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C64 OS
25  décembre     00h00
World of Commodore ’24
   I haven’t blogged about World of Commodore since . Now, to be fair, we did have a worldwide pandemic between then and now. In there was no in person event. Maybe it happened online, but I didn’t participate. In World of Commodore happened again in the flesh, but we were all masked up....
14  novembre     00h00
Desktop Designer
   C OS v . is currently in beta testing. It will hopefully be released soon, and is another free system update to all licensed users of Version . and up. A whole pile of cool new things are coming in v . . However, today I wanted to talk about something a little less well known, but...
24  septembre     00h00
Networking in C64 OS
   For the last few months I have been super hard at work on the next major update to C OS, version . . It will be released as a free update to all licensed users of C OS v .x, and will be made available for download from the C OS System Updates page. The big new technology coming to C OS is...
17  mai     00h00
RAD Review
   I haven’t done a hardware review in a while, but I have acquired a few new pieces of hardware to test with C OS for compatibility. Today we’re going to talk about the RAD RaspberryPi based REU cartridge for the C . Before we get into that, a couple of very brief updates about C OS and c os...
09  mai     00h00
Hybrid BASIC ASM Programs
   Here is a blog post about some general programming theory and practice on the C, that I personally find useful and hopefully you’ll find it useful too. I recently updated a tool that I use to help me with C OS development from being written in BASIC to being written as a hybrid of BASIC and...
25  mars     00h00
Hidden Files
   The news is that C OS version . has just been released, March , . I’m happy to get that out the door, as it frees up my mind to start working on important new cornerstone technologies coming to C OS. I’ll start dropping hints about that in the coming weeks. Version . is a more...
26  janvier     00h00
Eliza for C64 OS
   I’m super busy, so I’m going to have to keep this blog post short. First a couple of updates. I had a great time at World of Commodore in December . I had a nice vendor table there, I think it was the nicest I’ve ever put together. The top image is how I imagined it, when I set it up on my...
30  novembre     00h00
Fast App Switching
   Hi everyone. I know it’s been a while since I’ve written a blog post, but I have been super busy working on new C OS code and documentation. A quick update on the documentation. I’ve been working on the Programmer’s Guide, where I have completed Chapter : Using the KERNAL. It is an overview and...
17  août     00h00
Image File Formats
   The free software update v . of C OS was released last month, June . I like to give titles to the releases that capture the most important features of the release. I decided to call . the Multimedia Release. The reason for calling it a Multimedia release is because it has main changes...
12  mai     00h00
Mounting and Mouse Wheel
   Mounting and mouse wheel What the heck have those two things got to do with each other Well, they’re two new features available in the most recent update to C OS, version . . If you purchased a copy of C OS, either the Starter Bundle or the Standard Bundle, then you are a version .X...
10  janvier     00h00
Gaps in Software IEC
   Happy New Year Commodore lovers, welcome to . C OS is selling well. I couldn’t be happier about it. I’m currently restocking for the th stock run and hope to be back ready to take orders again around the end of January. Lots of stuff is going on. We’re just doing some beta testing on the...
20  décembre     00h00
C64 OS v1.0 release
   To all C fans and most especially to the people who had gotten used to reading my blog posts and getting news and updates on my progress, it is an exciting time. C OS version . has been released and is available for order. Although it seemed quiet, on the blog, here at C for ’lo these...
11  mai     00h00
Updates on C64 OS, Beta 0.8 and 0.9
   Hello folks and welcome back to another blog post on C OS. I’ve got so much to talk about, and no time to talk about it. How about the elephant in the room first It’s May of , and I haven’t made a blog post since December of . What’s more, I said the next blog posted would be the follow...
16  décembre     00h00
Text Rendering and MText
   I wrote the first two posts in a part series about the VIC II and FLI Timing Part I and Part II, but I have a lot to say about things I’m working on presently, and I don’t want to miss the moment to talk about them while they’re fresh in my mind. We’ll return to Part III of the VIC II and FLI...
22  octobre     00h00
VIC-II and FLI Timing (2 3)
   This post is part of a part series. If you haven’t read Part : Memory Access yet, I’d recommend starting there first. I like to start with a few updates on the progress of C OS. If you’re not interested in the updates, you can skip to the the main topic. Update on C OS TKInput Class, File...
