Analytics    With a number of changes to the analytics, tracking and tagging world, this talks through how to make sure the data that is being tracked is done so in a compliant and useful way and then how to report on it and interpret the data in a way that is helpful for technical and marketing teams ...
Test de schaalbaarheid van je WordPress site    Wil je weten hoeveel gelijktijdige bezoekers je WordPress site aankan En wat is de performance van je site als er zoveel bezoekers actief zijn In deze presentatie laat Douwe zien hoe je dit kunt testen, en waarom het testen van alleen de homepage en Pagespeed scores niet voldoende is.
Supercharge your Workflow with Automation    As WordPress workflows are becoming more complex, the tools we use as developers are evolving rapidly. Automation is becoming increasingly relevant to many parts of the development workflow. This talk will focus on popular ways in which WordPress developers can leverage automation using rd party...
Liberating data with WordPress Playground in a Browser Extension    In his State of the Word address, Matt Mullenweg proposed to make the year of data liberation. I’ll show how we can make WordPress Playground a destination for liberated data so that you can see the liberated result immediately, and why putting it in a browser extension has some...
GitHub Actions Workflows: Tips and Best Practices for Streamlining Your CI CD Pip    As the landscape of development and continuous integration evolves, GitHub Actions has emerged as a powerful tool for automating workflows directly within the GitHub ecosystem. Whether you’re replacing outdated GitHub apps or crafting new custom workflows, mastering GitHub Actions can significantly...
How to Speed Up a Site with 500,000 Attachments    In my first week on the job, I was tasked with speeding up a site that was incredibly slow. And when I say slow, I mean REALLY slow: seconds or longer to save a single post. seconds or more just to get to the post editor. Spoiler: We got it to work And this is the story of how we fixed...
Speak your users’ language: what to look out for when going global    You think you’ve made the perfect app, but take it overseas and watch things fall apart In this talk we delve into the frequent mistakes developers make when adapting their sites or apps for an international audience. From hilarious translation blunders to unintentionally offending your users,...
WordPress as a social network - a vision to democratize publishing    The mission of WordPress is to democratize publishing for years, that meant to enable people to blog. With the rise of social media, many more people began to express themself using platforms like Facebook and Twitter; this evolved into people using TikTok and Instagram. WordPress could serve as...
Betere toegankelijkheid is meer business    Tijdens WordPress Meetups en andere WordCamps is er genoeg gesproken over toegankelijkheid. Hoewel inmiddels velen dénken dat ze toegankelijkheid wel doorhebben dat is iets met kleurcontrast toch, en zinvolle linkteksten blijkt dat in de praktijk niet zo te zijn. Ik wil laten zien waar...
Meer met minder: haal de bezem door je website    Stel je je website voor als die rugzak die je altijd bij je draagt: vol met bonnetjes, ongebruikte gadgets, kabels en die zware powerbank. Deze rommel maakt je rugzak veel te zwaar en zorgt ervoor dat je lang moet graven als je echt iets nodig hebt. Net zoals je af en toe je rugzak moet uitmesten,...
Creating a landing page for a holiday event using TT5    Have you tried WordPress latest theme, Twenty Twenty Five If you haven’t get your hands on it, let’s explore it together In this session, we will create a landing page with a holiday theme.Presentation Slides
23  décembre     17h32
Complexiteit in schaalbaarheid: 25 gemeenten bedienen met uitdagen    jaar geleden zijn wij namens de gemeente Buren gaan werken aan het Open webconcept. Dit concept is door gemeente Buren bedacht en houdt in dat alles wat er voor gemeenten ontwikkeld wordt opensource wordt geplaatst. Hier zal ik tijdens de presentatie meer over vertellen. Maar hoe schaal je...
Een accessibility audit: dé kans om je publiek te vergroten    Als je aan digitale producten werkt, heb je ongetwijfeld wel eens van de term digitale toegankelijkheid gehoord. Maar hoe zorg je ervoor dat je dit binnen je organisatie belangrijk wordt En hoe overtuig je stakeholders dat dit nodig is. Amber en Florian nemen je tijdens deze sessie mee in...
Cold Turkey) Overstappen van een pagebuilder naar FSE    In april zijn we met ons bureau cold turkey overgestapt van Elementor naar FSE. De projecten die we hadden lopen hebben we afgemaakt. Elk nieuw project dat we startte, deden we met FSE. Met rode vlekken in ons nek, her en der wat vloekwoorden, velen uurtjes studie en hulp van een mentor...
Server Side Tracking: de toekomst bestendige first party oplossing    Het tracken van gebruikers op je website wordt steeds lastiger. Denk hierbij aan adblockers, regelgeving, het verwijderen van third party cookies en browsers zoals Safari die veel tracking blokkeren. Dit terwijl het steeds belangrijker wordt, aangezien advertentiecampagnes steeds meer algoritme...
Scaling up WooCommerce: a deep dive into high performance order storage.    Vorig jaar startte WooCommerce met het doorvoeren van HPOS, oftewel High Performance Order Storage. Wat is het, hoe kun je het gebruiken en waarom is het belangrijk voor de groei van je webshops
Contentless Marketing    Almost everybody relies to some degree on some form of content marketing. We do market and keyword research, and we try to spot opportunities. We build landing pages and write articles to try and boost our rankings, optimize our ads, get traffic, and convert visitors. So what happens when that...
Resurrecting the Dead    Have you ever considered what would happen when a popular open source package is abandoned Now, what about when that package is one of your essential dependencies This scenario is not some abstract scenario for a far away future. Projects get abandoned every day and your dependency might be...