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C64 Brain
18  mai     05h40
Beginners gaming in Machine Language-3
c64brain    Beginners Gaming Guide in Machine Language The STORE and Transfer Instructions Note: This book represents a smaller condensed version of the book The Machine Language Book of the Commodore . I found this much more effective to revise rather than starting from scratch as machine language is a...
26  janvier     03h06
Commodore 64 Basic
c64brain    Commodore Basic Contributors Panel This page is devoted to all the Commodore fans that love Basic programming. In here you will find a lot of cool Commodore Basic programs, games, etc. The point of this page is to share what other contributors have created on their systems and would like ...
13  janvier     06h38
Commodore 64 Games
c64brain    Barbarian Publisher: Palace Software, Players: One or Two A single screen level in a line of Commodore games where you confront enemies as you move right or left. You use a sword while battling the characters. Enemies can be knocked down, as well as the player. In many scenes the player ...
05  janvier     16h43
Commodore 64 Graphics
c64brain    I’ve often wondered myself what is the secret to creating really nice looking Commodore graphics So many games out there already are far surpassing these standards. To accomplish this, first of all I believe its important to understand what Commodore graphics actually are. A closer...
04  janvier     18h28
Commodore 64 magazine
c64brain    Commodore Magazine Back in the early ’s Commodore was just coming into the mainstream and many Commodore magazine racks were quickly filling up with the latest news about the industry. Commodore was one of the best selling computers of its generation. This page includes a list where...
03  janvier     01h37
Commodore 64 Magazines
c64brain    View as a PDF In you come from the ’s generation there is no doubt you’ve heard about Compute magazine. These Commodore magazines include a lot of great program examples lots of games , news, products, reviews, and so much more. I spent many hours looking these over when they had them in...
26  décembre     08h12
YouTube Commodore 64 Game Project
c64brain    For now this section includes all of the Commodore Game Projects that exist on my C Brain YouTube channel. The next step is to break these down step by step into more in depth tutorials. For now though, I felt inspired to share this with the website community for those who are unaware ... ...
17  décembre     04h22
Commodore 64 assembly color
c64brain    Commodore Assembly Color In this article you will learn how to create an example of Commodore assembly color programs. This tutorial guide will be aimed at the absolute beginner wanting to learn simple assembly language machine language technqiues. It gets a lot more complicated to that...
08  décembre     19h22
CharPad tutorial for C64
c64brain    Learn how to use CharPad to load a map onto your Commodore screen. This example includes the ability to move the joystick in a scrolling x map with code attached . This is a great benefit for first time users wanting to get started in game design maps Robocop game example is seen here . The...
11  mai     20h08
Commodore 64 Programmermind Website
c64brain    Commodore Programmermind Website My original website has been updated. I have moved over a lot of the content from the previous installation. Technically the Commodore Programmermind website has been converted from HTML to Wordpress. This allows for much easier editing and...