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Bits from Debian
03  janvier     23h00
Bits from the DPL
   Dear Debian community, this is bits from DPL for December. Happy New Year Wishing everyone health, productivity, and a successful Debian release later in this year. Strict ownership of packages I’m glad my last bits sparked discussions about barriers between packages and contributors,...
04  décembre     12h30
Ceratopsian will be the default theme for Debian 13
   The theme Ceratopsian by Elise Couper has been selected as the default theme for Debian trixie . The theme is inspired by Trixie’s the fictional character from Toy Story frill and is also influenced by a previously used theme called futurePrototype by Alex Makas. After the Debian...
02  décembre     23h00
Bits from the DPL
   This is bits from DPL for November. MiniDebConf Toulouse I had the pleasure of attending the MiniDebConf in Toulouse, which featured a range of engaging talks, complementing those from the recent MiniDebConf in Cambridge. Both events were preceded by a DebCamp, which provided a valuable opportunity...
29  novembre     09h00
Debian welcomes its new Outreachy interns
   Debian continues participating in Outreachy, and we’re excited to announce that Debian has selected two interns for the Outreachy December March round. Patrick Noblet Appiah will work on Automatic Indi rd party driver update, mentored by Thorsten Alteholz. Divine Attah Ohiemi will work...
28  novembre     17h00
New Debian Developers and Maintainers (September and October 2024)
   The following contributors got their Debian Developer accounts in the last two months: Joachim Bauch fancycode Alexander Kjäll capitol Jan Moj à janmojzis Xiao Sheng Wen atzlinux The following contributors were added as Debian Maintainers in the last two months: Alberto Bertogli...
27  novembre     13h01
OpenStreetMap migrates to Debian 12
   You may have seen this toot announcing OpenStreetMap’s migration to Debian on their infrastructure. s After years on Ubuntu, we’ve upgraded the openstreetmap servers to Debian Bookworm . is now faster using Ruby . . Onward to new mapping adventures Thank you to...
06  novembre     23h00
Bits from the DPL
   Dear Debian community, this is Bits from DPL for October. In addition to a summary of my recent activities, I aim to include newsworthy developments within Debian that might be of interest to the broader community. I believe this provides valuable insights and foster a sense of connection across...
20  octobre     22h01
Ada Lovelace Day 2024 - Interview with some Women in Debian
   Ada Lovelace Day was celebrated on October in , and on this occasion, to celebrate and raise awareness of the contributions of women to the STEM fields we interviewed some of the women in Debian. Here we share their thoughts, comments, and concerns with the hope of inspiring more women to...
06  octobre     22h00
Bits from the DPL
   Dear Debian community, this are my bits from DPL for September. New lintian maintainer I’m pleased to welcome Louis Philippe Véronneau as a new Lintian maintainer. He humorously acknowledged his new role, stating, Apparently I’m a Lintian maintainer now . I remain confident that we can, and...
04  octobre     01h17
Debian welcomes Freexian as our newest partner
   We are excited to announce and welcome Freexian into Debian Partners. Freexian specializes in Free Software with a particular focus on Debian GNU Linux. Freexian can assist with consulting, training, technical support, packaging, or software development on projects involving use or development of...
30  septembre     14h30
New Debian Developers and Maintainers (July and August 2024)
   The following contributors got their Debian Developer accounts in the last two months: Carlos Henrique Lima Melara charles Joenio Marques da Costa joenio Blair Noctis ncts The following contributors were added as Debian Maintainers in the last two months: Taihsiang Ho Congratulations
01  septembre     22h00
Bits from the DPL
   Dear Debian community, this are my bits from DPL for August. Happy Birthday Debian On th of August Debian celebrated its th birthday. Since I’m unable to write a better text than our great publicity team I’m simply linking to their article for those who might have missed it: https: bits...
