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Planet Haskell
25  janvier     04h34
Ken T Takusagawa: [kufstdwm] alpha-beta with transposition table as a library function
   transposition table is the other elegant improvement to minimax after alpha beta : elegant in principle, hairy to implement in practice. consider a generic implementation of alpha beta game tree search with transposition table, generic enough to be applicable to any user specified game. what...
24  janvier     17h15
Chris Reade: PenroseKiteDart Animations
   About PenroseKiteDart Below we present some animations that illustrate operations on finite patches of Penrose’s Kite and Dart tiles. These were created using PenroseKiteDart which is a Haskell package available on Hackage making use of the Haskell Diagrams package. For details, see the...
Sandy Maguire: Use Monoids for Construction
   There’s a common anti pattern I see in beginner to intermediate Haskell programmers that I wanted to discuss today. It’s the tendency to conceptualize the creation of an object by repeated mutation. Often this takes the form of repeated insertion into an empty container, but comes up under many...
23  janvier     00h00
Tweag I O: Contract Testing: Shifting Left with Confidence for Enhanced Integration
   In software development, especially with microservices, ensuring seamless integration between components is crucial for delivering high quality applications. One approach I really like, to tame this complexity, is contract testing. Contract testing is a powerful technique that focuses on verifying...
Brent Yorgey: You could have invented Fenwick trees
   You could have invented Fenwick trees Posted on January , Tagged Haskell, segment, Fenwick, tree, JFP, journal, paper My paper, You could have invented Fenwick trees, has just been published as a Functional Pearl in the Journal of Functional Programming. This blog post...