atlas news
Bava tuesdays : Atari
21  janvier     12h04
RetroNAS: Networking for Retrogamers
Reverend    Taylor Jadin blogged about experimenting with RetroNAS as a tool to help organize the various devices he uses to play games on his various retrocomputing devices. He describes the tool in the following way: It does a few different things, Continue reading ’
04  janvier     16h01
More Retrogaming Fun with Batocera
Reverend    My colleague Noah Dorsett turned me on to Batocera a few weeks back, and over the holiday break I took some time to install it and mess around and I’m glad I did Batocera is an open source and completely free retro gaming Continue reading ’
20  décembre     05h32
A Christmas Story about the Atari 2600
Reverend    MBS and I continue to make the doughnuts on the Family Pictures Podcast, episode discussing the classic A Christmas Story is in the can. I’m really proud we’ve been able to keep the momentum up these last couple Continue reading ’
18  décembre     16h36
Retropie Overscan Settings for 273 CRT
Reverend    I currently have two Retropie setups: one on a Raspberry Pi b and the other on a Raspberry Pi b. I did this to work through some issues I was having getting the OS updated from the Raspbian Stretch to Continue reading ’
17  décembre     20h00
Atari 2600 on the 3DS
Reverend    Atari emultaion running on a DS About or years ago I figured out how to bypass region lock on the Nintendo DS so my kids could play the games we bought in Italy. With the release of the Continue reading ’
23  août     17h49
RetroPie Fun on Reclaim TV
Reverend    After a month of on again, off again attempts to get my RetroPie upgraded to the latest version which included not only changing the Raspbian OS from Raspbian Stretch to Buster, but also migrating hardware from Raspberry Pi B to B I’m now running Continue reading ’
10  juin     08h36
Swapping Matsushita Chassis on Millipede (and a few more bavacade updates)
Reverend    The big win for the bavacade this week was swapping out the existing Matsushita chassis in Millipede with a like new replacement I got from Mike of East Coast Arcade Repair while in Virginia recently. It was kind of a Continue reading ’
29  mars     12h50
bavacade work log 3-28-2023
Reverend    I’ve been pretty busy knocking out my to do list for the bavacade. I created a long one after returning from the US, and I’ve gotten through most of it, so might be a good time to create a log with Continue reading ’
21  mars     13h40
Dig Dug on Wheels
Reverend    Like the Venture post before it, most of this was originally published as part of the bavacade repair log from February, . But in service of searchability and documenting these cabinet overhauls more individually, I’m breaking this out into Continue reading ’
10  février     03h22
bavacade work log 2-9-2023
Reverend    It’s been busy in the bavacade the last several weeks as I prepared for a trip back to the US of A. I’ve been racing against the clock to figure out what I need to bring back for the various Continue reading ’
15  mars     09h42
Robotron, Bagman, and Condor Join the bavacade
Reverend    The bavaweekly was delayed a bit last week because I was busy adding a few more games to the home arcade, the post title says it all I’ve been pretty restrained the last few months, but that couldn’t last. I’ve Continue reading ’
31  décembre     12h19
bavaweekly 12-29-2021 -the Show Notes
Reverend    I took yesterday off for a nice walk in the mountains with visiting friends, which was a real treat. offered a few glimpses of life after the pandemic with various visitors from across the Atlantic which made life happier Continue reading ’