16  août     10h00
Debian Celebrates 31 years
   As the expression goes, Time flies when you are having fun , meaning you do not normally account for the passage of time when you are distracted and enjoying yourself. The expression is a well established English idiom, though today for a moment the Debian Project pauses to reflect on that...
10  août     14h00
DebConf24 closes in Busan and DebConf25 dates announced
   On Saturday August , the annual Debian Developers and Contributors Conference came to a close. Over attendees representing countries from around the world came together for a combined events made up of more than Talks and Discussions, Birds of a Feather BoF informal...
02  août     17h00
Bits from the DPL
   Dear Debian community, this are my bits from DPL written at my last day at another great DebConf. DebConf attendance At the beginning of July, there was some discussion with the bursary and content team about sponsoring attendees. The discussion continued at DebConf. I do not have much experience...
27  juillet     21h50
DebConf24 starts today in Busan on Sunday, July 28, 2024
   DebConf, the th annual Debian Developer Conference, is taking place in Busan, Republic of Korea from July th to August th, . Debian contributors from all over the world have come together at Pukyong National University, Busan, to participate and work in a conference exclusively ran by...
DebConf24 welcomes its sponsors
   DebConf, the th edition of the Debian conference is taking place in Pukyong National University at Busan, Republic of Korea. Thanks to the hard work of its organizers, it again will be an interesting and fruitful event for attendees. We would like to warmly welcome the sponsors of DebConf,...
19  juillet     14h00
New Debian Developers and Maintainers (May and June 2024)
   The following contributors got their Debian Developer accounts in the last two months: Dennis van Dok dvandok Peter Wienemann wiene Quentin Lejard valde Sven Geuer sge Taavi Väänänen taavi Hilmar Preusse hille Matthias Geiger werdahias Yogeswaran Umasankar yogu The following...
16  juillet     15h08
Wind River Platinum Sponsor of DebConf24
   We are pleased to announce that Wind River has committed to sponsor DebConf as a Platinum Sponsor. For nearly years, Wind River has led in commercial open source Linux solutions for mission critical enterprise edge computing. With expertise across aerospace, automotive, industrial, telecom,...
02  juillet     17h00
Bits from the DPL
   Dear Debian community, Statement on Daniel Pocock The Debian project has successfully taken action to secure its trademarks and interests worldwide, as detailed in our press statement. I would like to personally thank everyone in the community who was involved in this process. I would have loved...
21  juin     10h00
Looking for the artwork for Trixie the next Debian release
   Each release of Debian has a shiny new theme, which is visible on the boot screen, the login screen and, most prominently, on the desktop wallpaper. Debian plans to release Trixie, the next release, next year. As ever, we need your help in creating its theme You have the opportunity to design a...
31  mai     16h00
New Debian Developers and Maintainers (March and April 2024)
   The following contributors got their Debian Developer accounts in the last two months: Patrick Winnertz winnie Fabian Gruenbichler fabiang The following contributors were added as Debian Maintainers in the last two months: Juri Grabowski Tobias Heider Jean Charles Delépine Guilherme Puida...
02  mai     01h00
Bits from the DPL
   Hi, Keeping my promise for monthly bits, here’s a quick snapshot of my first ten days as DPL. Special thanks to Jonathan for an insightful introduction that left less room for questions. His introduction covered my first tasks like expense approval and CTTE member appointments thoroughly. Although...
01  mai     21h56
Debian welcomes the 2024 GSOC contributors students
   We are very excited to announce that Debian has selected seven contributors to work under mentorship on a variety of projects with us during the Google Summer of Code. Here are the list of the projects, students, and details of the tasks to be performed. Project: Android SDK Tools in Debian ...
Infomaniak Platinum Sponsor of DebConf24
   We are pleased to announce that Infomaniak has committed to sponsor DebConf as a Platinum Sponsor. Infomaniak is an independent cloud service provider recognised throughout Europe for its commitment to privacy, the local economy and the environment. Recording growth of in , the company is...
