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Real Python
15  janvier     14h00
How to Replace a String in Python
   In this tutorial, you x ;ll learn how to remove or replace a string or substring. You x ;ll go from the basic string method .replace all the way up to a multi layer regex pattern using the sub function from Python x ;s re module.
14  janvier     14h00
Building Dictionary Comprehensions in Python
   In this video course, you x ;ll learn how to write dictionary comprehensions in Python. You x ;ll also explore the most common use cases for dictionary comprehensions and learn about some bad practices that you should avoid when using them in your code.
13  janvier     14h00
Build a Personal Diary With Django and Python
   In this beginner friendly tutorial, you x ;ll build a personal diary in Django. You x ;ll use the strengths of the Django web framework and learn the basics of web apps.
12  janvier     14h00
Primer on Jinja Templating
   With Jinja, you can build rich templates that power the front end of your web applications. But you can use Jinja without a web framework running in the background. Anytime you want to create text files with programmatic content, Jinja can help you out.
How to Get a List of All Files in a Directory With Python
   In this tutorial, you x ;ll be examining a couple of methods to get a list of files and folders in a directory with Python. You x ;ll also use both methods to recursively list directory contents. Finally, you x ;ll examine a situation that pits one method against the other.
Python's assert: Debug and Test Your Code Like a Pro
   In this tutorial, you x ;ll learn how to use Python x ;s assert statement to document, debug, and test code in development. You x ;ll learn how assertions might be disabled in production code, so you shouldn x ;t use them to validate data. You x ;ll also learn about a few common pitfalls...
Variables in Python: Usage and Best Practices
   In this tutorial, you x ;ll learn how to use symbolic names called variables to refer to Python objects, and gain an understanding of how to effectively use these fundamental building blocks in your code to store, manipulate, and retrieve data.
How to Write Beautiful Python Code With PEP 8
   Learn how to write high quality, readable code by using the Python style guidelines laid out in PEP . Following these guidelines helps you make a great impression when sharing your work with potential employers and collaborators.
11  janvier     14h00
Python's urllib.request for HTTP Requests
   In this tutorial, you x ;ll be making HTTP requests with Python x ;s built in urllib.request. You x ;ll try out examples and review common errors encountered, all while learning more about HTTP requests and Python in general.
Inheritance and Composition: A Python OOP Guide
   In this step by step tutorial, you x ;ll learn about inheritance and composition in Python. You x ;ll improve your object oriented programming OOP skills by understanding how to use inheritance and composition and how to leverage them in their design.
Python's pathlib Module: Taming the File System
   Python x ;s pathlib module enables you to handle file and folder paths in a modern way. This built in module provides intuitive semantics that work the same way on different operating systems. In this tutorial, you x ;ll get to know pathlib and explore common tasks when interacting with paths.
10  janvier     12h00
The Real Python Podcast - Episode #234: Building New Structures for Learning Python
   What are the new ways we can teach and share our knowledge about Python How can we improve the structure of our current offerings and build new educational resources for our audience of Python learners This week on the show, Real Python core team members Stephen Gruppetta and Martin Breuss join...
07  janvier     14h00
Ways to Start Interacting With Python
   In this video course, you x ;ll explore the various ways of interacting with Python. You x ;ll learn about the REPL for quick testing and running scripts, as well as how to work with different IDEs, and Python x ;s IDLE.
03  janvier     12h00
The Real Python Podcast - Episode #233: PyCoder’s Weekly 2024 Top Articles & Missing Gems
   PyCoder x ;s Weekly included over, links to articles, blog posts, tutorials, and projects in . Christopher Trudeau is back on the show this week to help wrap it all up by sharing some highlights and uncovering a few missing gems from the pile.
31  décembre     14h00
Building HTTP APIs With Django REST Framework
   This course will get you ready to build HTTP APIs with Django REST Framework. The Django REST framework DRF is a toolkit built on top of the Django web framework that reduces the amount of code you need to write to create REST interfaces.
20  décembre     12h00
The Real Python Podcast - Episode #232: Exploring Modern Sentiment Analysis Approaches in Python
   What are the current approaches for analyzing emotions within a piece of text Which tools and Python packages should you use for sentiment analysis This week, Jodie Burchell, developer advocate for data science at JetBrains, returns to the show to discuss modern sentiment analysis in Python.
18  décembre     12h00
Quiz: How to Remove Items From Lists in Python
   In this quiz, you x ;ll test your understanding of removing items from lists in Python. This is a fundamental skill in Python programming, and mastering it will enable you to manipulate lists effectively.
17  décembre     14h00
Programming Sockets in Python
   In this in depth video course, you x ;ll learn how to build a socket server and client with Python. By the end, you x ;ll understand how to use the main functions and methods in Python x ;s socket module to write your own networked client server applications.
10  décembre     14h00
Documenting Python Projects With Sphinx and Read the Docs
   In this video series, you x ;ll create project documentation from scratch using Sphinx, the de facto standard for Python. You x ;ll also hook your code repository up to Read The Docs to automatically build and publish your code documentation.
06  décembre     12h00
The Real Python Podcast - Episode #231: Good Python Programming Practices When New to the Language
   What advice would you give to someone moving from another language to Python What good programming practices are inherent to the language Christopher Trudeau is back on the show this week, bringing another batch of PyCoder x ;s Weekly articles and projects.
