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Planet Lisp
18  janvier     05h38
Joe Marshall: Valid Use Case for Copilot
   Our compay proides us with GitHub copilot, which is yet another example of an AI engine. I’ve reviewed it before and I wasn’t particulary impressed. It writes mediocre code. However, I found a use case where it really shines. I was setting up the blank project repositories for our...
17  janvier     20h36
Joe Marshall: Iteration
   Iteration is simply that special case of recursion that doesn’t accumulate storage in the long term. It’s a notable special case because computer storage is finite, and you want to be able to write agorithms that are bound by constant space. There are two common strategies that computer...
15  janvier     09h39
vindarel: New resource specialized on web development in Common Lisp
   I just released a new documentation website specialized on web development in Common Lisp: ; https: web apps in I’d be embarrassed to tell how long it took me to grasp all the building blocks and to assemble a resource that makes sense. I hope it serves you well, now...
14  janvier     23h04
Joe Marshall: λ Calculus
   A lambda calculus is a set of rules and strategies for manipulating logical expressions. As Church defined them, these logical expressions are linear lists of symbols. A symbol is effectively a variable. Two expressions in sequence indicate a function application. The special symbol...
06  janvier     23h18
Joe Marshall: Substitution vs. State Transition
   With a traditional curly brace language, you have a model of a machine. A program specifies a sequence of state transitions that the machine should go through. When all the state transitions have taken place, the machine is in a final state, and the program is done. As a programmer, you...
Zach Beane: OCR from Common Lisp
   Neat use of CL for OCR by Nick Faro. It leverages FFI and run program nicely to get the job done.I think run program or equivalent is amazingly handy at getting quick CL access to outside functionality.I ran a busy website that used imagemagick a lot, but I never bothered to use FFI. I called ...
05  janvier     17h38
Joe Marshall: GitHub glitch bites hard (and update)
   Update: Possible rogue process GitHub reports that the call that removed the users was not the Copilot API but rather a call to the org membership API made by one of our bots. We have a cron job that runs daily and keeps GitHub in sync with our internal databases. When GitHub and our...
Joe Marshall: fold-... and monoids
   Suppose you satisfy these axioms: you have a binary function middot; and a set that middot; is closed over i.e. for all x, y in the set, x middot;y is in the set middot; is associative, a middot; b middot; c a middot; b middot; c There is an an identity element I: a middot; I ...
04  janvier     17h36
Zach Beane: Toilet Lisp
   This seems like an interesting old incomplete project Toilet Lisp with some old source code too.
Joe Marshall: A Newbie Is Exposed to Common Lisp
   At ChangeSafe our product was written in Common Lisp. But for black box testing, we didn’t need the test code to be written in Common Lisp. In fact, we wanted the test code to be written in an unrelated language so that we could be sure that the product’s API was language neutral. ...