22  avril     12h00
Debian Project Leader Election 2024, Andreas Tille elected.
   The voting period for the Debian Project Leader election has ended. Please join us in congratulating Andreas Tille as the new Debian Project Leader. The new term for the project leader started on . of, Debian Developers voted using the Condorcet method. More information about the...
05  avril     18h36
apt install dpl-candidate: Andreas Tille
   The Debian Project Developers will shortly vote for a new Debian Project Leader known as the DPL. The Project Leader is the official representative of The Debian Project tasked with managing the overall project, its vision, direction, and finances. The DPL is also responsible for the selection of...
apt install dpl-candidate: Sruthi Chandran
   The Debian Project Developers will shortly vote for a new Debian Project Leader known as the DPL. The DPL is the official representative of representative of The Debian Project tasked with managing the overall project, its vision, direction, and finances. The DPL is also responsible for the...
03  avril     23h17
Proxmox Platinum Sponsor of DebConf24
   We are pleased to announce that Proxmox has committed to sponsor DebConf as a Platinum Sponsor. Proxmox provides powerful and user friendly open source server software. Enterprises of all sizes and industries use Proxmox solutions to deploy efficient and simplified IT infrastructures, minimize...
02  avril     17h00
Bits from the DPL
   Dear Debianites This morning I decided to just start writing Bits from DPL and send whatever I have by : local time. Here it is, barely proof read, along with all it’s warts and grammar mistakes It’s slightly long and doesn’t contain any critical information, so if you’re not in the mood, don...
23  mars     15h00
New Debian Developers and Maintainers (January and February 2024)
   The following contributors got their Debian Developer accounts in the last two months: Carles Pina i Estany cpina Dave Hibberd hibby Soren Stoutner soren Daniel Gröber dxld Jeremy Sowden azazel Ricardo Ribalda Delgado ribalda The following contributors were added as Debian Maintainers...
08  février     05h00
DebConf24 Logo Contest Results
   Earlier this month the DebConf team announced the DebConf Logo Contest asking aspiring artists, designers, and contributors to submit an image that would represent the host city of Busan, the host nation of South Korea, and promote the next Debian Developer Conference. The logo contest for...
31  janvier     15h00
New Debian Developers and Maintainers (November and December 2023)
   The following contributors got their Debian Developer accounts in the last two months: Alexandre Detiste tchet Amin Bandali bandali Jean Pierre Giraud jipege Timthy Pearson tpearson The following contributor was added as Debian Maintainer in the last two months: Safir Secerovic ...
27  décembre     16h30
Statement about the EU Cyber Resilience Act
   Debian Public Statement about the EU Cyber Resilience Act and the Product Liability Directive The European Union is currently preparing a regulation on horizontal cybersecurity requirements for products with digital elements known as the Cyber Resilience Act CRA . It is currently in the final ...
30  novembre     15h00
New Debian Developers and Maintainers (September and October 2023)
   The following contributors got their Debian Developer accounts in the last two months: François Mazen mzf Andrew Ruthven puck Christopher Obbard obbardc Salvo Tomaselli ltworf The following contributors were added as Debian Maintainers in the last two months: Bo YU Athos Coimbra Ribeiro...
23  novembre     07h00 rsync address change
   The proposed and previously announced changes to the rsync service have become effective with the rsync: address now being discontinued. The worldwide Debian mirrors network has served via both HTTP and rsync. As part of improving the reliability of the...
18  novembre     10h00
Debian Events: MiniDebConfCambridge-2023
   Next week the MiniDebConfCambridge takes place in Cambridge, UK. This event will run from Thursday to Sunday November . The days of the MiniDebConf include a Mini DebCamp and of course the main Conference talks, BoFs, meets, and Sprints. We give thanks to our partners and sponsors for...
