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Into the Vertical Blank
18  décembre     15h19
The Best # Christmas Ever: An Atari 8-bit Journey Into The Vertical Blank
itvbadmin    The final, definitive version of the story we’ve been trying to tell for the past years. Christmas , the Atari bit computer Christmas was, for many reasons, the best Christmas ever. This new version gives a rounder picture, explains The Vertical Blank, obsesses over Star Wars, and...
13  décembre     16h39
Get to Know: Atari ST One on One Beat em Ups in 10 games
itvbadmin    Today we begin a new series for the Atari ST and possibly other Platforms. This series will choose games in a specific genre from the machine’s library and examine it’s evolution over the life of the platform Today we will look at one on one fighters, a genre commonly called Beat’ em ups. Not
26  novembre     04h51
127: The Essential: Atari ST Michtron’s Time Bandit from 1986.
itvbadmin    On the Into The Vertical Blank’s The Essential Atari ST, we investigate, discuss and evaluate Atari ST Computers games and try to uncover titles worthy of play by all who are interested in the platform. We are also looking for gems in ’s computer libraries that bridge or fill the gap between...
13  novembre     18h36
ugBasic Game Programming #2. Exploring Atari 8bit Color Graphics
itvbadmin    ugBasic Home Page ugBasic IDE ugBasic Sandbox
29  octobre     15h31
10 Good Horizontal Flying SHMUP Blasters for the Atari ST
itvbadmin    Ahh, horizontal shoot em ups Not a genre usually associated with Atari systems and especially the ST where scrolling the screen horizontally seemed to be a technically defeating challenge for many multi system game porting teams. Contrary to what some might believe there are some decent shooters...
25  octobre     07h02
ugBasic Game Programming #1. Atari 8bit hello world and png display
itvbadmin    ugBasic Home Page ugBasic IDE ugBasic Sandbox Code Hello World PRINT hello world Code Png Display BITMAP ENABLE airplane : LOAD IMAGE ship x .png PUT IMAGE airplane AT,
14  octobre     05h03
125: 10 Good Euro Action Platformers for the Atari ST
itvbadmin    Join us as we take a look at good actionplatformer games for the atarist we also briefly discuss them for the amiga and otjer s computers such as the c and pc I have chosen the Atari ST as my platform because it was what I had from until and also because
01  octobre     05h18
124: 10 Mid-80’s Euro Action Platformers on the Atari ST (and other 80’s computers) Audio Version
itvbadmin    Audio cut version of the video atari atarst actionplatformer amiga msx c speccy amstradcpc dos The Euro Platformer. Today the term is used with much derision, mostly by console game fans but even by some many ’s computer games, and well now, now even by me, and we all probably should...
27  septembre     14h44
10 Good Euro Action Platformers for the Atari ST Including Sun Su Si and Switchblade 2
itvbadmin    Last time I took a look at early Action Platformers for the ST and other s computers that were mostly of poor to acceptable quality. This time I have found that I find fun to technically good excellent specimens that show off the ST’s capabilities in the right hands. I have chosen the
26  septembre     18h39
Atari 50th Anniversary Celebration Review with New 2024 DLC
itvbadmin    original review posted Nov , I own pretty much every Atari collection ever produced for nearly every platform it was produced for, going all the way back to the Atari Action Packs released by Activision before the internet was even a thing. However, almost every single collection has...