26  août     00h00
VIC-II and FLI Timing (1 3)
   A few updates first, I’ll try to keep these brief. Update on IP Thief BASIC RPG Maze Game I’ve finished: the introduction screen, the game mechanics for movement between the rooms, collecting items in inventory, points, combat against monsters, and changing levels. I’ve got a level menu screen,...
23  juillet     00h00
Image Search and Conversion Service
   Let’s begin with a fun update on something I’ve been working on. It’s summertime, and I wanted my son to have a project. I’ve tried introducing him to programming, on the C in BASIC, but he’s a bit young still to really grasp the important concepts. He loves games though; he likes card games like...
23  juin     00h00
C64 OS Subsite and Guides
   Welcome back Commodore fans and users. As discussed in the previous weblog post Updates on C OS, Beta . , I have been working on a new a piece called, An Afterlife User’s Guide to the C . That guide is finished and online, along with several other updates to the C os section of the site. I...
30  avril     00h00
Updates on C64 OS, Beta 0.5
   Well, time is ticking along at an extraordinary pace. Ontario, Canada, where I am from is in full lockdown again, now into the start of the second year of COVID . Both my kids and my wife are all home, and I have been working from home since around this time, months ago. But it’s not a bad...
25  mars     00h00
Shared Libraries
   Before we get started on the topic of shared libraries, I wanted to draw attention to a recent update to the Commodore Bit Buyer’s Guide. For the last couple of months, I’ve been scouring the web and reaching out to creators and vendors, collecting links, prices and photos of new products that...
22  février     00h00
Introduction to File Manager
   File Management is considered to be one of the most central parts of an operating system. In Command Line Interfaces, such as a Unix Linux or the AmigaDOS Shell, you are in a current working directory. Commands interact with the file system relative to where you are. In macOS, the Finder is where...
31  janvier     00h00
GeoRAM, DigiMAX and NMI Programming
   Welcome to , let’s hope it turns out better than . In August of last year which feels literally like yesterday I published a weblog post about Playing Back PCM Audio on our beloved brown friend, the Commodore . I wrote that in response to an email exchange. I thought a blog post made more...
30  décembre     00h00
Anatomy of a Utility
   A quick update, I am working on Beta . of C OS. Everyone is waiting for the File Manager to be ready. Or, if not ready, at least to have something to see and try. C OS at its heart is a set of reusable resources that are designed to work together. The ideal is that an application is not...
10  novembre     00h00
How Does the 1541 Drive Work
   I am writing about a drive technology that was released in , but whose essential origins stretch back into the decade before that, let’s call it years old. And I’m writing this just a few nights after watching Apple’s iPhone media event. This year, as every year, this new iPhone is...
15  octobre     00h00
Load and Run from 6502 ASM (2 2)
   Originally I thought I’d pack this into one post. I decided to split it into two so we could get into some details about the power up process both in hardware and software, and then have room in this post to get into the details about how to deal with the variations and complexities that have crept...
24  août     00h00
Load and Run from 6502 ASM (1 2)
   I’d originally planned this discussion to be a single post. But it turns out there was a lot to talk about, so I’ve split it into two parts. This is the first part which talks about what technically goes on when the computer is powered up or restarted, and how programs get loaded into memory and...
07  août     00h00
Playing Back PCM Audio
   Terry Raymond is an old school North American, Expo going Commodore fan. Throughout the years he has asked me and others to give him helpful tips on how to program his C . He has been interested in what it would take to make a Wave audio player, particularly for GEOS or Wheels. A valiant goal,...
05  juillet     00h00
Directory Library, Natural Sorting
   Every so often I like to really get into the weeds on some programming. I have recently been working with the C OS directory library that I wrote, as I work on the File Manager homebase application. The directory library is assembled in two versions, a low memory and a high memory version....
04  juin     00h00
Supporting IDE64
   Welcome back one and all. I hope things are going well for everyone. This post is going to be a shorter talk about IDE and what it took to get it supported by C OS. I’ve classified this as a software post, and then I’ve gone ahead and made the icon a picture of a piece of hardware. At some...
11  mai     00h00
Toolkit Class Hierarchy
   A quick update on myself and situation. My schedule has become a bit tighter. In addition to working from home and watching my kids through the day, there has also been a recent medical crisis. A close member of my extended family was rushed to the hospital for an emergency heart surgery. She...