atlas news
25  novembre     00h00
Keeping on top of website updates
   Today we’re going to explain what website and web application updates are, talk about why they are important, and share how we help people with keeping their website up to date. What do we mean by website updates Updates can mean many things to many people, for this article we mean updates to...
12  novembre     00h00
Getting the most out of your agency
   Here are some observations from years of either working with, for, or as an agency to ensure you get the most out of our engagement. I’ve worked as an in house developer for companies who have used agencies. I’ve also worked for agencies where I have been the one completing projects or embedding...
14  octobre     00h00
Select multiple lines in VS Code
   If you want to make edits to multiple places in a file and Find and Replace isn’t an option, you might want to make use of VS Code’s ability to select multiple locations at once. By holding down the Option Alt key you can use the mouse cursor to select different places you want to set a cursor...
Move a line up or down with VS Code
   You can rearrange the order of lines in your VS Code file by using the keyboard. This can be really handy if you want to manually re order a list or hard coded array. Hold down Option Alt and use the Up or Down arrow keys to move the currently selected line up or down. You can also select...
01  octobre     00h00
Some Mac Tips
   In September I took to LinkedIn my personal LinkedIn, Tosbourn Ltd. LinkedIn if you want to follow with a series of posts, one a day, in fact, sharing different tips and tricks I’ve used with my Mac. Here they are, as one post Table of contents Remove apps you no longer need ...
13  août     00h00
How to speed up Rubocop
   Recently I’ve noticed that when I run Rubocop it seems to hang for ages before eventually running. This is not ideal when time could be better spent. I had a look online and found this StackOverflow question with someone who had the same issue, which they ended up kindly answering as well. I put...
Purging DNS entries
   When making DNS changes, you can speed the process along by clearing some of the popular public DNS caches that exist on the internet. This might be old news to people, but it was brand new news to me, so I’m sharing in case this is useful to anyone else. Here are the ones I’ve recently learned...
Moving from AWS to Render
   We recently worked with a client who wanted to move their Ruby on Rails application from AWS to Render. In this post I will cover everything we did to start up on Render, move everything across, and turn off things on AWS. As with most things technical, there is always a hefty amount of it...
06  août     00h00
Decoupling Git and my Jekyll work
   I’m experimenting with a new way of using version control on this Jekyll powered website, I thought I’d share in case it was useful for someone. I will state the problems, what I used to do, and what I’m going to try out. The problems I have one article I want to write at any given time, but...
23  juillet     00h00
Updating payment method email addresses in Stripe
   There currently isn’t a way within Stripe’s dashboard to update someone’s email address against a payment method. You can update the email address against the customer record, but there will be data in some webhooks that will include the email from the customer’s payment method. To update the...