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15  octobre     21h58
Build a Flashlight in Jetpack Compose
Elozino Ovedhe    Today we will discuss how to build a flashlight in Jetpack Compose. Step by step Guide Setting up dependency Setting up Manifest Code Explanation Code Implementation Setting up dependencies We will be utilising Google’s new API for permission requests in our app as it provides a more elegant...
A Dangerous Power Play: Matt Mullenweg’s Latest Move Threatens To Totally Fork Him Over
skllzrmy    A Call for Accountability in Open Source Open source thrives on trust, transparency, and community collaboration. But recently, Matt Mullenweg, the CEO of Automattic who acquired WordPress, has taken actions that threaten to undermine these core values. By seizing control of the Advanced Custom...
Is Redux Dead? Why I Kicked Redux Out of Our SaaS App
Subham    Connect: https: Twitter: https: TheSubhamMaity A few months ago, I took the plunge and refactored parts of a SaaS app I’ve been working on for a while. We had Redux in there, doing its thing, managing global state. But something felt off the...
davidalsh    Check out this Pen I made
Getting Started with Nixpacks
Sam Newby    Building images without a Dockerfile with Nixpacks Nixpacks is a tool created by the Railway team which allows you to build OCI compliant images without having to write a Dockerfile. Essentially you can run Nixpacks in your repository, it will automatically figure out how to build your repo into...
CI vs CD: Streamlining Your Development Workflow for Faster, Smarter Deployments
Art    Build Automation: Once tests pass, the CI system builds the application, ensuring everything compiles correctly. The key benefit of CI It reduces integration problems by allowing teams to detect and address issues early in the development process. This leads to faster feedback and more stable...
Consequências de uma exceçà o nà o capturada
Java para Iniciantes (Oracle)    Capturar exceç es padrà o do Java evita que o programa seja encerrado de forma anormal. Se uma exceçà o nà o for capturada pelo programa, a JVM a captura e encerra a execuçà o. O tratamento padrà o da JVM exibe um rastreamento de pilha e uma mensagem de erro. Quando ocorre o erro de indexaçà o...
Exemplo de exceçà o simples
Java para Iniciantes (Oracle)    O exemplo mostra como monitorar e capturar uma exceçà o. Tentar acessar um à ndice fora dos limites de um array gera uma ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException. O programa intencionalmente causa essa exceçà o e a captura. O c digo a ser monitorado por exceç es é colocado dentro de um bloco try. Quando...
Fundamentos do tratamento de exceções
Java para Iniciantes (Oracle)    O tratamento de exceç es em Java é gerenciado por cinco palavras chave: try, catch, throw, throws e finally. Essas palavras chave formam um subsistema interligado. As instruç es a serem monitoradas ficam dentro de um bloco try. Se uma exceçà o ocorrer no bloco try, ela ser lançada. O c digo pode...
Tratamento de exceções
Java para Iniciantes (Oracle)    Exceç es sà o erros que ocorrem em tempo de execuçà o. O subsistema de tratamento de exceç es em Java permite tratar erros de forma estruturada e controlada. Java oferece suporte f cil de usar e flexà vel para tratamento de exceç es. A principal vantagem é a automatizaçà o do c digo de tratamento...
Data Structures and Algorithm Practice..
Devinci    I’m looking to refine my data structure and algorithm skills. Does anybody have any good online resources or apps you would suggest
React 19 and SOLID Principles: Performance, Flexibility, and Advanced Design Strategies in Modern React Applications s
abdulnasır olcan    We can write more modern and sustainable React code by combining the innovations and features introduced in React with the SOLID principles. Now, let’s explain some of the key features brought by React and how a better structure can be created by integrating them with the SOLID principles,...