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A List Apart
30  mai     18h04
User Research Is Storytelling
   Ever since I was a boy, I’ve been fascinated with movies. I loved the characters and the excitement but most of all the stories. I wanted to be an actor. And I believed that I’d get to do the things that Indiana Jones did and go on exciting adventures. I even dreamed up ideas for movies that my...
16  avril     19h51
To Ignite a Personalization Practice, Run this Prepersonalization Workshop
   Picture this. You’ve joined a squad at your company that’s designing new product features with an emphasis on automation or AI. Or your company has just implemented a personalization engine. Either way, you’re designing with data. Now what When it comes to designing for personalization, there are...
29  février     14h45
The Wax and the Wane of the Web
   I offer a single bit of advice to friends and family when they become new parents: When you start to think that you’ve got everything figured out, everything will change. Just as you start to get the hang of feedings, diapers, and regular naps, it’s time for solid food, potty training, and...
07  février     14h00
Opportunities for AI in Accessibility
   In reading Joe Dolson’s recent piece on the intersection of AI and accessibility, I absolutely appreciated the skepticism that he has for AI in general as well as for the ways that many have been using it. In fact, I’m very skeptical of AI myself, despite my role at Microsoft as an accessibility...
29  janvier     15h53
I am a creative.
   I am a creative. What I do is alchemy. It is a mystery. I do not so much do it, as let it be done through me. I am a creative. Not all creative people like this label. Not all see themselves this way. Some creative people see science in what they do. That is their truth, and I respect it. Maybe...
22  juin     13h00
Humility: An Essential Value
   Humility, a designer’s essential value that has a nice ring to it. What about humility, an office manager’s essential value Or a dentist’s Or a librarian’s They all sound great. When humility is our guiding light, the path is always open for fulfillment, evolution, connection, and engagement. In...
08  décembre     15h00
Personalization Pyramid: A Framework for Designing with User Data
   As a UX professional in today’s data driven landscape, it’s increasingly likely that you’ve been asked to design a personalized digital experience, whether it’s a public website, user portal, or native application. Yet while there continues to be no shortage of marketing hype around personalization...
09  juin     02h13
Mobile-First CSS: Is It Time for a Rethink?
   The mobile first design methodology is great it focuses on what really matters to the user, it’s well practiced, and it’s been a common design pattern for years. So developing your CSS mobile first should also be great, too...right Well, not necessarily. Classic mobile first CSS development is...
12  mai     14h00
Designers, (Re)define Success First
   About two and a half years ago, I introduced the idea of daily ethical design. It was born out of my frustration with the many obstacles to achieving design that’s usable and equitable; protects people’s privacy, agency, and focus; benefits society; and restores nature. I argued that we need to...
09  décembre     15h00
Breaking Out of the Box
   CSS is about styling boxes. In fact, the whole web is made of boxes, from the browser viewport to elements on a page. But every once in a while a new feature comes along that makes us rethink our design approach. Round displays, for example, make it fun to play with circular clip areas. Mobile...
21  octobre     14h00
How to Sell UX Research with Two Simple Questions
   Do you find yourself designing screens with only a vague idea of how the things on the screen relate to the things elsewhere in the system Do you leave stakeholder meetings with unclear directives that often seem to contradict previous conversations You know a better understanding of user needs...
23  septembre     14h00
A Content Model Is Not a Design System
   Do you remember when having a great website was enough Now, people are getting answers from Siri, Google search snippets, and mobile apps, not just our websites. Forward thinking organizations have adopted an omnichannel content strategy, whose mission is to reach audiences across multiple digital...
26  août     15h01
Design for Safety, An Excerpt
   Antiracist economist Kim Crayton says that intention without strategy is chaos. We’ve discussed how our biases, assumptions, and inattention toward marginalized and vulnerable groups lead to dangerous and unethical tech but what, specifically, do we need to do to fix it The intention to make...
05  août     14h00
Sustainable Web Design, An Excerpt
   In the s, many in the elite running community had begun to believe it wasn’t possible to run a mile in less than four minutes. Runners had been attempting it since the late th century and were beginning to draw the conclusion that the human body simply wasn’t built for the task. But on...
29  juillet     13h00
Voice Content and Usability
   We’ve been having conversations for thousands of years. Whether to convey information, conduct transactions, or simply to check in on one another, people have yammered away, chattering and gesticulating, through spoken conversation for countless generations. Only in the last few millennia have we...
15  juillet     13h00
Designing for the Unexpected
   I’m not sure when I first heard this quote, but it’s something that has stayed with me over the years. How do you create services for situations you can’t imagine Or design products that work on devices yet to be invented Flash, Photoshop, and responsive design When I first started...
01  juillet     14h00
Asynchronous Design Critique: Getting Feedback
   Any comment is probably one of the worst ways to ask for feedback. It’s vague and open ended, and it doesn’t provide any indication of what we’re looking for. Getting good feedback starts earlier than we might expect: it starts with the request. It might seem counterintuitive to start the...
17  juin     14h00
Asynchronous Design Critique: Giving Feedback
   Feedback, in whichever form it takes, and whatever it may be called, is one of the most effective soft skills that we have at our disposal to collaboratively get our designs to a better place while growing our own skills and perspectives. Feedback is also one of the most underestimated tools,...
20  mai     14h00
That’s Not My Burnout
   Are you like me, reading about people fading away as they burn out, and feeling unable to relate Do you feel like your feelings are invisible to the world because you’re experiencing burnout differently When burnout starts to push down on us, our core comes through more. Beautiful, peaceful souls...
06  mai     14h00
Beware the Cut n’ Paste Persona
   This Person Does Not Exist is a website that generates human faces with a machine learning algorithm. It takes real portraits and recombines them into fake human faces. We recently scrolled past a LinkedIn post stating that this website could be useful if you are developing a persona and looking...