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ANTIC The Atari Podcast
04  janvier     17h29
ANTIC Episode 113 - Feeling Fancy
   ANTIC Episode Feeling Fancy In this episode of ANTIC The Atari Bit Computer Podcast... The clear case Kickstarter doesn’t make it, lots of FujiNet news, and we end the year with a bang by bringing you all the rest of the Atari news; all while Kay is feeling fancy... READY Recurring...
30  décembre     16h00
ANTIC Interview 451 - Daniel Serpell, FastBasic
   Daniel Serpell dmsc , Creator of FastBasic Daniel Serpell dmsc is the creator of FastBasic, a modern implementation of the BASIC programming language for the Atari bit computers. He released the first version to the public in . Today, the GPL licensed language is up to version . , and...
25  décembre     16h00
ANTIC Interview 450 - Robert Leyland: AtariArtist, KoalaPainter, MicroIllustrator
   Robert Leyland: AtariArtist, KoalaPainter, MicroIllustrator Robert Leyland programmed AtariArtist, KoalaPainter, and MicroIllustrator along with Steve Dompier the graphics applications that worked with KoalaPad, Atari Touch Tablet, and Chalk Board PowerPad drawing tablets. Prior to that, he...
20  décembre     22h39
ANTIC Interview 449 - Tim Boehlert, Atari’s WCI Labs Division
   Tim Boehlert, Atari’s WCI Labs Division Tim Boehlert began at Atari in . He worked at WCI Labs, the New York Atari subsidiary, where he worked on the broadboard of the XL, robotics projects, and mass storage devices. This interview took place on June, . Video version of this...