03  décembre     14h00
Handling or Preventing Errors in Python: LBYL vs EAFP
   In this video course, you x ;ll learn about two popular coding styles in Python: Look Before You Leap LBYL and Easier to Ask Forgiveness than Permission EAFP . You can use these styles to deal with errors and exceptional situations in your code. You x ;ll dive into the discussion on LBYL vs...
29  novembre     12h00
The Real Python Podcast - Episode #230: marimo: Reactive Notebooks and Deployable Web Apps in Python
   What are common issues with using notebooks for Python development How do you know the current state, share reproducible results, or create interactive applications This week on the show, we speak with Akshay Agrawal about the open source reactive marimo notebook for Python.
26  novembre     14h00
Managing Dependencies With Python Poetry
   Learn how Python Poetry can help you start new projects, maintain existing ones, and master dependency management.
22  novembre     12h00
The Real Python Podcast - Episode #229: The Joy of Tinkering & Python Free-Threading Performance
   What keeps your spark alive for developing software and learning Python Do you like to try new frameworks, build toy projects, or collaborate with other developers Christopher Trudeau is back on the show this week, bringing another batch of PyCoder x ;s Weekly articles and projects.
21  novembre     12h00
Quiz: Expression vs Statement in Python: What's the Difference?
   In this quiz, you x ;ll test your understanding of Python expressions vs statements. Knowing the difference between these two is crucial for writing efficient and readable Python code.
Quiz: Interacting With Python
   In this quiz, you x ;ll test your understanding of the different ways of interacting with Python. By working through this quiz, you x ;ll revisit key concepts related to Python interaction in interactive mode using the REPL, through Python script files, and within IDEs and code editors.
20  novembre     12h00
Quiz: NumPy Practical Examples: Useful Techniques
   This quiz will test your understanding of working with NumPy arrays. You won x ;t find all the answers in the tutorial, so you x ;ll need to do some extra investigating. By finding all the answers, you x ;re sure to learn some interesting things along the way.
19  novembre     14h00
Working With TOML and Python
   TOML is a configuration file format that x ;s becoming increasingly popular in the Python community. In this video course, you x ;ll learn the syntax of TOML and explore how you can work with TOML files in your own projects.
15  novembre     12h00
The Real Python Podcast - Episode #228: Maintaining the Foundations of Python & Cautionary Tales
   How do you build a sustainable open source project and community What lessons can be learned from Python x ;s history and the current mess that the WordPress community is going through This week on the show, we speak with Paul Everitt from JetBrains about navigating open source funding and the...
14  novembre     12h00
Quiz: Namespaces and Scope in Python
   In this quiz, you x ;ll test your understanding of Python namespaces and variable scope. These concepts are crucial for organizing the symbolic names assigned to objects in a Python program and ensuring they don x ;t interfere with one another.
13  novembre     12h00
Quiz: Basic Input and Output in Python
   In this quiz, you x ;ll test your understanding of Python x ;s built in functions for user interaction, namely input and print . These functions allow you to capture user input from the keyboard and display output to the console, respectively.
Quiz: Python Dictionary Comprehensions: How and When to Use Them
   In this quiz, you x ;ll test your understanding of Python dictionary comprehensions. Dictionary comprehensions are a concise and quick way to create, transform, and filter dictionaries in Python, and can significantly enhance your code x ;s conciseness and readability.
12  novembre     14h00
Formatting Floats Inside Python F-Strings
   In this video course, you x ;ll learn how to use Python format specifiers within an f string to allow you to neatly format a float to your required precision.
08  novembre     12h00
The Real Python Podcast - Episode #227: New PEPs: Template Strings & External Wheel Hosting
   Have you wanted the flexibility of f strings but need safety checks in place What if you could have deferred evaluation for logging or avoiding injection attacks Christopher Trudeau is back on the show this week, bringing another batch of PyCoder x ;s Weekly articles and projects.
05  novembre     14h00
Introduction to Web Scraping With Python
   In this video course, you x ;ll learn all about web scraping in Python. You x ;ll see how to parse data from websites and interact with HTML forms using tools such as Beautiful Soup and MechanicalSoup.
Quiz: Variables in Python: Usage and Best Practices
   In this quiz, you x ;ll test your understanding of variables in Python. Variables are symbolic names that refer to objects or values stored in your computer x ;s memory, and they x ;re essential building blocks for any Python program.
01  novembre     12h00
The Real Python Podcast - Episode #226: PySheets: Spreadsheets in the Browser Using PyScript
   What goes into building a spreadsheet application in Python that runs in the browser How do you make it launch quickly, and where do you store the cells of data This week on the show, we speak with Chris Laffra about his project, PySheets, and his book Communication for Engineers.
29  octobre     12h00
Quiz: Using . repr () vs . str () in Python
   In this quiz, you x ;ll test your understanding of Python x ;s dunder repr and dunder str special methods. These methods allow you to control how a program displays an object, making your classes more readable and easier to debug and maintain.
28  octobre     12h00
Quiz: Beautiful Soup: Build a Web Scraper With Python
   In this quiz, you x ;ll test your understanding of web scraping using Python. By working through this quiz, you x ;ll revisit how to inspect the HTML structure of a target site, decipher data encoded in URLs, and use Requests and Beautiful Soup for scraping and parsing data.
25  octobre     12h00
The Real Python Podcast - Episode #225: Python Getting Faster and Leaner & Ideas for Django Projects
   What changes are happening under the hood in the latest versions of Python How are these updates laying the groundwork for a faster Python in the coming years Christopher Trudeau is back on the show this week, bringing another batch of PyCoder x ;s Weekly articles and projects.