31  octobre     12h30
Call for bids for DebConf24
   Due to the current state of affairs in Israel, who were to host DebConf, the DebConf committee has decided to renew calls for bids to host DebConf at another venue and location. The DebConf committee would like to express our sincere appreciation for the DebConf Israeli team, and the work they...
27  septembre     14h00
New Debian Developers and Maintainers (July and August 2023)
   The following contributors got their Debian Developer accounts in the last two months: Marius Gripsgard mariogrip Mohammed Bilal rmb Lukas Märdian slyon Robin Gustafsson rgson David da Silva Polverari polverari Emmanuel Arias eamanu The following contributors were added as Debian...
18  septembre     14h30
DebConf23 closes in Kochi and DebConf24 announced
   On Sunday September , the annual Debian Developers and Contributors Conference came to a close. Over attendees representing countries from around the world came together for a combined events made up of Talks, Discussons, Birds of a Feather BoF gatherings, workshops, and...
10  septembre     09h00
DebConf23 starts today in Kochi On Sun 10 September 2023
   DebConf, the th annual Debian Developer Conference, is taking place in Kochi, India from September th to th, . Debian contributors from all over the world have come together at Infopark, Kochi to participate and work in a conference exclusively run by volunteers. Today the main...
DebConf23 welcomes its sponsors
   DebConf, the th edition of the Debian conference is taking place in Infopark at Kochi, Kerala, India. Thanks to the hard work of its organizers, it will be, this year as well, an interesting and fruitful event for attendees. We would like to warmly welcome the sponsors of DebConf, and...
09  septembre     09h00
DebianDay Celebrations and comments
   Debian Celebrates years We celebrated our birthday this year and we had a great time with new friends, new members welcomed to the community, and the world. We have collected a few comments, videos, and discussions from around the Internet, and some images from some of the DebianDay events....
05  septembre     17h00
Siemens welcomed as a Platinum Sponsor of DebConf23
   We are pleased to announce that Siemens has committed to sponsor DebConf as Platinum Sponsor. Siemens is a technology company focused on industry, infrastructure and transport. From resource efficient factories, resilient supply chains, smarter buildings and grids, to cleaner and more...
16  août     09h00
Debian Celebrates 30 years
   Over years ago the late Ian Murdock wrote to the comp.os.linux.development newsgroup about the completion of a brand new Linux release which he named The Debian Linux Release . He built the release by hand, from scratch, so to speak. Ian laid out guidelines for how this new release would work,...
05  août     10h30
Debian Project Bits Volume 1, Issue 1
   Debian Project Bits Volume, Issue August , Welcome to the inaugural issue of Debian Project Bits Those remembering the Debian Weekly News DwN will recognize some of the sections here which served as our inspiration. Debian Project Bits posts will allow for a faster turnaround of some...
12  juin     16h17
Registration and the Call for Proposals for DebConf23 are now open
   For DebConf, we’re pleased to announce opening of registration and call for proposal. Following is the info text Registration and the Call for Proposals for DebConf are now open. The th edition of the Debian annual conference will be held from September th to September th, , in...
10  juin     21h30
Debian 12 bookworm has been released
   We’re happy to announce the release of Debian , codenamed bookworm Want to install it Choose your favourite installation media and read the installation manual. You can also use an official cloud image directly on your cloud provider, or try Debian prior to installing it using our live images...
25  mai     10h00
New Debian Developers and Maintainers (March and April 2023)
   The following contributors got their Debian Developer accounts in the last two months: James Lu jlu Hugh McMaster hmc Agathe Porte gagath The following contributors were added as Debian Maintainers in the last two months: Soren Stoutner Matthijs Kooijman Vinay Keshava Jarrah Gosbell Carlos...
23  mai     09h17
proxmox Platinum Sponsor of DebConf23
   We are pleased to announce that Proxmox has committed to sponsor DebConf as a Platinum Sponsor. Proxmox develops powerful, yet easy to use open source server software. The product portfolio from Proxmox, including server virtualization, backup, and email security, helps companies of any size,...